Gabe Newells Reddit AMA is back on

Clan Wolf

Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
hi all, (apologies in advance for NOT putting this in a more suitable place, but figure i just get the word out)

So it looks like from 'the heart of racing team' did actually get to their 500k goal

race recap link here

After the race it was tallied that only 207k was achieved :( due to alot of factors.
But hey now their saying it did reach whoopee!

Which is a bit odd considering it is weeks later, and to confirm it just that bit more. a reddit user
posted a email reply from Gabe Newell saying yes he will do the ama. No rush he's a busy man. No really he is.

Here is the email reply from Gabe Newell, email photo uploaded, verifcation needed? doubt it.

I don't recall weekly news or any article mentioning it from before, now with this reemerging as quite possibly a very important moment in our in fondness of Valve and Gaben. As it was Gabe who came to reddit to offer to answer questions on the condition....Could be important to cover....

Even though he answered quite a few questions already, he's still up for more...good man!


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thanks, i doubt it was actually him on the gmail. sent gabe a email inquiring about all this. will let you know if he replys.
Wait, so apologies for the noob question here, just not familiar with Reddit AMA's. What is going on now? I'm seeing questions/posts pop in and then get deleted moments later. Is this how AMA's work on Reddit? Is Gaben supposedly grabbing them and then we'll start seeing his answers get posted at some point?

EDIT: Nevermind - it appears everyone is wondering what the heck is going on and the working theory is the Reddit Mods are actually deleting posts as they come in because Gabe did something "wrong".
lol yeah saw the update news.

And yeah its the date 3/3, it just gets weirder.......but in a good way :). The ama should be sorted soon.

EDIT: Here is the official update from Reddit moderators on what happened.

Hey everyone: just wanted to give you an update on the status of Gabe Newell's AMA.
Earlier this morning, he posted an announcement saying that he was planning to host an AMA later this afternoon (4 pm EST, 1 pm PST). The moderators responded with information about how to submit his AMA when the time comes, which we normally do with announcement posts. The thread was then locked (disallowed new coments) and all other comments were removed so that this information would be the only thing visible, making it easier for him to find.
Unfortunately, since then, no one has heard from Mr. Newell. We've been constantly monitoring his Reddit account, and the admins have reached out through their contacts at Valve. But unfortunately, after an hour of waiting, we have been unable to confirm anything. It is possible that he intended to answer on a different date (which does occassionally happen sometimes).
We'll keep you all up to date, but we know this was anticipated so we wanted to make sure you know what happened. When we do get in touch with him, he will either create a new AMA, or possibly will be added to our calendar, so keep an eye out both there and the /new queue. Just to be clear: there is no indication that the AMA is cancelled; just that we don't know when he plans to actually come answer questions.
Thank you all for your patience, and we're all looking forward to this AMA.

gabes ama thread locked
or maybe he just said **** this noise and he won't do it, haha
Gabe seems so goddamn jaded from his cult following :\

the escapist slimmed it down pretty well, i mean i like getting to hear about gaben (gaming jesus) as much as the next shmo.
But people gotta take this as finally the greatest news ever and say valve are great once again because of this.

Meaning think of it as "judge me for what i'm doing now and not for what i was"

no HL3 news :(, hey least now Source 2 is coming and they can talk a little about something for anything. Source 2 will blow our minds!

On Source 2: Gabe says the biggest improvement in Source 2 over the original Source engine will be, "increasing productivity of content creation," with an emphasis on fostering user-generated content (UGC).
On Half-Life 3: Absolutely nothing!
On Virtual Reality: It's not secret that Valve is interested in VR, but the developer, "[isn't] holding any game until VR is shipping." So the wait for Half-Life 3 and Portal 3 have nothing to do with Oculus, or anything else in the VR space.
With that in mind, Gabe did say that Valve is actively working on making Source 2 very "VR friendly."
On "Ricochet 2": "When we announced our products years in advance in the past and then were really late delivering them, it was pretty painful for both us and the community. We'd rather not repeat that."
no problem, thank you. i think his re-amergence of the ama with his somewhat longer beard (wonder what his wife thinks) helped me get through my beard growing status, is long enough now it doesnt itch and now have something to tug at. never had that...

we are all routers of information, we are all switches....................