Game comparisons


Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Out of the games below which do you think is or will be better in each of these categories: Graphics, Gameplay,storyline, and overall?

Here are the games to be ranked: Half life 2, Doom III, Far cry, and halo 2.

I would say

Graphics: doom III
Gameplay: Half life 2
storyline: half life 2
Overall: Half life 2
If your comparing graphics that the game is shipping with doom3 really shouldn't be in the graphics part.
Smack500 said:
Out of the games below which do you think is or will be better in each of these categories: Graphics, Gameplay,storyline, and overall?

Here are the games to be ranked: Half life 2, Doom III, Far cry, and halo 2.

I would say

Graphics: doom III
Gameplay: Half life 2
storyline: half life 2
Overall: Half life 2

gameplay:didnt play it, but wtf its HL2!
storyline: havent seen it, but wtf its HL2!
Overall: noo contest.....superman 64 :p
you can't compare games taht aren't released with any other games... btw, DNF will own in all departments... obviously :sleep:
I dont know why I put storyline or gameplay lol, that was pretty idiotic sorry lol. But graphics can be since most people have seen several videos and pics of all of these games.
is DNF supposed to be some sort of revolutionary game?
Graphics: Half-Life 2
Gameplay: Half-Life 2
Storyline: Half-Life 2
Overall: Half-Life 2

Go figure... :p
Graphics: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Gameplay: HL2
Storyline: HL2
Overall: Perfect Dark

Graphics: Alien
Gameplay: Predator
Storyline: Alien
Overall: Alien
ROFL, are you kidding? Marines have the best story, Predator has the best graphics (vision modes), and he totally pwns the alien.

you phail :p
Graphics: Donkey Kong Country 2
Gameplay: Zelda 64
Storyline: Gigli
Overall: StarCraft
Geno said:
ROFL, are you kidding? Marines have the best story, Predator has the best graphics (vision modes), and he totally pwns the alien.

you phail :p
ROOFLEPANCAKE, no, I'm not kidding!

AVP, not AVPVM! Marines = no!

Since when was there a movie called "Marines"? Since never!

So, I phink you should have phought phrough your phargument!
PWNT!!! :sniper::cat::monkee::frog:
Smack500 said:
Out of the games below which do you think is or will be better in each of these categories: Graphics, Gameplay,storyline, and overall?

Here are the games to be ranked: Half life 2, Doom III, Far cry, and halo 2.

I would say

Graphics: doom III
Gameplay: Half life 2
storyline: half life 2
Overall: Half life 2

Graphics: Half life 2
Gameplay: Half life 2
storyline: Half life 2
Overall: Half life 2
Most delayed: Half life 2
Graphics: Doom 3
Gameplay: Medieval total war (soon to be rome total war)
storyline: Medieval total war (completely open ended, play how you want to play)
Overall: BF1942&mods

Obviously saying HL2 for any of those would be retarted since its not even out.
westie said:
Graphics: Half life 2
Gameplay: Half life 2
storyline: Half life 2
Overall: Half life 2
Most delayed: Duke Nukem Forever

Just correcting your post there a bit ;)
Smack500 said:
Out of the games below which do you think is or will be better in each of these categories: Graphics, Gameplay,storyline, and overall?

Here are the games to be ranked: Half life 2, Doom III, Far cry, and halo 2.

I would say

Graphics: doom III
Gameplay: Half life 2
storyline: half life 2
Overall: Half life 2

How can you say that when the game isn't released yet.. ?
Notice how the topic starter says "Which do you THINK...", not which IS. I don't understand why everyone has to start being so picky
Okay Okay I Gotta Do This!

Graphics: Young Dumb And Full Of Cum
Gameplay: My Girl Friend
Storyline: The Jenna Jameson Gangbang 500
Overall: Priceless