Future Call of Duty plans announced.


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
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to quote some of the more important things in the article.

"In a statement, Activision Blizzard said that the new business unit will "expand the Call of Duty brand with the same focus seen in its Blizzard Entertainment business unit. This will include a focus on high-margin digital online content and further the brand as the leading action entertainment franchise in new geographies, new genres and with new digital business models."

However, Activision did confirm a long-standing rumor that a second Call of Duty game is in the works at a non-Infinity Ward studio. That shop is indeed Sledgehammer Games, the San Francisco Bay Area studio Activision formed last year by hiring two key Dead Space developers away from Electronic Arts. Due in 2011, the unnamed title "will extend the franchise into the action-adventure genre," according to the statement, lending weight to rumors the project is a third-person spin-off of the series.

Were that not enough news, Activision also confirmed that it is moving forward on CEO Bobby Kotick's stated desire to expand the Call of Duty brand into massively multiplayer gaming. The company said that it is "is in discussions with a select number of partners to bring the franchise to Asia, one of the fastest growing regions for online multiplayer games in the world."

Let the exploitation commence!
Massive multiplayer online gaming? Third person spin-off?

This IS Call of Duty we are talking about here?
CoD has ****ed the fps genre in the ass - the sooner it and its kind die the better the world shall be.
From the original Call of Duty which I liked and thought was superior to the original Medal of Honor, to this shit they are shoveling now. Man, what a **** up this series has proven to be.

First thing I thought of when I heard Dead Space was "space CoD". OH THE HORROR!
Wow. They should really be focusing on making a CoD rhythm game. That's the only thing that would make sense at this point!! :rolling:
CoD Trading Card Game

"I'll give you two holographic Griggs' for that holographic Gaz."
From the original Call of Duty which I liked and thought was superior to the original Medal of Honor, to this shit they are shoveling now. Man, what a **** up this series has proven to be.

From the original Call of Duty which I liked and thought was superior to the original Medal of Honor, to this shit they are shoveling now. Man, what a **** up this series has proven to be.

Call of Duty, CoD: UO, and CoD 2 were the best three of all of them. They took a tired WW2 market and put so much action in it that I couldn't stop playing it. That first jeep fight-on-rails scene is still amongst my favorite in all games I've played... despite it being played out to the max since then. CoD2 was basically the same stuff but it was so polished that it was wonderful. Even the multiplayer, despite it's awkward spawning (which may or may not still be an issue), was pure excitement just because of the sheer amount of chaos it created. It was one of my favorite Lan party games of the time because a dozen people could be playing and it could still feel like 32 or more.
The first Call of Duty remains one of the best gaming experiences I have played, nothing matched the intensity that game created when it first came out, and its multiplayer kept me hooked for about 3 years. CoD 2 was average in comparison really, CoD 3 was just a joke. They revived it with MW however, gave it a fresh new look but again MW2 was in comparison just like CoD 2 was to the first.

Its been an up and down ride but I can plainly see from MW2 and the things they have said there, that they are just falling victim to being dictacted into developing the games solely for a mainstream crowd of idiots who just want an overused cinematic experience and loads of overpowered perks etc. The franchise has basically died now as far as I am concerned.
Never really got into the older CoDs. CoD 4 was the first one I enjoyed. Modern Warfare 2 is OK. I rank Bad Company 2 on top of it, but just because of the way I play my games. I wish they would just slow down/stop though.
"In a statement, Activision Blizzard said that the new business unit will "expand the Call of Duty brand with the same focus seen in its Blizzard Entertainment business unit. This will include a focus on high-margin digital online content and further the brand as the leading action entertainment franchise in new geographies, new genres and with new digital business models."

Call of Duty: The Musical