G-mans DEAD !


Terris Orian

check it out, i got a screen shot of G-man lying on the ground dead and some other funny ones


The leader of the combine is dead on T.V.



Oh no ! alyx is stuck in the ground


just on a side note, i found this weird thing while nocliping throught the last level, it is near where the end scenematic takes palce (a dark room wi a white door way) anyone know what it is ?


oops cant post other pics, guess ill post them l8r. Trust me more cool pics will come :afro:
(RE: Destrukt) Well THAT was a constructive post...

Amusing pictures. The last thing looks like some sort of set-up for a portal device. Have no clue what it is thought.
If you guys are not going to post something constructive, don't post anything at all...


Funny pictures :)
if your going to bash someone's opinion, don't post anything at all....
if you're going to bash someone for bashing someone's opinion, don't post anything at all...
if you're about to kill everyone in this thread, post about it.

ps 400th post!
Dan said:
if you're going to bash someone for bashing someone's opinion, don't post anything at all...

whoa, that was witty. maybe learn how to press printscreen yourself instead of copy and paste.
wtf is up with this don't bash the basher who bashed his bashing opinion bullshyte?

Anyway, cool pics. :D
Terris Orian said:
just on a side note, i found this weird thing while nocliping throught the last level, it is near where the end scenematic takes palce (a dark room wi a white door way) anyone know what it is ?


That portal thing is what shows while the G-Man is talking to you at the end. The white door is the door that he walks through at the end.