Funny little things


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Just posting a bunch of little things I noticed in game.

First off, I was in a round, and me and a makeshift squad (just me and a few guys, not in a squad, were capturing a flag and got caught in the middle of a bunch of tank rounds, so we became a makeshift squad) and I was giving health to this guy as he was about to round the corner and sprint behind the tank, and I noticed that on his character models backpack, he had a peace sign patched onto it. Like how the USMC used to do in Vietnam. I THINK (and I mean think. I was sorta pumped because it was gonna be my turn to run to the other side without the tank noticing me, and I was the only medic in the squad, and to add to that I was trying to hold first place for a gold medal) that he was a Support Unit.

I also noticed one day, while pulling through a swamp in a Stryker, I was blasting the water, you know, just spamming the server sorta, and I noticed that the fish started jumping out of the water where I was shooting. I figured it's because they're explosive rounds and it's sorta like bleaching and blasting the water.

And I just thought these looked cool.

Me manning a turret in Operation Clean Sweep.

My EXCELLENT driving. (give me a break, I was trying to get away from a tank. I'll race you around 64 Playre Kubra Dam in a Buggy any day).

DIRECT HIT! (and I got like, 45 seconds of hangtime, so this is me coming back down to earth)

I was just amazed by the realism of this scene. Look at the shadowing on the med bag!
1. The support tunit has a peace sign.
2. That's neat :D (the fish)

Nice screenshots.
Lol the ragdoll-blow-up-hangtime-forever thing happened to me a few times. I surprised Bf2 doesn't have a physics engine as deep as HL2's (I wouldn't be surprised if Valve sued them then).

I hate how the vehicles have a bad habit of tipping over. Lol the humvee thing was funny. It usually happens to me in buggys even when I drive on flat roads.
ricera10 said:
Lol the ragdoll-blow-up-hangtime-forever thing happened to me a few times. I surprised Bf2 doesn't have a physics engine as deep as HL2's (I wouldn't be surprised if Valve sued them then).

I hate how the vehicles have a bad habit of tipping over. Lol the humvee thing was funny. It usually happens to me in buggys even when I drive on flat roads.

Haha. I never tip buggys. I remembe once, on Operation Clean Sweep, I respawned an hopped in a buggy and was on my way to the battle when I noticed some guy hanging back at base blasting something on this damn near vertical hill. I backed my buggy up to the far end of the base, and reved the thing all the way to the base of the hill, and flew up it. That was so funny, chasing down the sniper on the top of the big platau, offraoding over the terrain. Ran the damn guy over :cheers:

EDIT: and btw, that's not a humvee, it's one of those large apc like trucks, the ones that fit a ****load of people in them. I find them usefull as ambulances.
ricera10 said:
Lol the ragdoll-blow-up-hangtime-forever thing happened to me a few times. I surprised Bf2 doesn't have a physics engine as deep as HL2's (I wouldn't be surprised if Valve sued them then).

Valve didn't invent ragdoll physics...
Hell, VALVe didn't even make their physics engine. The source engine uses the Havok Physics Engine.

sinkoman said:
and btw, that's not a humvee, it's one of those large apc like trucks, the ones that fit a ****load of people in them. I find them usefull as ambulances.

I didn't remember from the pic...

And also some other guy said this, I'm not sure who but I'm going to say what he said.
some guy who's name I forgot said:
The Source engine is based on the Havok engine, but it's been modified so much that it's not the Havok engine anymore but Source.

Valve didn't invent ragdoll physics...
They didn't invent it. Who said that?
ricera10 said:
They didn't invent it. Who said that?
They use Havok2 physics engine, valve just tools around with the parameters and weight and such of the objects. Look at the credits of the game if you dont believe us. Linky.... hl2 was just one of the first games to really show off the new havok 2 physics in 2003 e3
ricera10 said:
They didn't invent it. Who said that?

You implied it when you said that Valve could sue them- how could they sue them for something they didn't invent/own?
J_Tweedy said:
You implied it when you said that Valve could sue them- how could they sue them for something they didn't invent/own?

Yeah, it's like saying "i'm gonna sue you for using gravity to sit in that chair!".

Physics is a concept/idea. An idea/concept that is pretty much welcomed by everyone in the human world.
This thread is really starting to become off-topic...To put back on topic, has anyone noticed when you put C4 on a vehicle it disappears, but when it is placed on the ground it's still visible?
sinkoman said:
Yeah, it's like saying "i'm gonna sue you for using gravity to sit in that chair!".
Lots of people sue for stupid things. There was this one story where some guy broke into a vacationing couple's house, accidentally locked himself in the garage, ate dog food for two weeks, and successfully sued the couple for $2 million for cruel and unusual treatment. It just goes to show you how screwed up the laws are in America. You can sue anybody for nearly anything. Like sitting a chair and "using someone else's gravity."
ricera10 said:
You can sue anybody for nearly anything. Like sitting a chair and "using someone else's gravity."

You stole my quote!

It goes "You can sue anyone for anything, but it doesn't mean you'll win".

But anyway, you ever noticed that when you're the only guy in a server, and you drop a grenade somewhere, it falls through the ground? And that, no matter how many people are in a server, if you throw a grenade into the water, it doesn't explode?