Well, I decided to get CPU-Z to see some info on my computer settings.
Heres what I got:
Now, it says my CPU has the FSB at 166mhz ?, and my pc3200 at 166mhz also , I hope i'm reading this wrong :/
Anyways, just need someone to tell me if i'm running my CPU at the max FSB (333mhz) and my mem as high as it can go for my current cpu.
Cheeries! :cheers:
Heres what I got:
Now, it says my CPU has the FSB at 166mhz ?, and my pc3200 at 166mhz also , I hope i'm reading this wrong :/
Anyways, just need someone to tell me if i'm running my CPU at the max FSB (333mhz) and my mem as high as it can go for my current cpu.
Cheeries! :cheers: