GabeN smily contest


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
MaxiKana said:
We need a smiley of a smiling Gabe, anyone agree?

We agree! Lets all boot up our mspaint.exe and make a nice smily and post it here.

The best one will be added to the HL2 forums! (i hope)

Im at work now, but as soon as i get home i'll make a nice one!
The idea of making custom smileys is ok I guess....if you can make them cool or funny.

The idea of a smily gabe is kind of stupid. The idea of a contest which may have a custom smiley added to the forums is retarded. Why don't you ask the moderators before something like this?
We could alway ask them afterwards, and show them the stuff.

custom smiley added to the forums is retarded
why?, its funny. why stick with the default smily's if we can have nicer ones?

And what's wrong with turning this forum into a gabeN fanstite? there is not much interesting stuff here anymore anyway. -jk ;)

I think it's a fun idea to pass some time. might make one with a crowbar.. ... maby add one where he's eating something...animated gif.
There was a comp where you had to design a smiley a while back.
Yeah we really need one, maybe i should try my hand at it?
Quit taking my words out of context/cropping my sentences.

I said a Gabe Newell smiley is stupid(aka broaden the category). I said the contest was stupid without forum support(aka get some support for the contest).

Get forum support, and I think making these custom smileys could be really fun.
I posted a "Headcrabbed" smiley a while back. You can probably still find it in the forum.
phantomdesign said:
The idea of a contest which may have a custom smiley added to the forums is retarded.

you know... .we actually had an offical contest that did this.... :D
We already have an art contest on the forums, and we had one with smilies already. Some should be added, but no one has gotten around to it.
I don't feel like participating, but I like the idea. Should (hopefully) produce some good / funny results :p ^__^.
I just think people should re-do the smileys we already have, but with more of a hl2 theme.
the problem is that hl2 smilies would need to be bigger then the normal 15x15 pixels and this would make ugly gaps between lines etc.
here's my entry from the photoshop contest a while back that was to design hl2 smilies


I kept asking the admins to add it to the library, but alas, no action was taken. Spent a lot of time making it too. It was mostly key framed in paint, but the barrel being thrown was added in flash.
LOL Tim that's awesome! How do you make animated smileys like that?
CrazyHarij said:
LOL Tim that's awesome! How do you make animated smileys like that?

this is a small version of basically what I did


I key framed all of that, then just added the barrel in flash.

Hey, that's nice.. Here's a preview of my odd attempt at a GabeN smiley.. :dozey:
lol it definitely needs some work..
EVIL said:
the problem is that hl2 smilies would need to be bigger then the normal 15x15 pixels and this would make ugly gaps between lines etc.

Why not just set up a (sticky?) thread in which any submission within those size constraints can be posted and possibly approved?
Also, as long as the height is 15, I don't see why the length would be an issue.
Who knows, I think the guys upstairs just don't want to bother messing with them or something. Changing smilies has come up many times in the past, including making holiday smilies or something.
I liked all of the smileys entered in the old contest. Gabe smileys seem kinda hard to do, they would look like any fat guy in glasses. :|