Gabe says CS:Source at 7PM PST

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Kind of sucks because I have to leave here for band practice which STARTS at 7pm PST :(

Oh well... when I get home!
man i live in UK!!!!!! Nooooo tomorrow it looks like then! i mean that means 3am for us BRITS!
i like the way valve just toys with their fans like this and they just sit there and yell praises :LOL:
DrunkPanda said:
i like the way valve just toys with their fans like this and they just sit there and yell praises :LOL:

"Toy with"? Weird definition of the phrase. Do you use it like that in real life as well?

"Why does the bus come?"
"In about 40 minutes"
"Stop toying with me!"
DrunkPanda said:
and the fanboys valiantly rush to their gods' aid....

What the hell? You said something incredible moronic (Ie That Valve are toying with us because they gave us a time that CS:S is unlocked) and I pointed out to you that what you said didn't even make sense.

And that makes me a fanboy?
9cst. sux. those punks. keep up waiting all day!


cs:s release party!
DrunkPanda said:
and the fanboys valiantly rush to their gods' aid....

A disturbingly regular occurance round here.

Every flaw is ignored and every virtue is taken out of context.
DrunkPanda said:
and the fanboys valiantly rush to their gods' aid....

You know you are on a VALVe supportted forum, so what kind of people you think WOULD be on here??? I mean really.
il stay up til 3am, lets hope this is a sign, we have something fantastic from valve, i hope i have something fantastic in the envelope in 9 hours (my exam results).... :D
Cheetarah654 said:
9cst. sux. those punks. keep up waiting all day!


cs:s release party!
How coem i cant talk in this relece party?
no........ you didn't suggest that it didn't made sense, all you did was mock for using the word "toy" (mature). and the way valve are toying with the fans is that they know perfectly well that many of their fans would spend all day sitting at this forum, refreshing browser every couple of seconds. they could easily have released the beta several hours earlier, which would make the aforementioned (haha i said aforementioned, now you can make fun of me for using THAT word as well) fans very happy. instead, near the end of the day, they finally announce that the beta will be out near the VERY end of the day. most, if not all the beta testers were expecting this to come out in the morning or at latest, around 4 pm pst, when the beta had come out. now, i just find it comical that the fanboys (like you) just freak out with joy when normal people would be pissed about being mislead like this
Eugh typical, the english get screwed over. NIGHT.
DiSTuRbEd said:
You know you are on a VALVe supportted forum, so what kind of people you think WOULD be on here??? I mean really.
i was expecting people with a level head that weren't completely blinded to valve's faults. i wasn't expecting millions of threads like "lets kill valve for not releasing beta earlier, those bastard" but having a thread where most of the people praise valve for this is a little surprising to me.
Wait, so people who don't have the ATI voucher will be able to play CS: Source or something?
What's going on?
DrunkPanda said:
no........ you didn't suggest that it didn't made sense, all you did was mock for using the word "toy" (mature). and the way valve are toying with the fans is that they know perfectly well that many of their fans would spend all day sitting at this forum, refreshing browser every couple of seconds. they could easily have released the beta several hours earlier, which would make the aforementioned (haha i said aforementioned, now you can make fun of me for using THAT word as well) fans very happy. instead, near the end of the day, they finally announce that the beta will be out near the VERY end of the day. most, if not all the beta testers were expecting this to come out in the morning or at latest, around 4 pm pst, when the beta had come out. now, i just find it comical that the fanboys (like you) just freak out with joy when normal people would be pissed about being mislead like this

The little example of waiting for a bus implied (strongly) that what you said didn't fit into the context you used it. I didn't take the piss out of you for using the word "toy".

You haven't been misled! Valve haven't toyed with you. You are just being angry because CS:S wasn't released when you wanted it to be. This isn't being toyed with. An example of being toyed with would be if Valve said "It's out in 5 hours", then said an hour later, "Wait, it's going to be out in 3 hours" then said a bit later "It's back up to 5 hours". This is not what Valve have done. All Valve have done is say that the game is going to be unlocked in 3 hours. On the very day that they said it was going to be unlocked.

I didn't freak out, I defended Valve. I do that against those "Normal people" who get angry at them for very little reason. Such as you getting angry because they gave us a time that CS:S would get unlocked.
DrunkPanda said:
i was expecting people with a level head that weren't completely blinded to valve's faults. i wasn't expecting millions of threads like "lets kill valve for not releasing beta earlier, those bastard" but having a thread where most of the people praise valve for this is a little surprising to me.

Are you suggesting that we should be pissed off at Valve for releasing the beta on time?

EDIT: Which is apparently a "fault" according to you.
Well... man... I wish I had a reason to be annoyed at them for leaving it so late... but they never specified so it is just my fault for being a muppet and staying up :(
This has already been posted in the correct forum.

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