Gamasutra Interviews Kim Swift and Erik Wolpaw


Jul 6, 2003
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Gamasutra had a chance to speak to Kim Swift and Erik Wolpaw, the lead designers behind Valve's award-winning Portal and now they have a massive 8 pages interview on their website.

It is very strange to say, but it had more emotional impact than some other things that really try to be epic and sweeping, and narratives that are all about revenge and you have to kill someone because they killed your father.[br]

EW: Yeah. It's always more satisfying for me, personally, when I feel like I can sort of understand the villain in a book or movie and empathize with them a bit. It makes their villainy a lot more tragic.

This is a must read interview, don't miss it!.
Erik Wolpaw: We like the world of Aperture Science, and we'd like to revisit the world of Aperture Science in some form, whether it's GLaDOS or Chell or something else. But Aperture Science seems like a rich environment for this game to take place in.

Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome...