FTP needed

if you want a domain name, buy one like gh0st said.

if you want website hosting, with an ftp accnt, you'll have to buy hosting, or set up your own server.
CookieCuttah said:
Obviously, I need a good domain name...I want to BUY it.

goood luck with finding a single ftp accnt, moron :)
Wow, I can only edit my messages for 15 minutes after I post them... hmm... oh welll... there ya have it.. more or less what I meant.. just not perfect... ;)
What is FTP exactly? Cause on some sites they ask you do you wanna download from http or ftp, but what does it mean.
http is hyper text transfer protocol (hyper text) basically websites

ftp is file transfer protocol, is how u can upload and downlaod stuff from sites ( eg when you create a site and then upload it if your making a proper site rather than a geocites one normally you use a ftp to do this,

Probably this dont make sense if u have a domain namd and hosting try and go on your site via ftp ( use your password n login when it comes up ) and you can copy stuff of from there

eg http://www.team-bath.
try ftp://www.team-bath