funny doom 3 review MUST READ!

There hasn’t been a game that I would more than happily throw away after I just purchased it for fifty-five dollars than this one. The graphics are superb and sound is just down right awesome, but nothing will make up for the complete satanic feel and exposure this game will bring. As a twenty-one year old I have to say I was freaked out, disturbed, and horrified by Doom III’s content. I can’t imagine what a thirteen year old would feel like. After hours of exposure to this game, I could see a child’s attitude and personality change because of this game. I would have displayed more images but due to the graphic and satanic nature of this game I just couldn’t show it. Stay far away from Doom III it has no value to it at all. I would highly recommend that anyone who professes themselves to be Christians, to NOT PLAY THIS GAME.

Heh, that's pretty funny. I love fanatics.
I wouldn't say it's that funny..most of what that guy is saying is true..
63SixThreeSix3 said:
I wouldn't say it's that funny..most of what that guy is saying is true..

Which parts? That it's a satanic game that isn't fit for christians?

I don't know, I find it pretty funny myself.
Neutrino said:
Which parts? That it's a satanic game that isn't fit for christians?

I don't know, I find it pretty funny myself.

Uptill sound, I whole-heartedly agree with the guy.

But the christian rating thing is well...
What the hell does he expect? Fairies kissing while reading bibles exerpts? I think there is a reason for a game to have a mature rating, a title called "DOOM", and pictures on the back of the box. He should be happy the demons didn't win....but I bet if he died fighting an imp he would freak out, thinking the last savior has fallen and the virtual world is doomed to hellfire and damnnation.
Hahaha, what a joke. "OMG this game is spiritually draining!!11!!1" I can't imagine what this guy would've done (maybe 'teh butterfly demon of heck'), but he's pretty stupid not to realize that we're fighting the demons. Fighting against evil = good.
Those Christian game reviews sites are always good for a laugh.
oh yes,

read what other people said about the review. Reading that is alot funnier then reading the review.

I once read a Christian Review of GTA: Vice City, they complained that it was a sin to play it. They also said
"There is massive use of the lord's name in vain"
Ch1cKeN said:
I once read a Christian Review of GTA: Vice City, they complained that it was a sin to play it. They also said
"There is massive use of the lord's name in vain"

jesus h christ, those guys are picky
Agreed, the comments are the funniest part.
This reminds me of an article I read a while back where some guy claimed Dungeons and Dragons and Harry Potter where the tools of the Devil
I'll bet if the Doom marine was dressed as the Pope and ran around dishing out 'divine ownage' on all the baddies, you'd give the game 10/10

LOL, Funniest comment ever.
Andy said:
Agreed, the comments are the funniest part.
This reminds me of an article I read a while back where some guy claimed Dungeons and Dragons and Harry Potter where the tools of the Devil

that wasnt an article, that was one of our members ...he only comes by every now and then, has some biblical name (cant remember) and spews fire and brimstone about the evils of D and D
I love the guy who asked the reviewer if he gave adult material to 13 year olds :)
They're not too bad, I've seen worse fanatic sites.

BTW, is there a fundamentalist muslim review site out there? That sure would be entertaining. :D
I'm a christian....and I didn't find it the least bit scarry. Some people just have weak minds.
I'll bet if the Doom marine was dressed as the Pope and ran around dishing out 'divine ownage' on all the baddies, you'd give the game 10/10

lmao *pictures the pope running around doom3 all cartoony shooting energy crosses out of the bible he holds smiting the demons

i smell a mod...
Reader Response said:
This is classic!
It's a site for people who think like that and perhaps don't know about the Doom series (and seeing how it was all in the news and such, heard about it now)

He doesn't say, "IF YOU PLAY THIS YOU ARE A HELLBOUND IDIOT!!!11." He simply says that others with religious views like his may not like it. Notice how in his reviewing of the GAME before the Christian Rating was mostly correct and just ratings (As no one can truly agree one "well graphics are 8/10 not 9, etc")

Now if this was on a site like IGN, etc, it'd make sense to boo it off, but the site is for people to get reviews who have those feelings, you don't have to read it if you don't like to/agree.
Heh that is a funny site, the comments are hilarious. Stuff like that reminds me of tale about a friend of mine who relayed to her strictly christian mother a bunch of stuff I'd told her about Zen meditation one day (she was rather sheltered) and her mother exclaimed 'If you empty your mind...the devil leaps in!!', which probably explains all the evil and violence that the worlds Zen Buddists are famed for perpetuating...:dozey:
Every thing he said is a fact. The game is repetitive, dumb, and boring. It was a big mistake. I wasted $55 on shit.
Oh and the review was funny
a 0!? are you serious?? this has to be the most biased, piece of crap review in the history of civilized man.

The story is still the same story as the original Doom only retold.

Really????? What the hell did you expect from a Doom game? i knew exactly what i was buying when i bought it. OH MY GOD ITS A PENTAGRAM!!!! lol

the graphics don't seem impressive? unless you're playing on an amiga or you're blind, you have no clue what you're talking about. i seriously doubt you've seen the full potential of the graphics engine, seeing as ULTRA setting uses uncompressed textures that take 500mb of video memory. do you have a 512mb video card? if so, you must be pretty friendly with the man upstairs, because NOBODY else does. before you clown on a game, do a little research.

and by you saying that a child would be changed from playing this game puts things into perspective for me: you are no different than every other over-conservative bible belt douche bag in this country. it's people like you who put me through heartache from the likes of joe lieberman john ashcroft. hmm...lemme guess...harrison is a republican? don't tell me...i already know. to give this game a 0 because of its violence and gore and to punch john carmack in the groin.

here's some advice: go back to church and get the hell off of the internet. you have ABSOLUTELY NO PLACE reviewing video games, especially ones like this. stick to "Jesus Goes to Hollywood" and the web will be a better place.


Every thing he said is a fact. The game is repetitive, dumb, and boring. It was a big mistake. I wasted $55 on shit.


a game is a game, lets never forget that. That reviewer has mental issues. A normal person would enjoy this game, i had fun with the demo.
hi quite funny doom3

ive playd doom 3 and seriously it rocks... just a bit borring after 6hours?
:imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :bounce: :bounce: