Funny little DM trick

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I expect a few of you have tried this, but for those of you that are a bit bored waiting for the other maps it's good fun to stand on an object... car, filer, whatever.. sprint, look down and fire the manipulator down onto the edge of the object then jump. This lets you fly up into the air and get to places quicker :D Completely pointless but fun anyway :) Here's some screenshots doing it from a car in Overwatch... see if you can get to the roof from the ground floor :D Also, you can get over the barrier and onto other hidden ledges... if you really wanted to :)
yup i've found that out too, its really fun when done right ^_^

BEWARE: if you screw it up the grav will hurt you instead of launch you.
[grammer nazi] Don't you mean funny? And while your at it, couldn't you type in complete sentances with proper punctuation?[/grammer nazi]

Its funny because its never been identified until recently and it looks cool.
Pentawolf said:
[grammer nazi] Don't you mean funny? And while your at it, couldn't you type in complete sentances with proper punctuation?[/grammer nazi]

And dont YOU mean sentences? (if your going to correct someone, atleast be correct yourself).
dude, lighten up, I was was just picking at him before I answered.. (grammer doesnt nessarily mean spelling either) what I believe was his question. :E

EDIT: seems my eyes play tricks on me, I answered why instead of how...... and to that I say "Rather amuseing"
lol, next gen gauss jumping with grav gun.. lol
Nice find, I'm gonna have to try this out. Does anyone know of any servers that're just running tricks? Like grav jumping, seeing how much stuff you can stack, etc.? There should be servers for that...

Also, what spencerjrus said + Pentawolf's avatar = hilarity.
so.. the evolution of tau jumping into grav jumping.. :E
i guess the only advantage the tau holds over the grav gun still is the secondary fire which shoots through walls.

then again, most pple don't like that advantage.. but hey.. its what makes the tau special :)
Pentawolf said:
[grammer nazi] Don't you mean funny? And while your at it, couldn't you type in complete sentances with proper punctuation?[/grammer nazi]

Its funny because its never been identified until recently and it looks cool.

Sorry dude, but before you get to be called a "grammar nazi" you should know the following:

a) "grammer" is a town in Indiana. "grammar" on, the otherhand, is "The study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences".

b) I believe you were trying to spell "sentence". as in "I hearby sentence you to grammar prison for not spelling grammar right."

c) "Its" is posessive. As in "The horse ate its food". "It's" is a contraction of "it is" which is what you needed in this case.

I don't normally do stuff like this (being on the Internet is nerdy enough without correcting grammar), but when you claimed to be a "grammer nazi" I just couldn't pass it up. No hard feelings.
rail0r said:
sprint, look down and fire the manipulator down onto the edge of the object then jump.

cant get it to work been trying for hours

sprint, look down, and fire, ( left mouse button?) on to the edge of an object?( like what? a comp monitor? file cabinet?) then jump? ( at the same time you shoot whatever thats on the floor?)

can anyone make a 10sec mov clip of this?
something that acts as a good see-saw, or dense object, like a filer or a car. Stand a few feet away from the edge of the object, run towards the nearest edge with the sprint key then before you fall off the edge, shoot directly down with the manipulator and jump at the same time you fire (while still holding sprint) Hope this clears it up. Try experimenting with the jump/fire delay, like Quake rocket jumping, it depends how you fly through the air.
yes i also found this on lockdown when i was standing on the wall next to the sink and shot at the sink... wish you could do it without an object though...
Pentawolf said:
[grammer nazi] Don't you mean funny? And while your at it, couldn't you type in complete sentances with proper punctuation?[/grammer nazi]

Its funny because its never been identified until recently and it looks cool.

You dumbass. It's not 'your', it's 'you're'.

AND it's is not 'its' in your last sentence it is 'it's'.
Edit: Oh dear nevermind, somebody already pointed out the grammar/"grammer"(sic) error to the silly person.
it rly is pntles 2 try n pnt out grmtical errs on an onln forum. nebody tht hs tken a clge lvl wrtng corse undrstnds tht in mst cses, contnt is far mre imprtnt thn style. style only mters wen u r conformng 2 stndrds.

On that basis, if you are particularly interested in correcting others' grammar, you should consider proofreading more scholarly journals and publications. Researchers are in constant need of reviewers who have a mastery of English to correct their manuscripts. It pays reasonably well too, and is an excellent job for a college student.
Pentawolf said:
[grammer nazi] Don't you mean funny? And while your at it, couldn't you type in complete sentances with proper punctuation?[/grammer nazi]

Its funny because its never been identified until recently and it looks cool.
Grammar Uber Nazi
GRAMMAR, not grammer (Kelsey Grammer?)
YOU'RE, not your
SENTENCES, not sentances
IT'S, noy its
You're grounded. Go to your room!
Dwaggy said:
Edit: Oh dear nevermind, somebody already pointed out the grammar/"grammer"(sic) error to the silly person.
Let's ground it into his peanut brain.
Dude, I was trying to be funny, jeeze.. no humor these days.... *tsk*

anyways... its a shame that the grav jump is so hard to pull off under fire... yeah.. the mag has me p.o.ed
looking for good grammar and spelling on the internet is like digging for gold in a septic tank
Pentawolf said:
yeah.. oh and btw

You have been sigged

sweet, this is like the second time this has happened, first one was a quote of mine about the shadow bug being like a big stinky dick on alyx...

by the way i didnt even notice any weird shit with shadows until you just reminded me of my pre-release bitching. sweet.
JrdnGrn said:
And dont YOU mean sentences? (if your going to correct someone, atleast be correct yourself).

JrdnGrn said:
*cough* amusing *cough*

Hahaha get em! He is trying to correct others and he can't even spell ROFL :bounce:
<Insert mega eyroll here>
Whats with you? Don't you understand the concept of a joke?
Jeeze, such children :rolling:
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