Game crash and looping sound


Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
After about 20 minutes from the initial running of CS the game freezes, and the current sound repeats every 1/3 of a second. Sometimes the attached error pops up, and i have to go back to the desktop. Most of the time i have to end the process.

Has anyone had similar problems? Or know how to fix it?

I've put this in the bug report in CS and tried to post on Steampowered forums but for some reason on Steampowered i don't have posting privilages.
I didnt have that error pop up but I did reset all of my video settings back to default (no OC) and I am fine. I used to crash every 2 mins and had to reset PC. The sound was also stuttering at times, then it would lock up the whole OS and I had to restart.