Gabe Newell posted on my clan forum




I thought it was a scam at first, but an IP check later and it registers to Valve software. The forum post is titled "Pocket Protectors". Read his entire post to see why he posted at the DADS forum in the first place. It's comical

Go see for yourself:

and a quote from Gabe
HL-2, we're looking to RC at the end of the month.

I'm sure the news ain't new, but it's not everyday someone from Valve posts on your forum....least not for us :D
Lol, wish I was in your clan :p
PowerLlama said:
sooo that means......
It doesn't mean much really. Internally they would have already gone through several release candidates , found bugs, and had to fix them.

What Gabe said is confusing, if he said

"We're looking at getting the final RC done by the end of the month."

As far as i'm concerned what he actually said makes no sense and doesn't tell us anything.
He must have been high when he made the entire post... :p
reproduce copies?
I don't have a clue, but it sounds good :D
yeah is Release Canidate....Beta version....wish he would have said if it was a final RC or a little more that what he did post....

still it's just wild that he even posted on the forum
Like the man said, Release Candidate.

Which means they are closing in on gold.
:afro: :bounce: :afro:
Could mean Remote Control, standalone server tools. Would make more sense

hopefully a release late august if he means THE release candidate for goldnessaosm a omgasdfag!!!@
Hey, one of your members (Sticker) lives in the same city as me!

If what Gabe said is true, then a delivery to Vivendi in August sounds very possible.
Honestly I think he means the "cadidate that is going to be released" by release candidate. In other words the build that is going to be distributed to the publisher / the masses. Good news whatever the case.. by the end of this month I think the final product will be... -gasp- FINISHED!
isn't it a bit weird tho for Gabe to post on a private forum?
well not exactly private.. but private compared to all the different forums Valve employees have been posting at.

oh well...
Keep in mind RELEASE means it is a version that is RELEASED.. not kept between members of the dev. team... hence "RELEASE" candidate
Heh, RC != beta. They refer to specifically different stages. I don't think you would really talk about the "final" release candidate, as every release candidate is, well, a release candidate...

We can only hope it means we're still on track for an August release.

/me crosses fingers
That's absolutely crazy that he posted on a random clan forum, but cool. Also, RC is "technically" beta but it is a Release Canidate - meaning that the company could probably just release it because there may only be some minor bugs floating around - the major stuff has been fixed.
but isint rc usually used for public betas? heh I dont know.. I guess im used to mods with RC1 and RC2.. so it makes me think hl2 will release soon.. bleh IDK
Release Candidate (If that's even what he meant by RC, I haven't checked), is a reference to the version of the game they give to vivendi for publication. It will go through VU games QA and may be sent back for changes if it does not meet their standards, hence why it is termed a candidate, rather than them knowing for certain that it is THE release version.
it's a CANDIDATE for release. Just like Crusader said so perfectly.
Basically, its much better than a beta... and Valve thinks it is good enough to be released. Since Doug (I believe) said that he wanted a RC to be sent to the publisher in August, this is very very good news.
RCs are many seen.. if they haven't been pumping out RCs for the past month or so, and are only JUST getting to the RC phase by the end of the month, I'd be worried as opposed to excited.

Atleast, the few games I've followed closely in the past have released countless RCs before being done.
RC is a good word in engineering. I work in engineering and when we say we are getting ready to make a Release Candidate, it means that we are pretty damn sure that we fixed all of the bugs(that we know of) and we are going to give it one last test(in our company, it is about a week, who knows how long for a video game). IF everything looks good after a week, we release the software.

So, if Gabe says they are shooting for a Release Candidate at the end of the month, it means that HL2 could go GOLD within a week or two after that. Of course, I am just speculating, but I think I am fairly accurate in what I am saying.
hey that was cleverly done,, Gabe saying there making RC by the end of the month.. dont you know he knew that would spread like wild fire across the net. :O,, :naughty: , thanks u gabe,

I think your accurate Helevitia, we could be getting a suprise here. a planned suprise.

we want more Info!. dont stop there :smoking:
OMG the game is done.. we just dont have it yet

/me runs in circles screaming I want hl2 while ripping out his hair
I can feel the burning in my loins of anticipation...

:hmph: I want to make my manipulator mod dammit!
clarky003 said:
hey that was cleverly done,, Gabe saying there making RC by the end of the month.. dont you know he knew that would spread like wild fire across the net. :O,, :naughty: , thanks u gabe,

I thought about it all day long today.....should I post this to a larger HL2 forum or just keep it to myself about Gabe's post. In the end, he did post to a public forum and I'm just your average Joe. Why shouldn't I tell others?

Also a little blip of fame for my clan wouldn't hurt now would it?
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
OMG the game is done.. we just dont have it yet

* bAbYhEaDcRaB runs in circles screaming I want hl2 while ripping out his hair

i see...someones been using the happy pillz.. :rolling:
kids, this is why they say drugs are bad for u. :p
Am I a sinner for wanting CS:S more than HL2?

/me hides
Shuzer said:
Am I a sinner for wanting CS:S more than HL2?

* Shuzer hides
God yes.....I hate you...please go kill yourself NOW.