Gaining teh Muscals


Jul 26, 2005
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So I posted a thread some time ago about plans to gain 30 pounds in muscle. I haven't gone to the gym as much as I would have liked but I am making good progress.

I've gained 10 pounds so far but been in mostly a couple areas rather than my whole body overall, so I need the best suggestions to build certain areas.

# 1 - I have no ass
# 2 - I hardly ever work my legs out (probably why i have no rump)
# 3 - Shoulders for some reason are hard for me to build
# 4 - Front of my neck
# 5 - Any other muscles to widen my stature
# 6 - Any muscle groups that would give me a solid core

No need to worry bout the pectorals or arms. Probably some good back workouts would be good too.
Because a message board full of gamer nerds is the premiere place to ask for bodybuilding advice. Give me a break.
And people who sign up to forums just to troll are premier people to take insults from. Give me a kit kat.
You're just offended because I said "gamer nerd". Haha.
We do have at least one member that works out regurally. Give me a twix.
All I'm saying is that it would make more sense to ask that question on a messageboard designed for that type of discussion. It's like coming on here and saying "GUYS I HAVE A LARGE LUMP ON THE INSIDE OF MY MOUTH THAT THROBS AND HASNT GONE AWAY IN MONTHS, WHAT IS IT"
You're just offended because I said "gamer nerd". Haha.

You could call me whatever you like and i still wouldn't give a toss. Glad this provides your mundane existence with at least a little amusement though.

Midnight, go **** yourself. I've gained almost 40 lbs of muscle from about 10 months of serious lifting. From 6'4" 150 lbs to 6'4 1/2" 190 lbs, maintaining 5% bodyfat.

Uriel: Do leg exercises. This is a mistake everyone has made at one time or another. But leg exercises, especially squats, should be your number one focus, everything else is icing on the cake. There's three main mass building exercises: bench, deadlift, squat. Note that 2 of the 3 are considered leg workouts. That should clue you in.
They're painful, they're hard, but they give you the most benefit.
There's a 20 rep squat routine where that's the only exercise you do for 6 weeks. And once you do a 20 rep squat you'll understand why.
# 3 - Shoulders for some reason are hard for me to build
Same here, but avoid the temptation to overtrain them. All you need for shoulders are military presses (preferably the second exercise on this page: with maybe some lateral raises. Just keep increasing the weight and the mass will come eventually.
# 4 - Front of my neck
You said your pecs are fine? Then unfortunately there's nothing you can do about these, it's determined by your genetics. Ignore people that say there's an "upper and lower pec" or "upper and lower abs" or anything like that, they're all one muscle and any exercise that hits those muscles will stimulate the whole muscle. The most you can do are incline presses that work both your pec and shoulders at once...they might help you.
# 6 - Any muscle groups that would give me a solid core
That would be your lower back, obliques, and abs. Deadlifts and squats are some of the best core exercises there are, if done correctly. Do them.
Don't bother with can if you want to but if you're doing compound lifts your core is being used.

Some other good compound lifts:

Note: watch videos on how to do the above...the chance for injury is high so make sure your form is perfect. Practice with lighter weight before actually attempting anything heavy.
Alright, I'll just have to go ahead and go **** myself. You guys are a bunch of cry babies. Haha.
That's the kind of insult i directed at my brothers when i was about 7, you'll have to do better than that.
Midnight, go **** yourself. I've gained almost 40 lbs of muscle from about 10 months of serious lifting. From 6'4" 150 lbs to 6'4 1/2" 190 lbs, maintaining 5% bodyfat.

Uriel: Do leg exercises. This is a mistake everyone has made at one time or another. But leg exercises, especially squats, should be your number one focus, everything else is icing on the cake. There's three main mass building exercises: bench, deadlift, squat. Note that 2 of the 3 are considered leg workouts. That should clue you in.
They're painful, they're hard, but they give you the most benefit.
There's a 20 rep squat routine where that's the only exercise you do for 6 weeks. And once you do a 20 rep squat you'll understand why.

Same here, but avoid the temptation to overtrain them. All you need for shoulders are military presses (preferably the second exercise on this page: with maybe some lateral raises. Just keep increasing the weight and the mass will come eventually.

You said your pecs are fine? Then unfortunately there's nothing you can do about these, it's determined by your genetics. Ignore people that say there's an "upper and lower pec" or "upper and lower abs" or anything like that, they're all one muscle and any exercise that hits those muscles will stimulate the whole muscle. The most you can do are incline presses that work both your pec and shoulders at once...they might help you.

That would be your lower back, obliques, and abs. Deadlifts and squats are some of the best core exercises there are, if done correctly. Do them.
Don't bother with can if you want to but if you're doing compound lifts your core is being used.

Some other good compound lifts:

Note: watch videos on how to do the above...the chance for injury is high so make sure your form is perfect. Practice with lighter weight before actually attempting anything heavy.

What about the ass? WHAT ABOUT THE ASS!!

Seriously, i wanna know, my body is well toned and fit from doing karate for most of childhood and teen years, but there is just not much of an ass.
I expected nothing more from someone with a link to a Korn forum in their signature :)
What about the ass? WHAT ABOUT THE ASS!!

Seriously, i wanna know, my body is well toned and fit from doing karate for most of childhood and teen years, but there is just not much of an ass.
Deep squats and stiff legged deadlifts are both good glute exercises, stiff legged lifts especially.
Don't do it the way the guy in the picture is doing it, keep your legs straight *but don't lock your knees*. Wear a lifting belt until you're used to the motion.

And I Would like to emphasize, just doing squats can help make any muscle grow to the size you want.
And by deep squats I mean ATG (ass to ground).
The funniest thing about this thread is that people actually do that here, on a fairly frequent basis.

<3 :D
You guys seriously need to calm the hell down. I'm laughing my ass off and you're all acting like a bunch of sissies. Chill.
Yah guys, we're acting like a bunch of sissies...... :rolleyes:

Anywho, I remember being told certain ab work outs will make your stomach stick out, rather than flatten. Is this true? Honestly I'd rather have them stick out a little rather than just flat abs.
Does anyone else feel like they're being insulted by Ned Flanders?

This is either the feeblest trolling attempt ever, or he hasn't been listening to nearly enough angry music. And something tells me the latter is highly improbable...
You guys seriously need to calm the hell down. I'm laughing my ass off and you're all acting like a bunch of sissies. Chill.

Most of the time people post that they're laughing their ass off, they're generally sitting quite motionless and passing out a giggle at most. You're not fooling anybody.

So I see you're going to be our new resident jock. Posting on HL2 messageboards while calling its other inhabitants "nerds" and "crybabies" with a delicious irony. Have fun.
We could always deploy simon and his ban stick xD
I got the opposite problem, my ass is too big.

I almost only train my upper body, though. I can do 80 push-ups, but I don't consider myself fit, seeing as I never work out with my legs.
All of you are ganging up on me because I suggested asking this in a more appropriate place where you could get better results, and for that..yes I call you crybabies. I don't care if you ban me, I just signed up 3 days ago. Like I said, chill out. It's not really a big deal. you guys have made this thread more about me than about the topic. That was never my intention. Goofy guys.
What is with the topic title. It seems very homosexual.
All of you are ganging up on me because I suggested asking this in a more appropriate place where you could get better results, and for that..yes I call you crybabies. I don't care if you ban me, I just signed up 3 days ago. Like I said, chill out. It's not really a big deal. you guys have made this thread more about me than about the topic. That was never my intention. Goofy guys.

Ban you? No, please, by all means, enjoy your stay, now that you've made friends here.
What is with the topic title. It seems very homosexual.

I agree, but if I would have said that, I'd be getting so much shit, just because I don't have alot of posts. Funny how that works.
I'm waiting for Terminator to post and tell you to eat raw cows and smear your body in their blood to work out.
I agree, but if I would have said that, I'd be getting so much shit, just because I don't have alot of posts. Funny how that works.

No, it's because of what you've already said.

Actually, you'd find that a good amount of people on this form aren't nerds at all...
Before we screw this thread up anymore, why don't you take midnight bashing to another thread or something. Stop crapping in a good thread.

Yah guys, we're acting like a bunch of sissies...... :rolleyes:

Anywho, I remember being told certain ab work outs will make your stomach stick out, rather than flatten. Is this true? Honestly I'd rather have them stick out a little rather than just flat abs.
You can add mass to your core by doing resistance exercises, such as weighted and cable crunches, but to be honest they're unnecessary.

Defined abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym, however. If you want a six pack, you have to keep the bodyfat down. And that doesn't mean doing alot of cardio, that means eating alot of lean meats, skim milk, etc.

Your ab shape is determined by genetics, some people have massive abs that stick out, some don't. I have low bodyfat but my abs still don't stand out to well, you can just see every vein in my body when I flex.
your a bunch of nerds.....ya....el oh el....colon, parenthesis....

I should mention that compound lifts also cause the release of more testosterone and other growth hormones.
Because a message board full of gamer nerds is the premiere place to ask for bodybuilding advice. Give me a break.

holy **** ... is that the fastest that a thread has been derailed around here?. seriously if you cant contribute GTFO. he was just asking for some advice ...
All I'm saying is that it would make more sense to ask that question on a messageboard designed for that type of discussion. It's like coming on here and saying "GUYS I HAVE A LARGE LUMP ON THE INSIDE OF MY MOUTH THAT THROBS AND HASNT GONE AWAY IN MONTHS, WHAT IS IT"
...You...don't know this place very well, you're damned sure to find any thread at all around here.
thread needs more terminator

That's a picture of what you guys expect the average user to look like. ha I'm just trying to push you guy's buttons. Don't freak out. I'm not an asshole.
That's a picture of what you guys expect the average user to look like. ha I'm just trying to push you guy's buttons.

Capt Midnight said:
Don't freak out. I'm not an asshole.
