Game Industry to File Suit in Minnesota


Dec 9, 2005
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Well, Minnesota residents, it's time that the game industry took action. ESA response is they were deeply disappointed by the goverments actions.

Read on to find out more.

Game Industry to File Suit in Minnesota

This just in from ESA president Doug Lowenstein:

"The ESA is deeply disappointed by the actions of the Minnesota legislature and Governor Pawlenty. We believe that SF785 is unnecessary and will restrict the First Amendment rights of Minnesota's citizens. To enact 'feel good' bills knowing they're likely to be tossed by the courts is the very height of cynicism. The computer and video game industry intends to file suit in Minnesota federal district court shortly, asking that the state's new video game law be overturned."

"Six courts in five years, including the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals which governs Minnesota, have struck down similar laws, ruling that they were unconstitutional. This has resulted in legal costs of nearly one million dollars to the taxpayers of the states in which these bills were passed, and countless wasted hours spent by government officials attempting to defend the laws."

"...We hope that sooner or later state legislators and candidates will stop trying to seek headlines by subverting the constitution and frittering away desperately needed taxpayer dollars and instead enter into a constructive partnership to educate parents about the tools available so they, not government, can raise their kids as they see fit and buy the games that are right for their unique families..."