game crashing, please help!



hello all
i'm trying to finally beat HL2 but after every 2 minutes or so of play time the game crashes and it says this:
Internal driver error in IDirect3DDevice9::presot()
everything's updated, and i can't understand why this happens...anyone know?
edit: i don't know why there's a smiley face, but it's supposed to say Presot lol
It has to do with your directX driver. First go to start then run, then type in ( dxdiag ) and check to see if there are any errors. If not then I would suggest reinstalling the game. If that doesnt work, you probably need a new video card. Also if you happen to have any errors while viewing dxdiag then im pretty sure the only way to reinstall direct X is to either get a newer version or reinstall windows.

This is my first post btw. Hope im of some assistance.

edit: forgot to say that you should buy an xbox 360 so you can have the orange box.
thanks for replying
i checked for errors, but there weren't any, so in a while i'll reinstall the game. i'm hoping it's not my video card..
I also forgot to tell you that when you go to check for errors in dxdiag you need to go to ''dxfiles'' tab and make sure non of those dlls are missing or corrupt. Then you go onto the ''display'' tab and make sure you pass those mini tests. Sorry if you already did this lol but im just making sure. What kind of video card do you have btw? There might be some settings you can alter to stop the errors. Good luck man.
Edit: actuall when I think about it, if your game crashes after 2 minutes of gameplay then that means that your video card has no problem displaying the graphics. Even if it is for just 2 minutes. So the only two posssibilities I see is if, your game only crashes when you encounter some sort of object that your video card has a hard time displaying. Like say your running and all of a sudden your near water, and that is when your game happens to freeze. However if it just freezes after a while even if the scenery hasnt changed, then it probably has to do with your system ram. You probably need more ram, because games like half life2 are a real strain on your system ram. I do not know the system requirements for half life 2, but if you meet them (ram wise) then I suggest buying new ram. Also as an experiment you should try and go to run and type in ( msconfig ) and go to startup and disable everything unless you really need something, then restart your computer, and immediatly start up half life. And see if it runs longer, or see if it stays running. It wont be as much as a strain on your cpu and ram if half life 2 is the only thing running.