Future holds so many secrets..


May 24, 2003
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So, I am 21 years old, half way through college, half way through paying off for the car. Now, after finishing college, I will search for work, with which I will be paying off my college, or may I say university, loans. So I hope by the time I am 26 years old I will have secure work, car and own apartment. However I am afraid to get into adult life. Nah, wrong word, I am afraid of being middle class family man. For some reason having wife, who drives SUV and takes our kid to soccer games, living in suburbia, that idea of life makes me almost puke all over the carpet, but heck one thing stops me, I don’t want to pay to clean it. Gosh, do I hate American dream, do I hate see my wife turning into fat burget-eating-sode-drinking-morningTV-watching monster. Do I really want to have circle of friends, a ****ing dads, with whom we can talk about lame ass football games or how much money I saved on car insurance. Hey Bob, see, my kid can play piano like that, can your kid play piano? NO?! WELL **** YOU, HERE EAT THIS TROPHY MY SON GOT PLAYING TENNIS!

Yes, that’s life I am talking about, families like that walk into store I work at all the time. I see poor fathers who want to kill themselves and their kids, hang their wives on tree branches, by the white fence. I hate to think that for the rest of my life I will be working 5 days a week and my weekends will be spend on shopping in Wal-mart/Target, so I can save up on that toilet paper, whooping two cents! Goddammit, so I will have a hobby, which consists of me washing my car every evening, because frankly my wife is so fat, I can’t see where vagina even is at. Hey, it’s like playing hide and seek, except I can’t hold my thing up for more then 10 seconds.

Oh yes, I wish aliens would come or some crap like that, so I had my trusty shotgun to survive and run around, building human resistance from ground-up. Oh who am I shitting, I will end up bolding and with a fat wife, two kids. Someone, hold me ;(
Mr.Reak said:
Oh who am I shitting, I will end up bolding and with a fat wife, two kids. Someone, hold me ;(

I really don't think it will turn out as bleak as you make it seem.
Stuff happens that you aren't predicting, and you're under "student stress" atm anyway
If you don't want to live like that then don't get into that. Right now you're at a point where you don't have to enter a life like that, once you're in one theres nothing you can do though. Dont have kids, or become a homosexual (that will make tr0n happy) :P
SpuD said:
If you don't want to live like that then don't get into that. Right now you're at a point where you don't have to enter a life like that, once you're in one theres nothing you can do though. Dont have kids, or become a homosexual (that will make tr0n happy) :P
YEA!!!!!! o/

No I am not homosexual.
SpuD said:
If you don't want to live like that then don't get into that. Right now you're at a point where you don't have to enter a life like that, once you're in one theres nothing you can do though. Dont have kids, or become a homosexual (that will make tr0n happy) :P

Oh no no no, see stuff doesn’t happen like that. Once I turned 30 years old, still without family, everyone around me will officially declare me a loser. See, what will I ever do without celebrating Christmas with my family, oh no would I ever do! MUST HAVE A HOUSE, CAR, KIDS… oh humanity.
Do what I plan on doing. go out to southern oregon, become a buddhist, shave your head, go sit under a tree and gain enlightenment. or if your scared of possibly going to hell, go mooch off some Christian monestary. You won't have to do shit. Your expected to pray, thats it. And who really knows what your doing. You could just as easily be fantasizing about some random hot nun. you will have it made, no bills, no kids, no toilet paper to buy.

Or grow the **** up and be a man. Your 21 ffs, the days of whimpering like a little girl are over. Take care of your responsibilities, raise your kids right, don't be a asshole, never call your wife fat to her face, and everything else will work itself out. You aren't going through anything new, you are playing your role in a stroy that has been told a billion times and will be told a billion times more.
Zorrander001 said:
Or grow the **** up and be a man. Your 21 ffs, the days of whimpering like a little girl are over. Take care of your responsibilities, raise your kids right, don't be a asshole, never call your wife fat to her face, and everything else will work itself out. You aren't going through anything new, you are playing your role in a stroy that has been told a billion times and will be told a billion times more.

**** responsibility, I am no spider-man! I am alcoholic.

P.S. Your wife is fat and ugly, oh and personality is lost somewhere in her rolls of FAT. Yeah…

P.S.S And what the **** are you, mister “I am 99 years old, I have ultimate knowledge of universe” or something?
Have you thought of joining the military? You will be away from your family 90% of the time, the potential for extra-marital sex is perhaps sinfully high, the chances of an early death are substantial, join the navy and your drinking problem will hardly be noticed.

P.S. then there is the added benefit of everyone thinking you are a hero.
Zorrander001 said:
Have you thought of joining the military? You will be away from your family 90% of the time, the potential for extra-marital sex is perhaps sinfully high, the chances of an early death are substantial, join the navy and your drinking problem will hardly be noticed.

Haha, apparently you are “99 years old, have ultimate knowledge of universe” dude. Sounds great though, I can have sex with women I don’t know, I can get drank, kill and still come home as a hero, in coffin! Sign me up man, where is near army booth.

Edit: Oh shit, look, heroes..
I love your sarcasm reak.

Lets make babies.
no see you wont have a fat ass wife because all the media and stuff says that women have to be skinny as hell
so you will marry a skeleton!!!
or something of the like
or maybe someone actually normal...

Mr.Reak said:
They don’t like gays in army :frown:
i dunno why, but bad grammar makes me laugh (is it called grammer? dunno)
Mr.Reak said:
They don’t like gays in army :frown:

Well, theres your ticket out if you decide you dont like it! :D

Skinner: But how do I get out of the army?
Bart Simpson: Simple, make a pass at your commanding officer
Skinner: Done... and I mean done!
Its amazing, Im assuming this dude is in America.

I am from Australia, and I lived in California. And there are a lot more opportunities in Calfornia.

Years of depreciation of Australian currency, like to 48 US cents, meant those who had access to foreign currency, like Sterling and US dollars, and had super normal buying power. They bid up the property marker with their extra cash from overseas. Those who benefitted by the property market going up, borrowed against their increased equity, and so it kept going up. You cant buy a house for less than a million dollars anywhere near the coast. I will never own a house, I know this.

So, if you are in the USA - you can own your own property. You have way less tax. You are likely to own a new car, not one that is 12 years old (the average age of cars in Australia). I desperately tried to stay in the USA - but could not do so. I even tried to enlist in the US Army and was prepared to go to Iraq to avoid being sent back to Australia. And yet, here I am.

So if your wife is fat - leave her or send her to weight watchers. But you have a lot of things, that most people in Aus in my age group, never will have. Be thankful for that.

In Australia, the top marginal tax rate, at one point kicked in at 40k. Thats 40k Australian dollars, which was, about 20k US dollars. (No longer I realise this, but Im talking 2002 when i left) So you are earning 20k Us dollars in Australia, and the govt marks you as a high roller, taxed at 49 cents in the dollar. Plus 9 per cent compulsory social security or 401K (called super) plus 1.5 per cent Medicare levy. Then there is a 10 per cent GST on everything you buy. And rent is about 250 per week for a hole in the wall. So after working my ass off, 100 hours a week - I lived in an apartment that could have been sub-tenanted out as a crack house, and had not a cent, and a big credit card debt.

Then I went to the USA. I got paid more. I had way less tax. Rent was cheap. Cars were cheap and I bought a corvette convertible. I could never afford one in Australia. I looked forward to buying a house.

But now I am back in purgatory in Australia, eking out a meagre existence......

The kids thing never appealed to me. Seeing kids screaming on the bus or at a restaurant, is nothing I ever want to deal with. If its something you want to deal with fine. But not I.

So, if you are feelling bad about your future - spare a thought for you poor white trash southern cousins.

Kind regards

Mr.Reak, if I recoreded every single thread like this of yours I could make a book :p. But I don't want to ruin the thread so ill suggest joining a travelling circus with a monkey called Boo boo
Mr.Reak said:
Haha, apparently you are “99 years old, have ultimate knowledge of universe” dude. Sounds great though, I can have sex with women I don’t know, I can get drank, kill and still come home as a hero, in coffin! Sign me up man, where is near army booth.

Edit: Oh shit, look, heroes..

Mr Reak, a few years ago i was in your exact position, which is why i am trying to do something about it and am looking for a career in the raf, which would be a dream come true for me. Great pay, great pension plan, i'd get the ability to fly, travel the world, and feel like i'm making a difference. And when you leave the military and you go looking for a job, when those employers read on your cv "12 years full military service with honours", do you really think they're going to hire someone else? You've also got a college/university education behind you, imagine being an officer, etc.
Your future is only as bleak as you make it.

/useless quote mode off :rolling:
I know how you feel, I think of it many times. I don't think that will happen to me though, at least I wish it not to be. Maybe I'll start with politics, I'm not sure yet. I'm going my first year at high school, so I've all ability in the world to decide what I want to do. After I've finished university in about 6 years I maybe will be moving to Australia or New Zealand for a year or two, just to get away from the coldness. I think that I will end up in administration, just like the most of us.
Calanen said:

Hey they lie to you about America’s streets made of gold! There are non, I checked every corner! :frown:

Teta_Bonita said:
Your future is only as bleak as you make it.

Hey I know, I will answer with a cliché I heard in some Hollywood movie.

Razor said:
Mr Reak, a few years ago i was in your exact position, which is why i am trying to do something about it and am looking for a career in the raf, which would be a dream come true for me. Great pay, great pension plan, i'd get the ability to fly, travel the world, and feel like i'm making a difference. And when you leave the military and you go looking for a job, when those employers read on your cv "12 years full military service with honours", do you really think they're going to hire someone else? You've also got a college/university education behind you, imagine being an officer, etc.

Of course they won’t hire me, I don’t know how being soldier will help me in 3d animation exactly. I guess I can join EA and make military weapon animations all my life. Plus I am a hero, here is yellow ribbon.

Oh, hey ne0_shiny, go shine somewhere else, okay? You ruining my future, goddammit!
You do what you want, i have often thought what should i do in the future.

I am not going to have children because they are no use to me and i can see beyond human instincts, after all it would only be a pleasure because those genes which survive are the ones that breed........i'd die anyway even if i breed.........it is not "your job" to have a wife, have children drive a car to work everyday.....its all a load of bull.

It is bad for a human to comprehend that they are going to end, having a rough idea of what /when they could die, they know things from other humans and unlike animals will comprehend and **** with our brain.

If you think "oh i am going to go to uni, get a job, a car, a wife........work, retire then die......whats the point in carrying on?

There is no point at all, there is also no point in killing yourself.

Often people wrongly think they have a goal in life "oh i must be here for some reason"....."why am i here?", they will never find the awnser because there is none.
Basically do what you want but remember other humans will have power over you, following their thoughts blindly, so predictable....and i am another human like them.

The only reason to stay alive is to learn and experience, new things to keep your brain active, if there is a task to fight the world is more fun.
In many countries now it is so easy to live, i have to do **** all to survive, the government helps you, other humans help you........the challenge is gone, as with the fun.
It is the truth and not another "goth" rabble about "oh im so depressed, stupid soceity e.t.c".......its all the same, doing it for the same reasons.

.............just do what you want as long as it dosn't control me.
Mr.Reak said:
Of course they won’t hire me, I don’t know how being soldier will help me in 3d animation exactly. I guess I can join EA and make military weapon animations all my life. Plus I am a hero, here is yellow ribbon.

Oh, hey ne0_shiny, go shine somewhere else, okay? You ruining my future, goddammit!

There are thousands of different jobs you could do in the armed forces, it isn't just about running through a field shooting people. You could always ask if they have any jobs like animation or multimedia, etc, and if so, they might be able to put you through university, or at least help pay.
Mr.Reak said:
So, I am 21 years old, half way through college, half way through paying off for the car. Now, after finishing college, I will search for work, with which I will be paying off my college, or may I say university, loans. So I hope by the time I am 26 years old I will have secure work, car and own apartment. However I am afraid to get into adult life. Nah, wrong word, I am afraid of being middle class family man. For some reason having wife, who drives SUV and takes our kid to soccer games, living in suburbia, that idea of life makes me almost puke all over the carpet, but heck one thing stops me, I don’t want to pay to clean it. Gosh, do I hate American dream, do I hate see my wife turning into fat burget-eating-sode-drinking-morningTV-watching monster. Do I really want to have circle of friends, a ****ing dads, with whom we can talk about lame ass football games or how much money I saved on car insurance. Hey Bob, see, my kid can play piano like that, can your kid play piano? NO?! WELL **** YOU, HERE EAT THIS TROPHY MY SON GOT PLAYING TENNIS!

Yes, that’s life I am talking about, families like that walk into store I work at all the time. I see poor fathers who want to kill themselves and their kids, hang their wives on tree branches, by the white fence. I hate to think that for the rest of my life I will be working 5 days a week and my weekends will be spend on shopping in Wal-mart/Target, so I can save up on that toilet paper, whooping two cents! Goddammit, so I will have a hobby, which consists of me washing my car every evening, because frankly my wife is so fat, I can’t see where vagina even is at. Hey, it’s like playing hide and seek, except I can’t hold my thing up for more then 10 seconds.

Oh yes, I wish aliens would come or some crap like that, so I had my trusty shotgun to survive and run around, building human resistance from ground-up. Oh who am I shitting, I will end up bolding and with a fat wife, two kids. Someone, hold me ;(

Well I prepared a life-saving response for you but my computer crashed because for some reason it disagrees with shockwave flash (even though i don't even think this page has it :x )

But I'll try to summarise the mega-huge-massive-giant essay I wrote before:

-Make sure that your wife is someone who you can understand completely and care for, don't just get married because "It's something to do"

-You don't have to have a fat family, live healthy - no McDonalds.

-You don't have to have asshole dad friends, you can be friends with work collegues, or a religious sect or something. You know, someone who has your same interests at heart (HL2 fans?). Don't be friends with people for the sake of having friends, or for the sake of having someone to hang out with.

-You don't have to drive to the store with your family looking rather stereotypical. Every time you need something for shopping, the whole family doesn't need to be dragged along.

-You can do your shopping online, with delivery service (my supermarket does it).

-Working 5 days a week will be better than working 0 days a week. You'll be bored out your mind in the latter case, and you might be lucky and enjoy your job, with a University degree you'll have the chance to get a graduate job and make your way up the career ladder.

-Try to only use pessimism as a gauge for the worst case scenario so you can prepare for it a bit. Don't let it ruin your life.

-If it all gets too much for you, well you can always start a new life abroad in a fresh new environment. That'll be more enjoyable IMO.

Take control of your life, don't let things get you down. Make a plan for your life- starting with the things you don't want to happen, and how to avoid them.

I'm at the same stage-ish as you in my life so that's just my peer-to-peer advice for you.
Come to think of it, this is longer than the essay I wrote :x

Edit: At least it didn't crash this time. And mega huge essay was an overeggageration, yes.
First of all reak, if you think you would stop loving your wife because she is fat, then you married her for the wrong reasons. I mean it's fine to just **** around in university with beautiful looking girls, but the one you decide to marry will have to be more than that.
Secondly, once you get at the age that your wife is a fat lazy butch, you will be to, and you'll probably not mind it, casue you'll be mostly living for your kids, and feeling very good, casue all the worries about your physical appereance will be mostly gone, and you will feel free. You'll probably be doing soem wacky stuff with your wife, I mean have you never wonderd whhy old peopel act so wacky. Or just look at shakespeer playes, first you had those love tragedies, then you had the serius once, and then the lighthearted once when he was old.

And thirdly, only 2% of the people are allowed to even go to a universilty, atleast that is how it is here in holland, now since you are one of those I assume, you will have a very good degree and a very smart person, and your pay will probably be more then 80000 per year, so don't ****ing worry.
Razor said:
There are thousands of different jobs you could do in the armed forces, it isn't just about running through a field shooting people. You could always ask if they have any jobs like animation or multimedia, etc, and if so, they might be able to put you through university, or at least help pay.

But I want to kill people and have sex with random women, that multimedia crap won’t help me at all! cry ;(

Grey Fox said:

Well if I will be rich like you said, I will go out with young girls, until I die and they steal all my money.. those sluts!

kirovman said:
very long Blah

Wanna move in together and have long life as closet bodies? Yes… no kids, fun insures!
Mr.Reak said:
But I want to kill people and have sex with random women, that multimedia crap won’t help me at all! cry ;(

Just tell the man that is what you want to do, i am sure there is a part of the armed forces that would cater for you, the killing part, not so much the sex part with random women.
Go travelling

You want my advice? Because I feel the exact same as you, f**k 9-5, f**k mortgages, f**k being stuck in the same place all my life. I'm gonna finish up at uni, work for six months, then get a one way ticket to Austrailia, work there for a few months, see the place, do some fun things, then head to Nepal, climb some mountains, then head to India, swim in some tropical seas, barter for junk with an old guy, then... then who knows.... but look it up, travelling is very doable. Poorer countries will pay you decent money to teach English, and in many instances the only qualification you need is to speak english.

Go travelling, escape, find a purpose to your life, then come home fifteen years later with enough stories to make you the most interesting person in the whole world.
