Fun Console Commands!

Vito Dintino

Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Just wondering if you guys have found any fun console commands, like changeing gravity specs or weapon damage properties? if ya want include pictures :E thanks guys :thumbs:
I played around with it last night. Threw some stuff at myself at super sonic speed and floated around in zero G. Pretty fun. Also made the normal gravity gun be able to lift up cars and stuff.
auron said:
I played around with it last night. Threw some stuff at myself at super sonic speed and floated around in zero G. Pretty fun. Also made the normal gravity gun be able to lift up cars and stuff.


im looking for a way to get

1. Super gravity gun

2. Crossbow with ultra force (lots of speed, pins to wall from any distance, infanite ammo)
lol guys, the whole point of the thread is to post the COMMANDS you used to do these cool things, *cough cough* auron *cough ough* thanks :)
Type "find phys" without the quotes into the console. Or maybe it was find phy. I cant remember.