Fun little bug with "SUDDEN DEATH" on 2fort.


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
While playing with Asus, we were playing as usual, and he went and got the briefcase. Well, while he was taking it to his base, the game hit "SUDDEN DEATH". Well, naturally, everybody tried to protect the briefcase...only it wasn't there. It spawn Asus back in his spawn WITH the case still. So he just took it down and captured it, winning the game.

Just figured I'd post this here, before I say something on Steam.
Heh that is odd, that's why it's truly in beta still I guess. I do love Sudden Death, one round I got stuck as a Spy in sudden death which isn't great, but I sold the blu team my identity and took out 3 guys with back stabs. Livid.
Heh that is odd, that's why it's truly in beta still I guess. I do love Sudden Death, one round I got stuck as a Spy in sudden death which isn't great, but I sold the blu team my identity and took out 3 guys with back stabs. Livid.

Oh yeah, Sudden death is best with the Spy I think. Just because you can hide next to them for a few minutes until they stop suspecting you, then slaughter em. ;)
Heh that is odd, that's why it's truly in beta still I guess. I do love Sudden Death, one round I got stuck as a Spy in sudden death which isn't great, but I sold the blu team my identity and took out 3 guys with back stabs. Livid.

I've been able to change my class at the start of Sudden Death.
I've been able to change my class at the start of Sudden Death.
Yeah - you just have to be in the normal spawn area. It's the same as in the regular game: you don't actually die if you change classes there, so you don't have to respawn.
I did drop the case when we all got sent to spawn. But it stayed put in our base and didn't reset to the enemy base. Was an easy pick-up and win. I like that bug. :p
Oh, well, I guess I reported the wrong bug to valve, whoops! Oh well, I had the general idea.