Funny thing I came across


May 28, 2003
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NEW YORK — God. Love. Sex. Money. These are the four most common passwords that people use, and are therefore the easiest ones for hackers, phishers and other Internet-savvy fraudsters to figure out, allowing them access to your financial information and the possible theft of your identity.,2933,172014,00.html

Just the first paragraph is really funny where it states definitively, the made up line from the movie Hackers (a movie where GUI involves flying a hang glider between virtual buildings) that the most common passwords are God, Love, Sex, Money. Any "journalist" who stopped for 5 seconds to think about what they were writing would realize that this is not true. The most common password is actually "password1". It just exemplifies the division between popular media and the real world.
I always thought most people chose passwords based upon loved ones names, pets names, favourite sports team names as well as favourite band names...

And Fox 'news' are a ****ing dire news agency... Ive never seen any news report from that thats either unbiased, accurate, pandering to the lowest common denominator or a combination of all 3 amongst other things...
Something I've noticed. The higher up you go on the corporate ladder, the more computer illiterate and retarded people become when it comes to things such as basic security.

If anybody objects to what I just said, it's probably because you're a stupid fat cat CEO of a major international corporation.
Something I've noticed. The higher up you go on the corporate ladder, the more computer illiterate and retarded people become when it comes to things such as basic security.

If anybody objects to what I just said, it's probably because you're a stupid fat cat CEO of a major international corporation.

I object!

I do not appear to have become a CEO of a major international corporation. Was worth a shot.
Something I've noticed. The higher up you go on the corporate ladder, the more computer illiterate and retarded people become when it comes to things such as basic security.

If anybody objects to what I just said, it's probably because you're a stupid fat cat CEO of a major international corporation.

It's true, go to any company, and you can probably use a few excel macros to do the work of like 6 useless employees. General computer literacy is the biggest road block to doing things better.
That's kind've harsh. It's like me saying all Americans are fat, or something similar. CEOs are not CEOs because of their computer "skillz", but because of their ability to manage. There will be some people who have worked up the ladder, and still have the knowledge they required as a basic engineer.
That's kind've harsh. It's like me saying all Americans are fat, or something similar. CEOs are not CEOs because of their computer "skillz", but because of their ability to manage. There will be some people who have worked up the ladder, and still have the knowledge they required as a basic engineer.

Obviously it's not a strict and concrete generalization.
Is there any strict and concrete generalizations you can make?
Yes. Austrailians don't drink water. They have pouches which absorb water from the air and the ground.
Obviously it's not a strict and concrete generalization.

A stereotype, in other words.

Is there any strict and concrete generalizations you can make?


All living beings reproduce. People who exercise enjoy better health. People who don't have good communication skills don't make it far in their job employment. Etc.

What a stupid opener. Oh god, that's really terrible journalism.

Quite a good line, though.
My password is always just the name of the site with a 1 at the end. Easier to remember.
A stereotype, in other words.

Damn straight. I love stereotyping fat cats. Fat, old, narrow minded when it comes to anything other than boat-loads of money. Prone to engaging in adulterous affairs and being too stupid to realize that their **** buddy is only in it for the wealth and attention it brings.

I'm sure he was waiting for half the freakin' site to try and log onto his account.
I'm sure he was waiting for half the freakin' site to try and log onto his account.

even I tried it.

Except I entered hetairia1 because I don't know what the hell site he's talking about other than this one. :E
Damn straight. I love stereotyping fat cats. Fat, old, narrow minded when it comes to anything other than boat-loads of money. Prone to engaging in adulterous affairs and being too stupid to realize that their **** buddy is only in it for the wealth and attention it brings.


Epic usage of smiley validates your post immediately.
The fact that I was the one who posted it is validation enough.
I think it's true. I'm a university student and so I rarely have more than $100 in my bank account, and yet my online web password is a string of eight random characters that even I have trouble remembering.

And you're suggesting that Steve Jobs has the word "cat" as his password?
Hmm... username "lePobz"... password "isn't"...
On almost all sites the password need to be longer than five letters so God, Love, Sex and Money would all fail.
But Windows doesn't have that validation. I don't think it's necessarily talking about internetz.
I get these dudes round at my flat all the time with their laptops, plugging them into my computer and trying to hack in. They think I don't see them.