G4TV's E3 Schedule Revealed


Mar 22, 2006
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G4TV, will be broadcasting live from E3 during the entire event. They will be sending Kevin Pereira, Adam Sessler, and Morgan Webb. The schedule is as follows:

Monday May 8th, 2006 - (7:00 PT/ET - 8:00 PT/ET)
Attack of the Show E3 Preview
An hour of what to expect from E3 including previews and predictions.

Tuesday May 9th, 2006 - (6:00 PT/ET - 9:00 PT/ET)
E3 06 Live Attack of the Show Special
Coverage of the three press conferences (Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft) as well as videos of all the revealed games.

Wednesday May 10th, 2006 to Friday May 12th, 2006 - (6:00 PT/ET - 9:00 PT/ET)
E306 Live Attack of the Show Specials
Coverage of all that the three hosts see and play at E3. This includes booth babes, fanboys, free stuff, cosplayers, and games. With the way G4 is going these days, expect about two hours of booth babes and an hour for everything else.:afro:
Ill try and catch it. thx for info.
Icarusintel said:
I thought they took away booth babes

Yes, but the average stupid G4 viewer doesn't know that, they only care about their anime and Final Fantasy
It's too bad they took away the booth babes, my dream was to become a male booth babe when I became ol' enough ;(
They didn't take them away completely though, right? I thought they just had to tone down the skimpy outfits and such....
Gargantou said:
It's too bad they took away the booth babes, my dream was to become a male booth babe when I became ol' enough ;(

You're banned from America now.
Gargantou said:
It's too bad they took away the booth babes, my dream was to become a male booth babe when I became ol' enough ;(
Actually they didn't ban it, it will still be present in the E3 this year.