Future Global Warming digital-made picture


Sep 9, 2003
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Can anyone point me out to a site where there's a digital picture (preferrably of the whole world, sattelite like appearance) of the World in 2100 or 2200, with both global warming (flooding & climate change) and geological system shifts?
Sprafa said:
Can anyone point me out to a site where there's a digital picture (preferrably of the whole world, sattelite like appearance) of the World in 2100 or 2200, with both global warming (flooding & climate change) and geological system shifts?

Dont worry, i'll take it my self.

If I dont come back...

Kill Christopher Lloyd.
I'll go make one too...

If I don't come back, make sure you tell Dennis Quaid to save Donnie Darko.
Yeah, it's called Waterworld.

That should pretty much some it up.
If Burnzie and Baal don't come back I'm going to go save them.

If I don't come back tell Christopher Walken he's my most favorite actor in the world.
If Pressure fails then I will save him.

If I don't come back, tell me.
If I'm not back in 10 minutes... call the president!
burnzie said:
Dont worry, i'll take it my self.

If I dont come back...

Kill Christopher Lloyd.

If you do come back, can we kill him anyways? Please....
Burnzie is quite the trendsetter it appears. WELL I AM AN INDIVIDUAL I DONT NEED TO COPY YOU TO BE HAPPY

/me cries in corner
Baal said:
I'll go make one too...

If I don't come back, make sure you tell Dennis Quaid to save Donnie Darko.

You mean Patrick Swayze right?

Hell, I'll go make one.

If I don't come back, make sure you kill yourselves.
DeusExMachinia said:
You mean Patrick Swayze right?

Hell, I'll go make one.

If I don't come back, make sure you kill yourselves.

Well, I was making fun of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow," in which the actor Dennis Quaid's character went through impossible conditions to save the actor Jake Gyllenhaal's character, or star of the movie "Donnie Darko"
but we're all to stupid to get humour that complicated.
hey, i've got a good one.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Sprafa said:
Can anyone point me out to a site where there's a digital picture (preferrably of the whole world, sattelite like appearance) of the World in 2100 or 2200, with both global warming (flooding & climate change) and geological system shifts?

search google under earth changes and do another search under future maps of the world.

be warned most of those maps are small
i found 1, this is the world in 2200 :(, actual fact. its a shame ill be dead. ;(
KoreBolteR said:
i found 1, this is the world in 2200 :(, actual fact. its a shame ill be dead. ;(

yay! I'll be living under the sea!!!
uhh, yea, that world in 2200 thing is crap. not even close. yea.

Anyway, dont worry about global warming, climates change and we have nothing to do with it. A volcano does more damage to the enviroment than we could ever dream of.

And btw, there is not enough water in the ice caps to cover the globe. It would make the oceans rize about 13 feet if all the ice melted.
Homer said:
uhh, yea, that world in 2200 thing is crap. not even close. yea.

Anyway, dont worry about global warming, climates change and we have nothing to do with it. A volcano does more damage to the enviroment than we could ever dream of.

And btw, there is not enough water in the ice caps to cover the globe. It would make the oceans rize about 13 feet if all the ice melted.
Ya more than we could do over any short period of time maybe. Add up over a century of our work and then we have a problem.

Besides, although climates do change, right now it is changing at a rate much faster than it should be and it shows no signs of slowing down. Even if it was natural, our work is certainly only adding to the problem and speeding it up.

Most of the current global land ice mass is located in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets (table 1). Complete melting of these ice sheets could lead to a sea-level rise of about 80 meters, whereas melting of all other glaciers could lead to a sea-level rise of only one-half meter.
Thats a little over 260 feet.
I'm sorry, none of that is true. All of the sources for that information want it to be true, so they try and prove that it is. That is what we call crap science.
I suggest watching Penn and Teller's BULLSHIT. In specific the episode on Enviromental Hysteria.
Wait... Ice is supose to take up more room than water. If the majority of these ice caps are under water wouldn't melting them make the water level go down?
Pressure said:
Wait... Ice is supose to take up more room than water. If the majority of these ice caps are under water wouldn't melting them make the water level go down?

Well yes, but there is still a lot of ice on land. I think the major reason for rise in sea level is the fact that the water will expand when it warms up. I still take all this with a pinch of salt frankly, because everywhere I look people are just too biased to give a comprehensive, factual look at the way things are.
Pressure said:
Wait... Ice is supose to take up more room than water. If the majority of these ice caps are under water wouldn't melting them make the water level go down?
All the ice in the south pole is actually on land. The south pole actually has land underneath, they have even found evidence of ancient forests underneath all the ice I believe.

Homer said:
I'm sorry, none of that is true. All of the sources for that information want it to be true, so they try and prove that it is. That is what we call crap science.
err... I could just as easily say the same for any science trying to prove otherwise. Also they aren't making it out to be a huge disaster considering all the sources I find this information from also admit that it will take several centuries at the rate things are melting before it gets that bad.
more likely to get a chain reaction and global cooling that it getting to hot in which case To the equator !!!!!!!

ps relocate hl2.net server to there
a raise in sea level just 30 feet would have a disaterous results on the worlds economies as most of the world population lives withen 250 miles of some sort of coast line. I beleive almost all of the 3rd world population lives with in 125 miles of some sort of coast line.

This flooding could actually lead to an Ice age! As the extra water could cool the climates by a considerable amount. Plus the added weight of the water, and the water acting as a lubricant would cause a lot more Volcanic activity which is turn helps to block the suns heat. Plus the volcanic ash is known to start electrrical storms which can cause more forest fires adding more smoke and helping to cool the climate even more.
TheAmazingRando said:
I suggest watching Penn and Teller's BULLSHIT. In specific the episode on Enviromental Hysteria.
quoted for empahsis and truth and happiness and peace and serentity and for kittens and puppies and dragons and unicorns and cars and lions and tigers and bears
Good topic.

I may want to chime in that, at the rate the natural climological cycle is occuring, we could enter an ice age somewhere between the years 2025 and 2250.
bliink said:
If I'm not back in 10 minutes... call the president!
Greatest line ever. Thank you Bliink, for recognizing that cinematic gem.
crap - ireland is gone in first & second image....guess my great-great-grandkids will have to emigrate...

That means more people all over the world claiming they are irish :)
Homer said:
And btw, there is not enough water in the ice caps to cover the globe. It would make the oceans rize about 13 feet if all the ice melted.
Well, there goes New Orleans. Good riddance.
Here's a really scary computer generated image of what the world may look like should(when) another Ice Age hits.
We can't keep warming the globe indefinately. After we run out of oil in about 20 or 30 years, if nothing else has been developed (like cold fusion, for example), we'll probably turn to even more dirty coal, but a watershed for the way we currently live is coming sooner than most people think. The oil barons/governments will try to say everything is just peachy as long as possible, but think what $100+ a barrel will do to shipping and travel, etc. This seems like a pretty good article on the subject:

TechnoHippyChic said:
We can't keep warming the globe indefinately. After we run out of oil in about 20 or 30 years, if nothing else has been developed (like cold fusion, for example), we'll probably turn to even more dirty coal, but a watershed for the way we currently live is coming sooner than most people think. The oil barons/governments will try to say everything is just peachy as long as possible, but think what $100+ a barrel will do to shipping and travel, etc. This seems like a pretty good article on the subject:


i dont know, we will find new energy sources.

like Magnetic Energy and Hydrogen Energy.

i got magnetic energy From Here, intresting read. click