gabe newell caught!

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Abort abort , the joke has failed I repeat the joke has failed. We are pulling back , forget about horrible GABE IS FAT JOKES we are pulling out!
The commission of Humour and Jokes rated your joke: retarded.
i wonder, if Gabe had to choose, have a foursome with heather graham and the olsen twins but delay hl2 for another year, or have hl2 released but he must gain 20 more pounds, which would he choose. and even IF he gained 20 lbs, would he be at dangerous levels of obesity?
aohus said:
i wonder, if Gabe had to choose, have a foursome with heather graham and the olsen twins but delay hl2 for another year, or have hl2 released but he must gain 20 more pounds, which would he choose. and even IF he gained 20 lbs, would he be at dangerous levels of obesity?

Dude, the first joke wasnt funny, and nether was this one, just stop.
hahhaha that is sweet animation gotta admit! doesnt look like gabe at all but still love the animation
actually that image is from the same company that distributes all half-life games, vivendi universal. its called f.e.a.r, and looks completely badass. comes out next year.
Don't make fool of gabe, so low to make fun of a person that dose have complex.
this is like the 4th time on 4 different forums this lame ass joke has been posted. is that you cheese? you lame ****
goddamn acme420 quit following me around. its been posted on isonews but not here heehee! sup acme420.
did you see the reflection on that window/mirror whatever it is?wooo nelly!can you say dx9?
aohus said:
i wonder, if Gabe had to choose, have a foursome with heather graham and the olsen twins but delay hl2 for another year, or have hl2 released but he must gain 20 more pounds, which would he choose. and even IF he gained 20 lbs, would he be at dangerous levels of obesity?
Weeey heeyy!
Our survey saaayyysss:
That'ws an awful thing to say.Here, this man is helping develop an incredible game that may help computer gaming another step forward towards legitimacy and YOU, insanely cunningly clever fellow that you are, make yet another hilarious joke about his weight! Wow.
You, sir, are an idiot. And horrible. And peurile.
Good luck to you in the real world. Things might be tough for you.
It's such a sad thing to see when people whom are born without brains perform such rash actions. Even if it was funny, it wouldn't be.
During the start of the new HL2 hype, it seems as if has been going under an idiot invasion. I wish the mods would stop being fair and just ban these retards :rolleyes:
[[LuCkY]] said:
Since when are you a mod.

Who knows, it's worth a try.
Maybe it'll work if you act like you're from the UK.
Let's see:

These crumpets are bollocks!
Ok since this got bumped back up to the top of the forums it'll probably get locked by an actual mod.
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