Funniest gaming related thing thats ever happened.


Dec 4, 2004
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What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you that is game related, such as typing "penis" at the end of a UT2k4 match and hearing the text-voice translator say it over and over again while you switch maps.
Game Propaganda...

I was playing starcraft on bnet, i was like:

"You cannot win!"

"Just turn off your modem and you'll only get a disconnect"

"Just do it"

"You know, that'll save you from losing"


It worked.
I was driving a Scorpion in Halo multiplayer when I accidently drove off a cliff and landed on five opponents who were exiting their spawn. And another time i drove a warthog into enemy spawn and starting driving round and round inside their base killing everyone the moment they spawned. I took 16 kills before they got rid of me.
Well my funniest moments were all in BF1942 probably, I laugh my ass off everytime I play. The most recent one was really surreal: I was doing bombing runs on the bridge, and I spot this german soldier going for the outpost on the allied side of the river so I line up the plane to gun him down and as I speed towards him he starts shooting at me. And you know what? he kills me... He killed me with his luger! Then the plane crashed into a german tank.
One time in Red Faction, I managed to kill a fish-thing with a dead-on hit with a grenade, underwater. Guess you had to be there, but it was a very very hard shot.
jeeping in bf1942 is always a good laugh.
In Coral Sea (bf1942 map) i saw someone fall from a plane and land into another airborne one. Either very skillfully timed or just plain lucky, but i figured he must have known it was coming to press 'e' in time.
bf1942 always made me laugh , especially secret weapons, and the flying metallic penis plane, playing lan with my brother taking it in turns to try and wipe out by flying into each other or attempting to land it on his head when he respawned. :D
Playing LAN quake a long time ago with a couple of friends.

My mate did the noclip cheat, and semi sunk in the floor, my other mate didn't see him and get his toes hacked with an axe, then died.

And running away from Shamblers, that was funny :D

Playing Red Alert2 over a LAN and I disabled the kirov reporting sound on my friends computer (hehe, sneaky), built loads of (maybe 50) Kirovs without the reporting sound and went over to his base to destroy it! Hahahahha.
He said "If I had known you were building them, I would have built flak cannons"

Most funny gaming experience involve duping your friends.
By far the funniest moment was when I picked up a copy of Quake and almost played it, I laughed so hard about that one
If anyone remember the game Joint Op : typhoon rising...well i was playing it online, and i got a transport helicopter, told people to get in, once loaded up with about 7 other random players, i flew out into the sea for about 5 minutes (they didnt get off lol) then i jumped out the helicopter and crashed it into the sea, you couldn't even see land. They all tried swimming back cos they didnt wanna die haha! Oh dear me, i did this like 10 times. So immature i know :(
I have this screen shot from TFC of me as a sniper zoomed in on a soldier. Now i have fired because my red dot is gone and you can see the flash from the guns muzzle, but also the soldier had fired and his rocket is so close that its below my field of vision while i was zoomed it, and thats when the 'load the next level' screen popped up.

But, if youve ever seen me play TFC, then you know it's no laughing matter ;)
Someone chucked a grenade at the enemy in CS:S, only it rebounded of the helmet of the CT and killed the terrorist that threw it
probably typing y to talk on msn all the time, might not be funny but a habit, kinda sad :( lol
When I typed lucky bugger to my clan mate (and friend) in CS. Unfortunately, it was a typo. Look at the keys to the right of both 'b' and 'u'. Now substitute the keys to the right in the order they appear in bugger.

And he's black :o But we laughed about it (after I explained my innability to type in the dark) :laugh:
i was playing halo multiplayer on blood gulch, driving a warthog towards the enemy base. I drove over a hill, and a enemy tank drove over the other side at the same time. Bloody good timing, he was angled upwards so he had the turret aimed down, and i drove up it like a ramp. it took a few seconds for him to realise.
The old days of Natural Selection deserve a mention... skulking around the Marine base as a cloaked Fade and following around small groups of victims. It's simply brilliant when they don't notice you, and fire over your head, knowing there's something there but not being sure enough of its location to fight it... and then I leap out and eviscerate them!! *ahem* It's not quite as hilarious when the roles are reversed, of course.

But my most memorable experience was probably an Op4 CTF match on that snow map, before my ping started to get to me. I was going on flag-grabbing duty while my friend covered me. I held the ammo relic and the health relic (I believe they later removed the ability to use more than one) and I was using an RPG to take on their entire base alone.

I grab the flag, run out, wondering where the hell this friend of mine was as four or five enraged players chase after me... and then there's a helluva lot of gunfire and death messages. Turns out he was sitting in our base's tower with a sniper rifle and the damage-muliplier relic, picking them off as I ran for my life :D It was great to consistently own at a game we usually suck at, but it really took the biscuit when they accused us of hacking :laugh:

Ah, those were the days. Anyone remember the old Firearms? Back when everyone did little else but use the aug or complain about the aug...
this is more lucky than funny, was playing cs:s, i was a ct on dust2, we all ran into the large double doors area only for a t to throw in a grenade in, the grenade for some reason got stuck to me, i could see right in front of my face just hovering, it went off killing everyone except me even though it was basically attached to me, quite funny it was.
Playing Halo, I was sniping people on a ledge of a cliff, and the only way to get thier is through a teleporter. I was standing infront of it, sniping people on the opposite platform. (Its where thier flag is located.) When I miss one guy, he shoots a rocket at me from the other side. Now, rockets in Halo are notoriously slow. So I easily sidestepped enough not to be hurt. But his friend who was just coming out of the teleporter on my side got it full in the face. :)
It probably should have been in general gaming but I knew it would get more replies in off topic.

On topic: I was playing CSS last night and I got flashed and killed 4 people in a row 2 of them were headshots. With an M4a1. Everyone thought I was hacking.
Far Cry when mercenarys land in funny ways!


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