gah i just played the best bf2 game ever


Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
i created a locked squad with a couple people i know from school, and in we went. its the city map, where MEC holds all the CP's, America has one. We lept onto the roof tops after america basically raped our team, degenerating the map into inner city chaos. basically, the shining moment of my lifetime was when we all dropped c4 onto a HUGE convoy of american armor and humvees and blew the living shit out of them. we must have killed 20 people in a minute. this game ****ing rocks because it lets me live out my dream of being an insurgent.
gh0st said:
this game ****ing rocks because it lets me live out my dream of being an insurgent.
That one sentence alone justified the creation of a thread.

BTW, Battlefield 2 = greatest online game ever.
bvasgm said:
That one sentence alone justified the creation of a thread.
I concur! Dropping from rooftops with C4 in your hands (being the MEC) and raping the **** out of the enemy must be fun.