Fuzzy Logic 4


Oct 18, 2003
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I am running a 2.4 Pentium 4 on a SiS 645 Chipset Mobo. It came with a program called Fuzzy Logic 4 and it has an auto overclock function where it will automatically OC the computer to the highest safest speed. I am pretty hesitant (never OCed before) and I was wondering if anyone has tried this function or Fuzzy Logic 4 an whether or not it is safe to use. Thank you in advance
I ran the auto function and the 2.4 steadly went up to 2.76 at 1.47 volts and the temp went up to about 47C. Even though it said that it would stop at a safe lvl I stopped it anyway because I am new to this and to be honest kinda scared. I reset it back to 2.4 and now the temp is 38C. Is that good for a 2.4 bieng air cooled?
I run at approx. 50 Celsius (amd athlon xp 2800+) - for what it's worth.
Hmmm, i may ant to try this program, but first i'l need a new HSF. Prob an Aero7+. i hear they r good, but how noisy r they?