Fun for the whole Family!


Dec 6, 2004
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A young German couple are trying to turn around incest laws:

At their home in Leipzig, Patrick Stuebing and Susan Karolewski are in the kitchen, playing with a young toddler.

They share a small flat in an east German tower block on the outskirts of the city. It looks like an ordinary family scene, but Patrick is Susan's brother and they are lovers.

"Many people see it as a crime, but we've done nothing wrong," said Patrick, an unemployed locksmith.

"We are like normal lovers. We want to have a family. Our whole family broke apart when we were younger, and after that happened, Susan and I were brought closer together," he said.

Nice. Don;t know what to think, shame about the kids though.
"Fun for the whole Family ... young German couple are trying to turn around incest laws ... in the kitchen, playing with a young toddler."

Hooooly shit, scared me for a second there, haha :D

Hmm... interesting case. In one way, they're not harming anyone but themselves, but in another they're potentially putting their kids at risk. This is a good point though -

"Why are disabled parents allowed to have children, or people with hereditary diseases or women over 40? No-one says that is a crime."

These sort of things are hard. It's like the argument for marijuana (not meaning to bring it up, just the best comparison I can think of :)), where one side will say it's no worse, if not less dangerous than say cigarette smoking or boozing or what have you. But even if that is true, there's an inherent danger in legalising it, because you're saying it's now acceptable. So while it may not be any MORE harmful than the already legal things, you're still opening up a new avenue for people to exploit, and you get the effects of that happening without any consequence. So if anything, you're worsening the problem by not regulating it... right?

Idunno. I think they should be able to be a couple and have sex, but there should be some sort of control or restriction on having children. And yes I realise it's hard to guarantee one without the other, only speaking ideally :P
"Fun for the whole Family ... young German couple are trying to turn around incest laws ... in the kitchen, playing with a young toddler."

Hooooly shit, scared me for a second there, haha :D
Oops D:

Hmm... interesting case. In one way, they're not harming anyone but themselves, but in another they're potentially putting their kids at risk. This is a good point though -

"Why are disabled parents allowed to have children, or people with hereditary diseases or women over 40? No-one says that is a crime."

Idunno. I think they should be able to be a couple and have sex, but there should be some sort of control or restriction on having children. And yes I realise it's hard to guarantee one without the other, only speaking ideally :P
Rather than a second prison sentence, the guy may be court ordered for a vasectomy, hopefully not involving the use of two bricks. :p

I dunno either, it's all pretty f*cked up to be honest. Imagine the kid got in trouble:

"You! I'm telling your father.... uncle... whatever."
Let's just remove his ability to have kids and let them free into the forests.
Let's just remove his ability to have kids and let them free into the forests.

Honestly, I don't see a problem with it, like gays, love who you want, who cares how sick others find it....though taking away the ability to breed would be good...unless I'm horribly incorrect in thinking defects occure due to the same genes or something...
whatever floats their boat.

this kind of upset me abit though :|
"People have said that our children are disabled, but that is wrong. They are not disabled," said Patrick.

"Eric, our eldest child, has epilepsy, but he was born two months premature, he also has learning difficulties. Our other daughter, Sarah, has special needs," Patrick said.
"The gene pool needs more spice. Wheres my spice? What? We're out of ingredients? Ah crap... ok we're going to have to get creative here..."
"The gene pool needs more spice. Wheres my spice? What? We're out of ingredients? Ah crap... ok we're going to have to get creative here..."

In other news, I kind of sympathize with the parents here.

Or maybe I mean empathize.

Which one is the one that doesn't make people think I'm incestuous?
Which one is the one that doesn't make people think I'm incestuous?

I don't mind people being incestuous (so long as it's not pedo rape D: ), but their children are almost always retarded or are mentally challenged.
The 50% chance alone makes me want to not legalize it, and the fact that 2 of their kids already have 'special needs'
I say, legalize incest, but with the condition that you do not bring retarded children into the world.
I say, legalize incest, but with the condition that you do not bring retarded children into the world.
But that's still going to happen. So I say keep it illegal. Unless one of the partners goes through an operation to make sure no child can be born at all.
Honestly, I don't see a problem with it, like gays, love who you want, who cares how sick others find it....though taking away the ability to breed would be good...unless I'm horribly incorrect in thinking defects occure due to the same genes or something...

Guys you do realize the chances of any defects occurring are so low it's irrelevant. In the days of yore it was bad because your children would have a weaker nervous system (having not been bred via a mix of genes rather than ones that a are similar). These days we have booster shots for nigh most common diseases and other misc conditions.

I'd be more worried about the single women achieving pregnancy via IVF and other child hungry peoples who won't manage to bring up a sane child than two people that seem to actually give a damn about parenting.

Coming from a broken family myself, as long as they raise a decent child I don't see a problem.
Beastiality is legal in Sweden. I just found out. :naughty:
Yeah anyone can bring up a moronic child though...
Err, everyone saying he should undergo a vasectomy or be sterilised. I believe the article says he already (voluntarily) has done, after having 4 kids.

This isn't really a debate I'd like to touch with a 10 foot barge pole.

But this is really pushing the boundaries of civil rights, but they do raise an interesting point with the comparison to disabled people.

I guess you could say that both the disabled person and an incestuous person have the right to have children, just the incestuous person doesn't have the right to have incestuous children.
If they've been accepted into the community as it says then surely the children, disabled or not, wouldn't suffer as much as we think. It's not right for them to be away from such loving parents in my opinion.
Yeah anyone can bring up a moronic child though...
Yes but this is from genetics, it doesn't matter how great parents they can be, the children will always be mentally challenged.
I don't support incest, but their case is a bit unusual. I'm not saying that I would do what their doing, and I certainly wouldn't have children if I was in that position; But who's to say they can't raise a child together?
Guys you do realize the chances of any defects occurring are so low it's irrelevant. In the days of yore it was bad because your children would have a weaker nervous system (having not been bred via a mix of genes rather than ones that a are similar). These days we have booster shots for nigh most common diseases and other misc conditions.

I'd be more worried about the single women achieving pregnancy via IVF and other child hungry peoples who won't manage to bring up a sane child than two people that seem to actually give a damn about parenting.

Coming from a broken family myself, as long as they raise a decent child I don't see a problem.

The problem isn't immunity, or the variety in their genes. The problem is that you are getting one copy of the same gene from each parent, so all of the possible recessive problems you have that would be very unlikely with a random couple come to the surface.
"We are like normal lovers. We want to have a family. Our whole family broke apart when we were younger, and after that happened, Susan and I were brought closer together," he said.

Brought us close enough for her to trust me, so I raped her, and we had kids, sold them on ebay, and made a fortune, now we have this lovely house, and our AWESOME water bed!
"People have said that our children are disabled, but that is wrong. They are not disabled," said Patrick.

"Eric, our eldest child, has epilepsy, but he was born two months premature, he also has learning difficulties. Our other daughter, Sarah, has special needs," Patrick said.

Yeah... that is kinda ****ed...

...Chlorine for the gene pool :p
I was under the impression that incest rears children with weakened immune systems, and only after a good few generations of nothing BUT pure incest, not kids with fubar-ified brains.

I still think it's a bad idea though. I mean really, humanities really desensitized itself to natural selection, as almost anybody born with some sort of defect can live a fairly normal life via modern medicine (meaning that anybody can live these days, the weak or the strong). This only makes the situation worse.

But then again, who's to stop love?

I agree, a discussion that really can't be argued for either way (imo).