Funny moment in the water buggy area


Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
I got out of the buggy and a headcrab jumped out at me, i lured it so it would jump into the toxic waste and it jumped in there.It got caught under the toxic sludge and drowned. hahaha, funny yet sad. :cheers:
i had a bit of a funny moment ... with the grvity gun i shot a radiator up at a high roof , and it bounced back and killed me
Somewhere around Ravenhold I was using a radiator to kill zombies and I found a body hanging from a noose. There was a lot of rope, say 15 feet or so from the body to the point it was hung and I could get it to swing alright with the crowbar. But when I hit it with the radiator that thing took off, it spun around like a ferris wheel really high and actually hit a zombie or 2 in the process, lol. I love the physics in game, they're definately fun to play with, hopefully someone makes a mod that really makes use of it....
I was walking around Ravenholm, and I was pretty tense, so I was crowbarring anything that moved, when a couple of birds flew right by me and I swung the crowbar in reflex and killed one of the birds.
redundant said:
I was walking around Ravenholm, and I was pretty tense, so I was crowbarring anything that moved, when a couple of birds flew right by me and I swung the crowbar in reflex and killed one of the birds.

i shot a bird that was eating on the floor .... but yours was ace lol

i felt a bit sorry for the bird tho
I was with Alyx Vance and her dad in their lab. I was just looking around while Alyx was talking to me. Then she climbed a ladder to fix something and I climbed just after her so I could see her "between legs". At this moment, Eli said "Look at that!". It made me laugh.
AntiAnto said:
I was with Alyx Vance and her dad in their lab. I was just looking around while Alyx was talking to me. Then she climbed a ladder to fix something and I climbed just after her so I could see her "between legs". At this moment, Eli said "Look at that!". It made me laugh.

you meen this part lol

ppl dont look if you have not got this far
redundant said:
I was walking around Ravenholm, and I was pretty tense, so I was crowbarring anything that moved, when a couple of birds flew right by me and I swung the crowbar in reflex and killed one of the birds.

That's nothing, later on in the game
when you have to take out the snipers surounding Barney, the snipers take pot shots at birds. :LOL:
When you first get the gravity gun and have to throw stuff around, I picked up a big gas bottle and threw it into the wall almost at the ceiling. It bounced off, hit another wall and came slamming back down, and smacked straight into the top of Alyx's head at about 100 mph. She just stood there and carried on talking. Was a bit lame - why couldn't they die like in HL1 and get the "Failed to conserve vital human resources" message?
This one cracked me up:


I had no weapons and i thought "well if one of them combines comes ill grab this and throw it at him, like i did with that can". So i grabbed the statue, then i took it with me and started pissing myself laughing in the lift on the way down.
Learning that the manipulator can push headcrabs around, Ravenholm became a game of baseball. Take aim, they jump and shoot ém as far as you can.
Elyas said:
Learning that the manipulator can push headcrabs around, Ravenholm became a game of baseball. Take aim, they jump and shoot ém as far as you can.

The manipulator gun can propulse Ant Lions too.
Barking_Mad said:
This one cracked me up:


I had no weapons and i thought "well if one of them combines comes ill grab this and throw it at him, like i did with that can". So i grabbed the statue, then i took it with me and started pissing myself laughing in the lift on the way down.

use a spoiler warning next time :hmph:
Antlions can't swim haha. I was just standing in the water water waste deep, with antlions jumping at me, strafe then they splash into the water and drown. I think i spent at least 3 minutes just watching them drown.

God i don't want this game to end. I'm taking it so slowly.
I took Dog's ball to Ravenholm :p. It turns out it clears headcrabs pretty well, and distracts Zombies :D
I love the crossbow, just not enough ammo for it. With the new physics, it works like the stake gun in painkiller. Shot a combine gaurd standing on a billboard in the gonads, the plank he was standding on broke away and here was the result. Sweet.