Gabe Newell Gets Shocked!

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I took some time out of my busy schedule to ask Gabe Newell, the well known internet loafer and game developer, a few searching questions about the underlying strategy for Half-Life 2's technology and intellectual property, and Valve's philosophy and future direction. Gabe was clear and focused, though the answers were a little predictable. While I'm a little disappointed that Valve don't seem capable of delivering the true revolution envisioned by some, they aren't afraid to take the necessary evolutionary steps. Valve isn't a company that frightens me.

Thanks Gabe. :)

CultureShock: Do you think the Half-Life 2 project, as well engineered as it appears to be, signals the perceived split between gaming, systems, and general applications development, is coming to an end?

Gabe Newell: I'm not entirely sure I understand the question. I think developers need to think about their customer and how to give their customers value, and that's the same regardless of whether you are building a game, an operating system, or a piece of productivity software.

CultureShock: The technology introduced with Half-Life 2 allows artists and writers to achieve a higher level of content fidelity than previously experienced. This promises to allow a new generation to become interested in what may have previously been a sterile medium. With that in mind, has Valve ever considered allowing royalty free usage of the engine binaries, for commercial work, to encourage this trend?

Gabe Newell: We're going to revamp our licensing system to enable a wider variety of options.

CultureShock: Along with raising the bar for technology and content, the Valve PR machine has been extremely slick and well focused, and the game has been produced to embrace as many customers as possible who may not be able to afford the latest hardware. Besides making a profit, what's the guiding philosophy or moral behind Valve?

Gabe Newell: Oddly enough most of our decisions aren't driven off of profit considerations so much as we worry about what's the right thing to do for the people who buy and play our games. In the long run we assume that if we keep doing that then the profit thing will take care of itself. Steam hasn't generated a dime but we think that building it is the best way to create a system to deliver and support our games, and that once we have it to the point where it clearly is of benefit, that the money thing will work itself out.

CultureShock: What plans does Valve have for expansion into other media?

Gabe Newell: First and foremost, we want to work with the MOD community. After that, we think that we've done some things with Source that will help the machinima crowd both from a content production side and from a distribution side. In addition to MODs and machinima, we've started to do some work with academics in areas like autism and phobia desensitization.
In addition to MODs and machinima, we've started to do some work with academics in areas like autism and phobia desensitization.

And my respect for Valve still raises.
There are allot of top name companies that shall remain nameless that can learn a thing or two from Valve's example *cough* EA *cough*
Companies that work for progress not profit are the ones that deserve to succeed.
I really thought this had to do with Gabe being struck by lightning.....thank god it was just another Q&A topic =)
Originally posted by spitzfiya
I really thought this had to do with Gabe being struck by lightning.....thank god it was just another Q&A topic =)

lol thats all i can say to this commet lmao n1 m8 ;)
Worst interview questions ever. He didn't even understand the first question. The first three questions didn't need the superfluous ramblings that preceed them, not to mention you didn't ask anything we couldn't predict the answer to.
Originally posted by Viscid
Worst interview questions ever. He didn't even understand the first question. The first three questions didn't need the superfluous ramblings that preceed them, not to mention you didn't ask anything we couldn't predict the answer to.

Gabe not understanding the first question is an answer in itself. The second is trying to tease out Valves political views on intellectual property. The third is an attempt to get behind the philosophy driving Valve. The fourth question was totally flunked by Gabe. The fifth Q&A I decided to withold.

What I think you fail to realise is that Gabe is extremely adept at presentations and fielding questions. More often than not you walk away with the impression he wants to create rather than the rich insights you're looking for, and he does it so well you don't notice it. Unfortunately for him, I do. :)
The title of this thread is inappropriate... he doesn't get 'shocked' or sth, it's just your silly name
Originally posted by frin
The title of this thread is inappropriate... he doesn't get 'shocked' or sth, it's just your silly name

Actually, to those who know me it's very appropriate. I'm more interested in technology strategy and politics than discussing technology and design. You also don't know what the fifth Q&A was, and I'm not telling you. Suffice to say, I know, Gabe knows, that I know.

Despite opportunities to give alternate answers, which someone else called flab, Gabe chose stock answers, as I suspected he would. But, even with Gabes best efforts, I've walked away knowing more than when I walked in. That counts as a success in my book.
You seem more interested in inscrutable jargon and being kinda a self-assured *&^*. Ive never heard of someone so full of themselves: and what do you even DO, anyway?
I didn't understand most of your questions either, but when I heard "intellectual property" an ominous thought crossed my mind. What did you really want to find out from the poor guy?
Source engine is great and all, but it's not the only engine doing certain things...

in fact...

X-ray engine is overally > Source Engine by far.

Source engine's character face technology is unmatched though.
CultureShock, what are you so surprised about? That the founder and managing director of VALVe, Gabe Newell, uses stock answers when dealing with the general public on a daily basis and that he runs a company which is in the software-development business? That he has an interest in defending the company's intellectual property rights, because that's where the monies come from?

Welcome to the world of professional software development.

I have to agree with Apos and Nietzche,
I'm fresh out of medals for your arrogance and swarm.
Originally posted by Tequila
I have to agree with Apos and Nietzche,
I'm fresh out of medals for your arrogance and swarm.

This guy has an ego the size of the Empire State building AND claims to be an industry renowned developer. I think he might be John Romero in disguise.


I'm scared :(
Romero has certainly come a long way. After he's lost most of the members on his team during the development of Daikatana, partly because of his Mega-lo-mania, he now seems to focus on more managable types of games.
But isn't he hooked up with the N-gage? That system is not a good pony to bet on.
Originally posted by Viscid
Worst interview questions ever. He didn't even understand the first question. The first three questions didn't need the superfluous ramblings that preceed them, not to mention you didn't ask anything we couldn't predict the answer to.

Please try to make productive comments that add value to a thread or take approximately 0 seconds to not type anything at all.

Props to CultureShock for taking our collective stupidity and pointless negativity in stride.
He's working for Nokia's N-Gage platform, just have a quick look at the site.

I don't know how it turns out for him, but he isn't known for his wise decisions and you'll prolly not want to follow in his footsteps, if you recall the Daikatana disaster.

Originally posted by Lifthz
Source engine is great and all, but it's not the only engine doing certain things...

in fact...

X-ray engine is overally > Source Engine by far.

Source engine's character face technology is unmatched though.

X-Ray Engine

Physics -

Realistic Ballistics, movement, and fluids.

Source Engine

Physics -

Completely interactable materially simulated objects, movement, vehicle movement, fluids, terrain deformation/altering, etc. etc.

Get over your STALKER fanboy self. Source beats out X-ray 2-1 in every aspect, I don't have time to list em all.
heh, id like to hear what great insights you have made from those answers. i mean really..... anyone would answer like that and it says little if anything about Gabe's true feelings/oppinions if infact those are not them.
if you persist in hyping your intellect with these petty ramblings i will have to resort to giving the interview to some people i know that can be considered as experts in this field..... and im sure they would agree with me.

As for Mr Romero..... he has one some great things for gaming but since he created ion-storm.... well the creativity has gone and the money hungry, power mad side come out. He does veter working for others imo.

Now onto the Source engine thing.... X-Ray is good..... but source is far superior.... you'll need to wait for the game to come out and the mods to be made..... but X-Ray is built for the short term.... the Source engine is a long term design and will last for atleast another generation of games if the details we've had are correct. Its a scalable platform with few limitations for a fair few years at this rate of advancement.

Psuedo-intellectualism is alive and well at Cultureshock.
Originally posted by guinny
Get over your STALKER fanboy self. Source beats out X-ray 2-1 in every aspect, I don't have time to list em all. [/B]

Honestly, I think that guinny is right here. The Stalker people have done a good job, however I don't see it being used as the engine for most next-gen games. Most developers are going to go to Source and Doom 3 instead.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
This guy has an ego the size of the Empire State building AND claims to be an industry renowned developer. I think he might be John Romero in disguise.

Don't believe everything you hear from that Ozzie will-work-for-food developer. :)

Originally posted by Kamakazie
if you persist in hyping your intellect with these petty ramblings i will have to resort to giving the interview to some people i know that can be considered as experts in this field..... and im sure they would agree with me.

Go on then. :)
Originally posted by guinny
X-Ray Engine

Physics -

Realistic Ballistics, movement, and fluids.

Source Engine

Physics -

Completely interactable materially simulated objects, movement, vehicle movement, fluids, terrain deformation/altering, etc. etc.

Get over your STALKER fanboy self. Source beats out X-ray 2-1 in every aspect, I don't have time to list em all.

Perhaps you should know things before you talk about them...

-Based on ODE engine

-Simulation speed outperforms commercial engines such as MathEngine, Havok, etc.

-Real-time IK, vehicle physics, etc.

-Collision database with low memory usage

-Collision detection optimized for a large number of queries in a high concentration polygonal environment

-Realistic simulation of ballistics, movement, and fluids

I am no fanboy, I know what's what.

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Honestly, I think that guinny is right here. The Stalker people have done a good job, however I don't see it being used as the engine for most next-gen games. Most developers are going to go to Source and Doom 3 instead.

Well we'll see about that.

Originally posted by Kamakazie
heh, id like to hear what great insights you have made from those answers. i mean really..... anyone would answer like that and it says little if anything about Gabe's true feelings/oppinions if infact those are not them.
if you persist in hyping your intellect with these petty ramblings i will have to resort to giving the interview to some people i know that can be considered as experts in this field..... and im sure they would agree with me.

As for Mr Romero..... he has one some great things for gaming but since he created ion-storm.... well the creativity has gone and the money hungry, power mad side come out. He does veter working for others imo.

Now onto the Source engine thing.... X-Ray is good..... but source is far superior.... you'll need to wait for the game to come out and the mods to be made..... but X-Ray is built for the short term.... the Source engine is a long term design and will last for atleast another generation of games if the details we've had are correct. Its a scalable platform with few limitations for a fair few years at this rate of advancement.


Yeah, and this explains why the X-ray engine has a full DX9 render that utilizes EVERY Direct X 9 features and more and The Source engine is a Direct 8 engine with few Direct X 9 instructions? I think you need to go and check the facts...

S.T.A.L.K.E.R DX 7/8 engine render sheet:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R full DX9 (first DX9 engine) engine render sheet:
CultureShock: Do you think the Half-Life 2 project, as well engineered as it appears to be, signals the perceived split between gaming, systems, and general applications development, is coming to an end?

= %%^^^^ ***&*& )))")!! ))£(("(!( &&^%% ^$$$ %% ^%% ^^^^^ ((((*((_+_(&(^% +++ &_^)%(&%$$£%$%££$£?

CultureShock: The technology introduced with Half-Life 2 allows artists and writers to achieve a higher level of content fidelity than previously experienced. This promises to allow a new generation to become interested in what may have previously been a sterile medium. With that in mind, has Valve ever considered allowing royalty free usage of the engine binaries, for commercial work, to encourage this trend?

= Will you let people use your stuff for free?

CultureShock: Along with raising the bar for technology and content, the Valve PR machine has been extremely slick and well focused, and the game has been produced to embrace as many customers as possible who may not be able to afford the latest hardware. Besides making a profit, what's the guiding philosophy or moral behind Valve?

= Is there some deep phrase above everyones' desk at Valve?

Questions + Thesaurus = Lots of not needed stuff ;)
Originally posted by CultureShock
Actually, to those who know me it's very appropriate. I'm more interested in technology strategy and politics than discussing technology and design. You also don't know what the fifth Q&A was, and I'm not telling you. Suffice to say, I know, Gabe knows, that I know.

All right, seriously, lets cut this egomaniac BS, because as far as I'm concerned you're just a more educated version of Sun-Tzu.

What in the world did you mean by "other meadia"? And what exactly did you find out from Gabe's answers that was so "shocking"?
Originally posted by guinny
Get over your STALKER fanboy self.

Wow that really is the word of the month for you huh?
Do you realize that by your continued bashing of Stalker and uninformed claims of Source's superiority that you are in fact showing yourself to be a Half-Life 2 "fanboy"

I thought that was a forgone conclusion if you post here. :dork:
Myself I am more skeptical towards claims made on the Stalker engine than on the Source engine, mainly because Valve has rarely been one to lie.
In the end if theres any rivalry at all it might be decided by which is easier to code for and create games around. So far Valve seems to have the lead there too, but we'll see.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Honestly, I think that guinny is right here. The Stalker people have done a good job, however I don't see it being used as the engine for most next-gen games. Most developers are going to go to Source and Doom 3 instead.

I think Stalker will get as much liscencing as Doom 3 will...Doom3 doesnt look to be all that mod freindly or extensible...but then again I lost interest in Doom3 after I realized all they have going for them is pitch black shadows..maybe they have actual multiplayer now?

Most people will go for Source or the latest Unreal or UT engine
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
haha, funny... seems Shock is popular with his super English everywhere

LOL .. looks like we got played. Oh well, at least it made my day more interesting.

Now I'm wondering whether he really did interview Gabe. I mean Gabe doesn't always answer our questions, would he really talk with this jerk? Then again, he seems to be a really good con artist so he could have made up a story like he's from a gaming magazine or something and Gabe could have fallen for it. But I guess we'll never know for sure. :bounce:
Originally posted by Lifthz
Yeah, and this explains why the X-ray engine has a full DX9 render that utilizes EVERY Direct X 9 features and more and The Source engine is a Direct 8 engine with few Direct X 9 instructions? I think you need to go and check the facts...

Yeah that is why Valve has stated that it takes full advantage of the latest DX9 cards and that they had features they wanted to put into the game but have to wait until new hardware is developed, 1 point for me.
Heh, I think Cultureshock is just a character. I'm pretty sure he understands fully what people think of him and is just an ass to get attention. It's a good character though, very original. I salute!
Originally posted by Lifthz
Yeah, and this explains why the X-ray engine has a full DX9 render that utilizes EVERY Direct X 9 features and more and The Source engine is a Direct 8 engine with few Direct X 9 instructions? I think you need to go and check the facts...

Its not a big deal that it can utilize all dx9 features. No game right now is going to use *just* dx9 features as an option as no card is fast enough to render something as complicated as an fps engine that uses dx9 for everything, we have enough trouble running strict dx9 feature demos which dont even utilize the cpu
Originally posted by reever2
Its not a big deal that it can utilize all dx9 features. No game right now is going to use *just* dx9 features as an option as no card is fast enough to render something as complicated as an fps engine that uses dx9 for everything, we have enough trouble running strict dx9 feature demos which dont even utilize the cpu

how did you manage to post this in the wrong thread?? heh.
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