funny stuff you seem in your dayli routine


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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to go to my house from the uni I hav to take 3 busses,in the second buss stop there was this strong smell like a public bathroom that wasnt cleaned for ages,and it was very strong,and I couldnt see where it come from,there was nothing around and the smell was strong
when the bus arrived and get in,the smell still stay,I was worried of peing steped on it or something like that,when the buss moved the smell was disapiearing but when it stoped the smell come back,I was anoyed trying to see the source,I thought the bus may hav stteped on it or something,but when I see in the ground I see this liquid that dont look nothing like water and was more condense in the stops
meaning it was in a vehicle,them in the smelly trip I tryed to ignore the breath but was anoying,them in the distance I see a trailer that looked weird,it hav things like air conditioner or extractors,but them I see it hav like a door in the back and guess what was in the door?
the sign of ladies bathroom!
yeah that sign!
and when I see to the road I see that liquid leaking from the trailer,and it wasnt few drops it was spraying in all the road,and the smell get much more strong the closer the buss is
and it was disgusting,hopefully the bus took another way
but that thing sprayed a lot of the highway

hav any funny chronicle?
lol, that sounds really gross..

i dont really experience anything like that, some time ago however i was in the bank about to withdraw money when this really old lady stepped to me and said something after arguing abit with the banker person; "you know, this is because of the divine Rol", she started rambling abit, stuff like "never stop thinking about Rol". and then just walked away.
lol, that sounds really gross..

i dont really experience anything like that, some time ago however i was in the bank about to withdraw money when this really old lady stepped to me and said something after arguing abit with the banker person; "you know, this is because of the divine Rol", she started rambling abit, stuff like "never stop thinking about Rol". and then just walked away.

the word bank remind me something that happened to a friend

he is kind of crazy but very cool,and he was directing some excurtion thing for kids (he likes to climb mountains and stuff) so he even hav those portable clown nose,also he is very independient and hav his car(from theyr fathers) and for that his mom allways send him to buy and do stuff,so she sends him to deposit some money on some bank,and he say that he forgot to take out the clown nose so he enter at the banks whit the clown nose,and the guards stoped him and asked "why you hav that clown nose?" he replyed "oops didnt know I was carrying it" or something like that,it was very funny
I thought you said EXECUTION for kids, I almost cried with laughter.
there's an ancient black guy, seriously probably 80-90 years old, with shockingly vivid, brilliant colored pimp suits and a cane that i see walking when i'm driving to school sometimes.

we're talking bright orange suits, complete with top-hat, and a real pimp cane. and black sunglasses. and he's ancient. like an ent. but human. and wearing a pimpsuit.
A guy was murdered in an alley near our school during the holidays.


No, wait, that's not funny. That's horrible.
i see a fat kid ride too schol on his poorly constructed bike.
I saw a fat kid win 1 against 5 in a fight yesterday.

I had to drag him down to the Student Department.

Edit: To describe, it was like a freaking fat 7th grader version of Neo.
there's an ancient black guy, seriously probably 80-90 years old, with shockingly vivid, brilliant colored pimp suits and a cane that i see walking when i'm driving to school sometimes.

we're talking bright orange suits, complete with top-hat, and a real pimp cane. and black sunglasses. and he's ancient. like an ent. but human. and wearing a pimpsuit.

Theres a guy ive seen here in Cheltenham, mainly at night, he looks mexican and must be around 70 years old. But hes like a walking bilboard for the UK. He wears this blue jumper, under a bright orange jacket. He wears a Union Jack scarf, Union Jack hat that looks like the ones from Australia with the corks dangling from the rim, camo pants, and a big Union Jack flag stapled to the back of his jacket.

Doesnt sound funny, but when you see him you just have to look away from him as you burst out with laugter.

[edit] Oh Oh and old people in those electric wheel chairs. They go REALLY fast sometimes. They practically take you out when they go past lol. Funny as ***k.
I saw a kid get hit by a car (at only 5km/h), the car stopped.. reversed... and drove around the kid and kept going. Funny as hell

..... The kid wasn't hurt just some scratches
I saw a kid get hit by a car (at only 5km/h), the car stopped.. reversed... and drove around the kid and kept going. Funny as hell

..... The kid wasn't hurt just some scratches

For some reason this just popped into my head;


i saw a fat kid...

For some reason this just popped into my head;



dam that video rulez

it was really disconsiretaed noising the horn to the old woman

but dam that was funny
That video reminds me of this:

I saw some moron I hate trip and faceplant into his locker.

He got busted the f*ck up.
i have too wait 45 minutes for my friends too show up at school, and today i saw a kid, for 35 minutes ducking down... touching ant or something. and when a teacher came for him he ran and hid. :|
I saw the fat kid eating a pack of Daim in the queue to the dining-hall at school. :laugh:

We call him the cinnamon bun.
I saw the fat kid eating a pack of Daim in the queue to the dining-hall at school. :laugh:

We call him the cinnamon bun.
Cinnamon buns would taste sooo good. Grab a piece of him while he's asleep, bake it and give it to him :D
there's an ancient black guy, seriously probably 80-90 years old, with shockingly vivid, brilliant colored pimp suits and a cane that i see walking when i'm driving to school sometimes.

we're talking bright orange suits, complete with top-hat, and a real pimp cane. and black sunglasses. and he's ancient. like an ent. but human. and wearing a pimpsuit.

omg that guy is my hero a geriatric super fly
In English today, we had to carry on writing something about travelling through a dark, scary wood. A student support helper thing was helping me and my mate, and asked us to think of something to describe the scaryness. What did this kid go and put? "As we wandered through the wood, I could feel a wet substance drip down my trousers."

Oh, and yesterday in football, I missed the ball to kick, and this lad called me a dimwit. Later on, half of my year started on him. He got owned. He has a twin. They look exactly like each other, wear exactly the same thing, have the same haircut. Hell... I bet they have the same colour underwear on.