Gabes Irony....

Sep 29, 2003
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Im sorry to hear what happend. But if you think about it... Gabe Newell worked for Microsoft some 13 or so years from what ive read, assisted in the first releases of windows, and even started the multimedia dept. (something like that), and now, his lifes work stolen by hackers, and why? BECUASE OF MICROSOFTS ERRORS!!!

WOW! Gabe contributed a lot to microsoft, only to lose his lifes work to that same companys mis-haps.

Doesnt that suck?
sorry, just makin a point. no need to flame.

Im not makin fun, just tellin the truth.

Microsoft is gay.
Really now?

If Microsoft is gay, does that mean they are attracted to? Other monopolies?
Hmm. That's pretty funny, but I think Gabe himself wouldn't call HL2 his life's work. But anyways.

Just registered peeps should watch their mou... fingers. Seems like every time their first posts comprise of insults or forum policing, and it's very stupid if you ask me.

EDIT: The above doesn't mean that older members should flame either.

"it's very stupid if you ask me."

I've been thinking that for approximately 95% of the posts made since I started watching this place.
Ok, to all you people dissing microsoft I sure hope you are not running windows. I can't stand it when people bitch about how crappy windows and microsoft are when they go home and use their products. If you dont like it, use linux... or beos, or macos, or any other OS that no one else uses outside of the server environment.
er well #1. Microsoft is really just ruled by a power-hungry money grubber AKA Bill Gates, sure he donates alot of money, but think of everything microsoft is doing now, just for more money, of course microsoft is the evil corperation of the world

#2. Windows sucks, its bugged to hell and i can bet money that Gates himself has a Bug-Free windows attached to his personal computers

#3. Microsoft USES Linux

#4. Er windows is easy as hell dude, why give up something so easy, but so buggy

#5. Well, Windows sucks, and Microsoft only thinks about its money, like 99.9999% of the corperations in America

Mind you i am working hard to start my own gaming company, i have the resources, and the qualifications but its just the damn paper work and various other things and myself i WILL NOT have my company out to get money, i will have mine out to make the best games possible and make the profit only enough to keep the building running, keep the business alive, and my workers salery's
Originally posted by Feixeno

Microsoft only thinks about its money, like 99.9999% of the corperations in America

Including Valve :cheese:
Thats exactly what businesses are for, to generate revenue. When was the last time you heard someone say "I am going to start a business so I can go bankrupt!"? (notice I said business, and not non-profit organization).

I dont care if microsoft makes crap loads of money. They make a good product and it is not as buggy as some would say.

Also, when making arguments that Microsoft uses linux, I would like to see some evidence through articles from news sources of these claims. I have heard that they did some firewall work when the MS Blast virus was at its peak (I dont have the source on this claim, dont quote me on it, it may not be 100% accurate or valid). I am quite sure that if Linux was as popular as windows there would be just as many viruses, trojans and other malicious attack attempts on it as well.
I guarantee you that anyone here saying something stupid like "Microsoft is gay" is under 18, probably around 15 (feel free to prove me wrong). Yes, Microsoft controls most of the computer industry, however, there is a very good reason for that; they have the best product out there. You are 100% free to use any other OS. Only problem is every other OS is shitty and usually overpriced that is why you use Windows which is almost perfect. Yes, it has bugs, however, so does every other program out there. Saying that it's Microsoft's fault the source was stolen is the most retarded thing I ever heard. That's like someone breaking into your house and stealing something so you turn around and sue the builder as he didn't give you enough security. Fact is, every program can be hacked, no matter how hard you try to prevent it. Reason that Microsoft gets hacked that much is because 95% of hackers concentrate on Microsoft, not Mac, Unix, or whatever because of Microsoft's huge userbase. I feel bad for Valve, I really do, but the source being stolen is their own fault, not anyone else. If you say that this is the fault of someone else you sound like an ignorant prick.
Re: Really now?

Originally posted by Dais
If Microsoft is gay, does that mean they are attracted to? Other monopolies?


genius, man. genius
Tell me.. and everyone else on the forum, Mr-mircsoft-are-gay, if windows is "buggy as hell" why do people buy it? I have used windows from 3.1 all the way to xp, and I have NEVER had a problem that was made from windows, as for Bill gates being money hungry or something, live with it, HE IS RICH, you know why? cus he made a DAMN GOOD Os, I dont see why people hate him, jealously maybe?

BAH, I agree with No Limit, everyone who dis'es Bill gates or Microsoft are most likely under 18, or know NOTHING about computers.
You can get hacked from whatever OS you use... and how much security you have

not alot of irony...
Microsoft Outlook Express's preview pane has been known to be vulnerable to viruses and security holes for quite a while. It's often reccomended not to enable preview pane when using Express. However, Microsoft Outlook doesn't have this problem at all. I've known this for quite a few years, which is why I use Outlook myself. Those of you who want to turn this into a Linux superiority, Microsoft evil war: what's your address? I'll get the government to hook you up with some free cheese to sustain your miserable lives the next 10 cold years in your mother's basement. Back on topic, no offense to Gabe and Valve, but they definitely need to make some wiser security decisions.
Originally posted by Feixeno

Mind you i am working hard to start my own gaming company, i have the resources, and the qualifications but its just the damn paper work and various other things and myself i WILL NOT have my company out to get money, i will have mine out to make the best games possible and make the profit only enough to keep the building running, keep the business alive, and my workers salery's

Thats quite honorable of you to say to actually make a great game and have a great work enviroment i wish more people were like you.
Originally posted by nnyexoeight000
Im sorry to hear what happend. But if you think about it... Gabe Newell worked for Microsoft some 13 or so years from what ive read, assisted in the first releases of windows, and even started the multimedia dept. (something like that), and now, his lifes work stolen by hackers, and why? BECUASE OF MICROSOFTS ERRORS!!!

WOW! Gabe contributed a lot to microsoft, only to lose his lifes work to that same companys mis-haps.

Doesnt that suck?

thats freakin hilarious! i likes it :)
Originally posted by No Limit
I guarantee you that anyone here saying something stupid like "Microsoft is gay" is under 18, probably around 15 (feel free to prove me wrong). Yes, Microsoft controls most of the computer industry, however, there is a very good reason for that; they have the best product out there. You are 100% free to use any other OS. Only problem is every other OS is shitty and usually overpriced that is why you use Windows which is almost perfect. Yes, it has bugs, however, so does every other program out there. Saying that it's Microsoft's fault the source was stolen is the most retarded thing I ever heard. That's like someone breaking into your house and stealing something so you turn around and sue the builder as he didn't give you enough security. Fact is, every program can be hacked, no matter how hard you try to prevent it. Reason that Microsoft gets hacked that much is because 95% of hackers concentrate on Microsoft, not Mac, Unix, or whatever because of Microsoft's huge userbase. I feel bad for Valve, I really do, but the source being stolen is their own fault, not anyone else. If you say that this is the fault of someone else you sound like an ignorant prick.

Now that we've been /. ed, the "microsoft is gay" crowd has swelled to unacceptable proportions. I can already see the Linux petition being bumped again
Grrrr this stuff gets so old and tiresome i can't believe people are still nagging, sure microsoft isn't perfect, but neither is any other company, you will never own a car that doesn't break down eventually or have to have something replaced, you will never buy a piece of hardware that will run perfectly forever, and you will never have an operating system that is completly secure from outside attacks unless you not online, but then your not really secure people just can't get to you.... If you hate windows and bill gates get a freakin mac and stfu, and its not valves fault they were hacked, if there weren't a bunch of immature a**holes running around trying to mess with people work this kind of crap wouldn't happen! You can't blame Valve, you can't blame bill gates or windows no matter how bad you would like to, you can only blame the jerks that thought it would be leet if they haxored teh valve
I can't stand it when people bitch about how crappy windows and microsoft are when they go home and use their products.

It's not so much that I go home and use Windows because of Windows. It's because so much software that is necessary to me functioning as a professional individual is present on the Windows platform only.

Also, for all of the people the "Microsoft is gay" comments are stupid: I'm never going to admit to liking a company whose primary tactic is making other companies or products look bad so they sell more.

After what Microsoft did (or tried to do) to Java, I'll never be in their ballpark again.