Gabe Newell interview by PCFormat


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks to A.I. on our forums who translated this interesting interview with Gabe Newell. Gabe covers interesting questions such as company security and how they deal with popularity. This is one of their questions:[br]
PCF It is obvious that the point of your games is an extraordinary gaming experience for one player. Do you think this would be also in the future? Do you think that game development is leaning to a player who can somehow through the multiplayer create his own story? Will single player eventually become extinct?[br]
Gabe There is a great difference between playing HL2, Counter Strike or Condition Zero with bots. I believe that in the gaming industry we can always find out new options and don?t hang on only on a single player experience. Cooperative way of playing is an area where I see interesting possibilities in the near future.
Read the entire article here.
thats what sven co-ops for
they better mod it!!
Enough with the interviews, we're all sick and tired of boring interview and reptitive screenshots. Release the damn game.
Pfft. This isn't the real interview. The real interview was posted a few weeks ago. I told you guys...they just keep recycling old interviews.

The real non-fake interview:
PC Format Interview with Gabe Newell

PCF: So, thanks for coming, Gabe.

Gabe: No problem, it's always a pleasure.

PCF: Right then, so what is the situation with the hacker?

Gabe: The hacker was caught and we threw his ass in jail. I took the time to visit him personally. I walked up to his cell, looked him in the eye, and said "PWN3D n3wb!"

PCF: Wow, that's very cool!

Gabe: Yeah I know! I'm so l33t.

PCF: So, how do the physics in HL2 work?

Gabe: They work good! They are like...really physical and realistic. Did I mention that we are using the Havok physics engine?

PCF: Yeah, probably around 10,000 times, but it is still great to hear!

Gabe: Oh, well...we use the Havok Physics engine! It pwns.

PCF: Okay, so how about the status of the game? Where is it currently at?

Gabe:'s like almost done. We are doing testing and stuff right now.

PCF: So, when can we expect it?

Gabe: SUMMER!!!11one

PCF: Wow! Summer is good. Can you be more specific?

Gabe: OMG WTF no.

PCF: What is your favorite technical aspect of HL2?

Gabe: Ummm... the water is like...really purdy and shiny. I like shiny things.

PCF: I'm sure you do. Now, can you tell us anything about the vehicles?

Gabe: Yeah, there's a buggy that you can drive! It goes fast and stuff and makes a cool "vroom vroom" sound.

PCF: I see, so what about the multiplayer?

Gabe: What about it?

PCF: What is it exactly?

Gabe: Oh multiplayer is when many people from the intarweb hook up for a game of CS. I'ma go play CS after this.

PCF: No, we mean HL2's multiplayer.

Gabe: Oh...oops, gotta go. Something has come food is ready. Later and P.S. I pwn j00 all. HL2 is t3h l33test game evar!!!!!1one.

PCF: kthxbye.
Moto-x_Pat said:
Pfft. This isn't the real interview. The real interview was posted a few weeks ago. I told you guys...they just keep recycling old interviews.

The real non-fake interview:
You know, it was kind of funny the first time...
weee that second interview was teh best! altho i didn't really find it great, hearing the havokengine is used 10000 times. anyways, another thing: they say how VALVe copes with popularity. the first thing i thought is: i already know the answer. they don't.

ok. im done.
[RDH]MastahFrag said:
weee that second interview was teh best! altho i didn't really find it great, hearing the havokengine is used 10000 times. anyways, another thing: they say how VALVe copes with popularity. the first thing i thought is: i already know the answer. they don't.

ok. im done.

I love gabe so much it hurts sometimes

uhhhh someone get me a tissue!
HybridM said:
You know, it was kind of funny the first time...


Excuse me while I go cry...

Why couldn't I please HybridM? Now I must do something more-funnier and something not un-funny. Oh! I know! I'll post a funny movie!

What's that? You have already seen that?


Ah! I lost my funniness.

Well...Sorry HybridM...If you don't love me anymore...that's okay. :|

see??!!! people go insane!!!! this is too much for me and my friends! help me out VALVe! argghh....