G-Man - Allegiance(s)


Jan 22, 2006
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Sorry to make yet another G-Man topic, but I was wondering about people's theories on this.
(I attempted to search for this, but it was a little hard to get relating results to such a topic)

I was basically wondering who the G-man is/was working for and whether he could be described as good or evil.

In Half-Life, G-man seemingly works for the government or at least be partly related to it from his line in the end. He often refers to his employers, before employing Freeman himself. The G-man is seemingly held responsible for what happened in Black Mesa although it looks like he opposed the experiment.
In Half-Life 2, he brings Freeman back to fight the Combine off. Ironically, Breen, the most powerful man in the game says that Freeman's services were available to the highest bidder, yet he seemingly somehow had been outbid. The Vortiguants also appear to be under his control.

In the first game, G-man had the Nihilanth killed, apparently releasing the portal storms and leading the Combine through Xen to Earth.
In the second game, he stopped the Combine on Earth.

So, what do you guys think? Evil? Good? Mercenary?
Who was he working for in Half-Life, who had more to offer than Breen in Half-Life 2.
The Gman was under the guise of being an inspector of the Black Mesa Reaserch Facility on the day of the RC. (Read it somewhere before HL2 came out on a very extensive website with a lot of proof.)
It's pretty clear that there is a "line" or worlds or universes... Kinda.. Like it goes Combine-Xen-Earth-??? Like you have to go to Xen to teleport around on Earth, ect, so many the GMan is from the next universe, trying to protect his own world?
I believe that the Nihilanth said something like "you are man...he is not man".
Having that mystery solved, we need to start debating over his true nature; what he really is. *cough*VORTIGAUNT*coughcough*
Gman works for himself. He is self-employed.
The g-man has his own(or that of his (ex-?)employeers) and can't be trusted further than him doing what helps him.
SHOKAY. Here's how I think it all goes down:

1. G-Man's employers have a major, major dispute with the Combine.
2. G-Man is given the task of getting back at the Combine.
3. G-Man begins to formulate a plan and observe two people who seem fit for the task: Gordon Freeman and Adrian Shephard.
4. G-Man plans a test to see which one of the two is more fit for the task, and infiltrates Black Mesa as an inspector.
5. G-Man sets up the resonance cascade, allowing Xenians to enter Earth.
6. G-Man influences the Xenians to go after Gordon, and influences (commands? didn't mean for them to attack Adrian at all?) the Race X to go for Adrian.
7. Gordon seems to be the better choice, so G-Man captures Adrian and places him in stasis for future use (such as if Gordon dies).
8. Endgame of Half-Life 1. The G-Man makes an offer to Gordon: work for him or be killed by countless Xenians. Gordon accepts.
9. Combine take over Earth. G-Man expected this, for it was part of his plan!
10. G-Man has a dispute with his employers, and he quits and begins to sell out Gordon and Adrian. In an ironic twist, the G-Man's old employers are the highest bidders.
11. Start of Half-Life 2. G-Man places Gordon on a path which will lead to him becoming a major rebel against the Combine.
12. Events of Half-Life 2. Not much to mention.
13. Endgame of HL2. Gordon, after dealing a major and humiliating blow to the Combine empire, is placed back in stasis. G-Man's task is complete, and he continues to pimp out Gordon and Adrian.

My proof for all of this is that I don't have any at all. :(
Homepie said:
SHOKAY. Here's how I think it all goes down:

1. G-Man's employers have a major, major dispute with the Combine.
2. G-Man is given the task of getting back at the Combine.
3. G-Man begins to formulate a plan and observe two people who seem fit for the task: Gordon Freeman and Adrian Shephard.
4. G-Man plans a test to see which one of the two is more fit for the task, and infiltrates Black Mesa as an inspector.
5. G-Man sets up the resonance cascade, allowing Xenians to enter Earth.
6. G-Man influences the Xenians to go after Gordon, and influences (commands? didn't mean for them to attack Adrian at all?) the Race X to go for Adrian.
7. Gordon seems to be the better choice, so G-Man captures Adrian and places him in stasis for future use (such as if Gordon dies).
8. Endgame of Half-Life 1. The G-Man makes an offer to Gordon: work for him or be killed by countless Xenians. Gordon accepts.
9. Combine take over Earth. G-Man expected this, for it was part of his plan!
10. G-Man has a dispute with his employers, and he quits and begins to sell out Gordon and Adrian. In an ironic twist, the G-Man's old employers are the highest bidders.
11. Start of Half-Life 2. G-Man places Gordon on a path which will lead to him becoming a major rebel against the Combine.
12. Events of Half-Life 2. Not much to mention.
13. Endgame of HL2. Gordon, after dealing a major and humiliating blow to the Combine empire, is placed back in stasis. G-Man's task is complete, and he continues to pimp out Gordon and Adrian.

My proof for all of this is that I don't have any at all. :(

all very interesting points

however, you can also argue quite reasonably and for the fun of it :E
1. G-Man's employers were the Combine.
2. G-Man is given the task of getting back at the enemies of the Combine - the Nihilanth and controller race controlled Xen who have fought/rebelled against the combine.
3. G-Man begins to formulate a plan and observe Adrian Shephard.
4. G-Man plans for this, and infiltrates Black Mesa as an inspector.
5. G-Man and possibly with Breens collusion sets up the resonance cascade, opening up a rift between Xen and Earth.
6. Nihilanth sends Xenians into Black Mesa to destroy the place/capture the place so that he can regain control of the chaos. Race X (are they combine troops - organic synths and slave races) seize the opportunity to finish the war with the Xenians
7. Gordon unexpectedly does the job that the Gman hoped Shephard would complete
8. Endgame of Half-Life 1. The G-Man makes an offer to Gordon: work for him or be killed by countless Xenians troops. Gordon accepts.
9. Combine take over Earth. G-Man expected this, because he worked for them
10. G-Man has a dispute with his employers, and he quits and begins to pimp Gordon and Adrian. In an ironic twist, the G-Man's old employers are the highest bidders. (I agree :) )
11. Start of Half-Life 2. G-Man places Gordon on a path which will lead to him becoming a major rebel against the Combine.
12. Events of Half-Life 2. Not much to mention.
13. Endgame of HL2. Gordon, after dealing a major and humiliating blow to the Combine empire, is placed back in stasis. G-Man's task is complete, and he continues to pimp out Gordon and Adrian.
Well gman couldnt possibly be working for the combine in half life. He said: The Xen is curently under our controll... Or something like that. And if he where working the Combine... That means the Combine where on Xen... OMG!