Fun With Npc's (pics Inside)

very cool screens.
BTW does Dog have an AI ? could you try to spawn it near a combine or something and tell what happens ?
Woah, is that "AI Disabled" thing real? How do I do that?

Oh and thanks, I enjoyed those.
Dog, the Strider, and the gunship are all scripted up the is actually quite a dissapointment...
L337_Assasain said:
Dog, the Strider, and the gunship are all scripted up the is actually quite a dissapointment...

Argghhh you people wont let a single topic go without mentioning the word "disappointment".

Great Screenies,I nice situation I did was in one of the Tunnels with the buggy,I set up a ton of Zombies in the dark then went back to the Light area and spawned Alyx and Fr. Greg then let rip.Was quite impressive,Like Dawn of the Dead.
yeah, dog doesn't do anything when confronted with a combine.

type ai_disable in console to turn ai off. type again to turn it back on.
OK for Dog (that was pretty obvious), i'll pass up the Strider (they don't even just *shoot* you without any babysitting :| :angry: ?), -- but the gunship ? does it just stand there without doing ANYTHING ? is it completely useless without its predefined path ? baaaah
Suprising about the dropship, it's movements seemed quite dynamic.

Btw, dude, please explain the free X800, I want one.
Are you sure you mean't the gunship and not the transport?

The gunship didn't look scripted at all.
Lorka said:
Btw, dude, please explain the free X800, I want one.
That's just a lame ass chain letter thing... :sniper: :dork:
copy the link and paste it in the address bar, but be sure to delete the "?" and everything after it before you press enter.
Did you guy s use the SDK (whatever) for this? If so, can you tell me the commands?
how do you get NPCs to spawn...can you do it anywhere you want or do you need to be in a certain area?
Nice send that army of resistance fighters to Breens office and pay him a little visit :D
CombineSoldier said:
Did you guy s use the SDK (whatever) for this? If so, can you tell me the commands?
No... You can just spawn NPC's in the console... I don't know the exact commands, sorry.
The striders, gunships, copters and dropship aren't scripted. They simply need special entities in the map to tell them where they can and can't go (think about the amount of cpu usage they would require to run correctly without that for a moment) As for the striders, they need it especially, again the processing power to make sure the legs don't go wild.

There's some kind of node/path placement that they can move on and off different ones, so the better the placement of such things, the less "scripted" as some put it, they look. Just involves good map making skills to make them behave nicely

The strider's big weapon needs to be controled, otherwise it would fire at anything with it, and not cause any damage unless you setup the whole map in its area to be destructable objects, again thats gonna kill framerates.

There's no scripting saying what they will do, just telling them where they can go, they do the rest themselves, if they were scripted, you would be able to time it to perfection exactly when they'd be in a certain point.. As it is now they'll be in the best place to attack you.

So yeah, stop complaining about the AI, its fine :p
spawning npc' can mix and match by experimenting. i got these from other console wizards on these forums so thanks goes out to them.

type the following in the console. the key you bind to it makes it easy to spawn npc's rather typing the code every time. you can use any key but make sure it's not a key you need to use to play the game. basically any key on the right side of the keyboard.

bind b "npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2; wait; npc_create npc_combine_s"

bind n "npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun: wait; npc_create npc_citizen"

weapon list

combine soldier: npc_combine_s
zombie: npc_zombie
fast zombie: npc_fastzombie
poison zombie: npc_poisonzombie
headcrab: npc_headcrab
fast headcrab: npc_headcrab_fast
poison headcrab: npc_headcrab_poison
ant lion: npc_antlion
ant lion guard: npc_antlionguard
manhack: npc_manhack

these commands also help to create your npc situations..

ai_disable: disables/enables ai
notarget: makes you invisible to all npc's
noclip: lets you "fly"
