fun little game


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
I think this was posted here many years ago and I've been trying to find it again for a while now.

It's a great game for developing numberpad skills, and I guess it's good for reaction time and fast decision making. It comes in handy if you ever have to manually input hundreds of cells of data into excel. I managed to get up to lvl 9 but I could have done better if I didn't hit two of the bombs.
Yeah I was doing great till my over obsessed ex kept messaging me every 20 seconds, "I CANT SLEEP" "WHAT GAME ARE YOU PLAYING?" "IT'S COLD!"

omfg. and it was right over the top of my screen, so I had to hit pause, then lose my rythem. Accidently got the goddamn bronze ****ing hammer instead of the silver, then never regained after that. Lvl 9 was easy from what I was getting at though.
Kept having my health randomly drain

OMG how do u beat the boss on lvl 10.

Ah well nevermind I wont start from the beginning just to get him.. Or? HMMM.