Gabe Lov-- Despises the Playstation 3...


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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...And he advises Sony to "do a do over" with their next-generation game platform.[br]Gabe Newell, in a brazen interview with Game Informer, referred to the Playstation 3 as a "total disaster on so many levels" and urges Sony to admit their mistakes and cease all attempts to gain support from game developers and consumers alike.[br]On a lighter note, Gabe says he loves the Wii and he likes "everything that Nintendo is doing." He also predicts that by next Christmas, the Nintendo Wii will have a larger fan base than that of the Xbox 360. "Other people think I'm crazy." But we love you, Gabe![br]Pickup the latest issue of Game Informer to read the whole interview.
Three threads about this?

I agree and disagree.

PS3 is far from failing.

Bad start but it will hang on and do good in the future, especially once the good games start coming out.
I agree and disagree.

PS3 is far from failing.

Bad start but it will hang on and do good in the future, especially once the good games start coming out.

I think so too...except replace 'bad start' with 'horrible, depressing start.'
They are living in an aquarium located on the Long Beach Peninsula Wildlife Sanctuary and Family Fun Centre.
Oh hell, that was beautiful.

What a scumbag statement, from some fudgey tard who's done nothing but port to consoles. Gabe's PR is the only "total disaster" I'm seeing here.
Maybe the PR sucks, but consider the fact that this man has put out or been a part of some of the biggest PC games EVER. Then consider how he's used very good judgment in the past with regards to producing quality products, and the fact that he is in fact very knowledgeable in the ways of the gaming industry... now consider what he said and drop the fanboy business to actually consider how lousy the PS3 launch has been, and how limited and unremarkable the games have been for this system so far.

Also... just cause the PS2 was good, doesn't mean that the PS3 will be, they are completely separate machines, only the brand hold them together. If I called the new PS3 the 360, and called the 360 the PS3, which would you want more?
Still waiting for the european release... I think the american release was too early. Just like in japan. There arent any good games for it. And nintendo has got a far more broader fanbase because grandma and grandpa can play a wii, not a PS3.

Yeah, the PS3 launch was pretty botched up. But the console is far from a disaster. Nintendo have the family and casual gamer fanbase (going for accessibility), while the hardcore ones who have money to burn on HDTVs and surround systems have the 360 and PS3.

A console's greatest games are almost never its release titles. Wait till the price drops, and big franchise games come out (MGS4, FFXIII, etc). Then we'll see how level the playing field is.
i'd like to know why the hell anyone actually feels some kind of allegiance to a console. It's what plays the games, it isn't THE GAMES. Why defend the ps3 as a gamer when Gabe is criticising it for it's infrastructure/developability?

If gabe says that (a man with alot of experience in the industry) he's probably right, what would a fanboy know about that? REaaaaaaaally nothing...
This forum is a good example of why the PS3 will unfortunately still outsell the wii and 360. Oh and Smash, there is already a topic on this.
My God, Gabe is a nintendo fan boy. If the PS3 was really that piece of trash, the game houses wouldn't be comitted to making so many games as they are now.
That the PS3 is hard to develop everyone knows that, many develeopers have said that (but in more polite and civilized ways), but they don't keep whining like angry little girls.

PS: By the way

This is ****ing ridiculous. God damned fanboys.
Look how dickhead PS3 fanboys ruined Gabe Newell's article on Wiki! Kill'em'all!
I agree with Gabe (only disagree with Nintendo part) because he is always right.

Sad, sad wankers. It's amusing that they bitch and whine about Gabes issues about the Core Processor, but I doubt even one of them can code for shit. Hell Carmacks got concerns and without his talent there wouldn't even be 3D engines. Valve have demonstrated that they have a commitment to multi-core processing so I'm not sure what the big issue is. Hopefully someone can delete the recent updates at gabes Wiki.
Sad, sad wankers. It's amusing that they bitch and whine about Gabes issues about the Core Processor, but I doubt even one of them can code for shit. Hell Carmacks got concerns and without his talent there wouldn't even be 3D engines. Valve have demonstrated that they have a commitment to multi-core processing so I'm not sure what the big issue is. Hopefully someone can delete the recent updates at gabes Wiki.
It's already fixed, I only posted history page. If they will do it again, I will find them and kill'em.
The guy that did it lives in Canada somewhere, couldn't be arsed to remember where he lived. Was something like Saskaschwasomething :p
This forum is a good example of why the PS3 will unfortunately still outsell the wii and 360. Oh and Smash, there is already a topic on this.

For that to happen they'd actually have to produce enough units to match the amount of Wiis and X360s' already sold. :cheese:
Gabe Newell? He's the one to talk... he delayed Half-Life 2 for about 3 years, when it came out, his game wouldn't even run on many people's computer on the first day it came out and they had to release a patch THE SAME DAY just to get the damn game running, then, all the way up until now, the game is so glitchy, it's bearly playable and he also bought Counter-Strike from an independent company, which was a good game and made it a horrible game..

So why should I care what he says again?

Personal favourite. Clearly, this guy hasn't played HL2 if it's "so glitchy, it's bearly playable".
That playstation site makes me sick and feel pity for them at the same time. Sad that they REFUSE to enjoy great games on the PC/other consoles just because it's not "their" brand.

@PsychoFreak, Since the only time HL2 has been "glitchy" or "barely playable" was when it was the stolen beta, he should be arrested.
i'd like to know why the hell anyone actually feels some kind of allegiance to a console. It's what plays the games, it isn't THE GAMES.
I never understand this myself. Experience of the console market has taught us that it's probably best to give things a while to develope before rushing out to buy a new console the instant it's released. If hordes of fans want to spend a week or so camping outside there local game shops awaiting the release dates that's fine. But in the volatile world that is the console industry I prefer to sit back, give it a good 6 months & wait to see how things progress.

Just because Sony are the market leaders & have a fearsome reputation built on their previous 2 consoles this in no way gaurantees success for the PS3. Just look back for a second at SEGA. A pretty much global domination of the console market as well as the biggest manufacturer of arcade consoles. They release a couple of duff consoles & now where are they? Writing games for other manufacturers that's where!

If gabe says that (a man with alot of experience in the industry) he's probably right
Saying Gabe Newell is a heavyweight in the gaming industry is like saying McDonalds are a pretty large fast food chain! As such you would certainly give him the time of day when he air's such opinions & concerns about the technology involved in the console market. Gabe appreciates (as most gamers as opposed to fan boys do) that it's games that drive gaming technology not gaming technology that drives games. A fantastic console that's technically superior to everything & anything that's come before it but has no decent games to exploit this (for whatever reason) is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
Before Valve came along AI in FPS games had one policy..***n at you with no sense of self preservation until you, or it was dead (ala Doom and it's many clones). Even if today it seems rather rudimentary the tactical AI in the original HL was ground breaking at the time. Fighting the Marines was an absolute Buzz. Things like that completely revolutionised the industries whole approach to the idea of game AI through out, and that's just one of the things Valve have contributed to the mix. That a bunch of whiny PS3 Fanboys have no ****ing clue or appreciation of that sort of thimg is of no surprise, because consoles are and will always be the dumped down gaming platform, regardless of how well they might push pixels. The only console I have any respect for is the Wii, because it's clear that Nintendo are aiming at breaking boundaries with it.
Wow. Um. Some of those PS forum posts were so stupid I kinda feel my IQ has been lowered a point or two after reading them...

God forbid a company move away from the current set of CPU architectures and in the process make development time longer by having to learn a new standard of coding.

On a side not all hardcore console fanboys are idiots, it really doesn't matter which one they like. Check the big 3's official forums and you'll discover this.
Kyo, it's not just a new standard. Coding on a system using all 8 cores of Cell is different than programming on an 8 core intel/amd processor(when there will be).

Due to the asymmetric design, in order processing, and cache. It's not learning a new standard but rather a completely new style that will probably only be used for the Ps3 (for game developers anyway).
God forbid a company move away from the current set of CPU architectures and in the process make development time longer by having to learn a new standard of coding.

On a side not all hardcore console fanboys are idiots, it really doesn't matter which one they like. Check the big 3's official forums and you'll discover this.

Valve have been working on multi-core processing for Source for some time (they are looking way beyond Duo-Core machines). They are all for emergent technologies.

But as Cole highlights, multi-core and cell processors are different things entirely. You have to write a completely different game code for the PS3 and that means your production budget pretty much doubles if you want a multi-platform release. The hard truth is as Gabe pointed out in his interview last year, Sony aren't particularly interested in meeting the needs of the developer, because they have no interest in seeing PS3 games on other platforms, they want that exclusivity in order to sell their boxes.
Gabe can go suck a lollypop in my opinion... I personally don't give a shit what he has to say because I think all the game stations have their ups and downs. His word isn't any better than anyone else's and sure as hell not a Video Game Console developer. I say keep your word to the games you rich man. Peace, The hater
Yes, it's the games that determine a console's popularity, but one with abnormal coding and a subsequently longer development period will make developers more reluctant to make ps3 titles. Is this what's holding back the release of Ep2? With a simultaneous release on 3 platforms like they promised, it will be slowed down to the lowest common denominator. It sounds like it's the ps3 version. I hope it's a good sign that Valve isn't making the ps3 version alone according to Lombardi's statements in August. "We're working together with EA to extend the initial launch - we're working on the 360 version and the PC version, and we're collaborating with them and some of their studios on the PS3 version - to deliver everything at the same time."
Last edited by Samon : Today at 12:34 AM.

Damn u Samon ...I wanted to see what the unappreciative Greebo really said :frown:

Yes, it's the games that determine a console's popularity, but one with abnormal coding and a subsequently longer development period will make developers more reluctant to make ps3 titles. Is this what's holding back the release of Ep2? With a simultaneous release on 3 platforms like they promised, it will be slowed down to the lowest common denominator. It sounds like it's the ps3 version. I hope it's a good sign that Valve isn't making the ps3 version alone according to Lombardi's statements in August. "We're working together with EA to extend the initial launch - we're working on the 360 version and the PC version, and we're collaborating with them and some of their studios on the PS3 version - to deliver everything at the same time."
Knowing Valve, they're probably just tweeking the game the whole time. I'm sure the console ports may slow down the end release of the game as EA and Valve finishing off the ports but I think any large delays are simply due to Valve's development proccess.
Yeah, the PS3 launch was pretty botched up. But the console is far from a disaster. Nintendo have the family and casual gamer fanbase (going for accessibility), while the hardcore ones who have money to burn on HDTVs and surround systems have the 360 and PS3.

A console's greatest games are almost never its release titles. Wait till the price drops, and big franchise games come out (MGS4, FFXIII, etc). Then we'll see how level the playing field is.

I don't think the release of those games or price drops will dramatically shift the market away from the Wii or 360 (more likely the 360). Sure, you might get an increase in sales of PS3s because of these games coming out, but Nintendo will still have the larger fanbase because the family is still sold on the Wii (who has a mom/dad/iteration of grandparent who wants to play PS3 games?).

Also, how the hell are you going to see price drops when a) stores are having a hard time selling the PS3 consoles, and b) Sony is still losing money on every console they sell. I really don't see the price of their stuff dropping anytime soon and stil be able to cover their losses on the costs of each individual system.

On a final note, everyone keeps talking about awesome games that are going to come out for PS3 - but if all the developers hate the PS3 and its obvious lack of support for the console, then what incentive do the developers have to make badass games? Something tells me Sony has to make some sweeping changes before anyone can see the PS3 being a huge hit.