Game Manuals



Just a quick question,

Does anyone know if there are going to be PDF manuals available to download for HL2 and CS: Source?

I assume that people that purchase the boxed version will get manuals included..but what about us Steam buyers?

Most probably not

why would u need 1 anyway

do people actually read manuals?
lol yeah there will be a training room like in HL1, and any keyboard controls you need to learn will be in the options :D
The only purpose for a manual is to flick through it and try to convince yourself that you're going to read the whole thing before you play the game; but once it's done installing, that theory goes right out the window.
Well, an action game isn't where the manual would be of crucial importance. I'd just go into Options, look at controls, change them if the need be, and go ahead to play.

On the other hand, I never start playing a strategy game, a RPG or anything more complex than a simple shooter without reading the manual.
I like to read the manual if a game takes forever to install (HL2 will have 6 cds :eek:) So I guess I will have to read the HL2 manual for about a few hours =/
6 cds? woah cool,the Collecters Edition only has one DvD(thank god im getting it)id probably only read the manual on my home from EB just to make myself want HL2 more.(Im not even sure if thats possible at this point)