Game mode that should be ingame


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

That's basically the game. A convoy. I'm sure you've all played some video game, where your objective was to stop a convoy. That's basically the idea here.

The USMC is the team that starts the convoy. The convoy is basically a giant line of trucks, all manned by an engineer (IE there is actually a person driving these trucks). These trucks are semis, not normal pickups, and therefore, take a certain ammount of skill to adequately pilot in battle.

The MEC and PLA are supposed to defend the convoy. Placed allong the road the USMC SHOULD follow, are towns. At the begining of the game, each town is owned by the MEC or PLA. As soon as the last truck in the convoy has entered the town, it is captured by the USMC.

Towns are basically capture points. USMC team members can spawn in towns. Towns can have Heli pads, Tank spawns, Jeep spawns, or (maybe) pit stops, where a damaged USMC truck can stop and get quick repairs.

On to trucks.

There are three different types of trucks that make up the USMC convoy.

Transport Trucks: These range anything from bullet proof semis with Steel shipping containers in tandem, or fully loaded oil and gas tankers that can be blown to bits as soon as hot lead hits them. The transport trucks are what makes up the USMC's tickets (the MEC has no tickes). At the start of the game, the USMC gets maybe 3-5 Transport Trucks, and 3-5 tickets (correlated to the ammount of trucks on the field). Basically, 2 trucks means 2 tickets. Lose a Transport Truck, and you lose a ticket.

Flatbeds: These can spawn Tanks and APCs, and are one of the two USMC trucks that can hold more than one soldier. The trucks are edged with M60's and SAWS that the soldiers can man, and in the center, can spawn either a Tank or an APC at set intervals. Each Flatbed can have only one tank or apc on the field at a time. As soon as a tank spawns, it's dropped to the back of the flatbed and dragged behind it, to avoid BF2s fuxored vehicle physics. While dragged, any soldier on the flatbed can hop into the armor it is dragging. If there is no space behind the flatbed for armor to be lowered (IE he's being tailed by a Transport), then the armor will not spawn, making these ideal cabooses.

Heavy Trucks: The second of the two USMC vehicles that can house more than one soldier. These are modeled as MK2's and other heavy military tractors, and are heavily armored, and can spawn in any soldier on the USMC team (unlike flatbeds, which can only spawn in squads on thier leaders). They can heal and ressuply any soldiers within, and have an anti tank turret ontop (not realistic, but it could make for interesting fights :)). Basically a giant APC.

The Transports are the only trucks vital to the team. The others, after being shot down, can be picked back up at the nearest town.

The MEC can spawn in any town they like, and don't have to worry about losing tickets (infinite tickets). Thier objective is take out the Transport trucks before they reach the end of the map (a like, 50+ Mile road). They can booby trap the towns, create barracades (Vodniks and APCs), mine the road, set up Tank ambushes, run choppers around the convoy, and run carbombs into the head of the convoy. If the USMC reaches the end with at least 1 transport truck, the MEC loses.

At the start of each round, commanders are elected (before anybody can spawn). The MEC commander is your basic general (arty, supply drops, UAV), while the USMC commander is stuck with the UAV. However, he becomes the head of the convoy, and can pick which truck he wants at the front of it. Whatever truck he's in has an invisible barrier at the front of it, so no other transports can go ahead of him. Likewise, he can't leave his truck, till it goes up in flames. He decides how the team rounds the blind curb, he decides what they do about the incessant carbombers, he decides how they storm each city.

You could have a smart commander that picks a Heavy Truck loaded with soldiers as the head. At each town, the commander drives the bulletproof behemoth into the city, and unloads the soldiers so they can clear it out, making a clean getaway for the rest of the convoy.

Or, you could have your general BF2 dumbass, who picks a Gas truck as the head, and flies it as fast as he can down the road till his truck explodes when he hits a vodnik.

Or you could have a creative commander who decides they wont even follow the road, and takes the convoy through the slow and boggy, yet safe swamps, 5 miles away from the towns.

Some truck examples.


Flatbeds (imagine these with guns):

Heavy Trucks:

Would you play this?
Supply Lines basically - I agree completely
I'd also love to see
- Onslaught
- Secure and Hold
- Push
What annoys me more is the idiots who keep demanding CTF :(
xlucidx said:
...CTF kicked ass in 1942. :|
It's not good for teamplay plus it doesnt make sense when applied to the real world - in what war is the object to travel with your army to the enemy base only to run away with their flag :laugh:
john3571000 said:
It's not good for teamplay plus it doesnt make sense when applied to the real world - in what war is the object to travel with your army to the enemy base only to run away with their flag :laugh:

Meh... CTF is still fun.

Oh well, there's always other games with CTF out there.

A convoy type game mode would be nifty though, the convoy missions in OFP kicked quite alot of ass.
If done right, it could actually be pretty fun. I just don't want any of the vital trucks going rogue and ends up going around the borders of the map to the goal thinking "dey r teh 1337" :|
It would be better if the trucks were unmanned.
Yeah...or if the commander would be able to stop them to give engineers time to clear land mines and what not, however anti-tank rockets would rape the convoy.
An interesting idea. If well done it would be good, but I imagine that you would need to be on a server with those all too rare people who actually do as they are supposed to.

Also, while I quite like the idea of heavy trucks, They do pose a problem. If the enemy has attack helos I can see this degenerating into one of them flying in, putting a TV guided missile into the heavy truck and the team defending the convoy being absolutly screwed because they no longer have a mobile spawn point.

And why not include "outrider" units to help defend the convoy and provide recon, such as humvees and FAVs? They would allow the convoy team to asses the enemy positions, rather than blunder blindly into the enemy occupied towns and hoping they dont get ambushed by a tank and three squads of AT infantry.

I also think you should allow team mates to ride shotgun in the transports. This gives them a minimal amont of protection and alleviates the problem of either the heavy trucks or flat beds falling prey to an ambush and the team being left with no way to keep up with the rest of the convoy.

And why do we have to only let the USMC be the defenders? I was annoyed enough when i found out that I wouldn't get to have PLA vs MEC games, so if you get the time please let other forces have a go at convoy defence.
Very neat idea, but you have to face reality and reality is that it would be hard to pull it off with the morons out there playing. Good idea for a mini-mod, though. ;)
Danimal said:
If done right, it could actually be pretty fun. I just don't want any of the vital trucks going rogue and ends up going around the borders of the map to the goal thinking "dey r teh 1337" :|

Well, that's why none of the trucks can pass the commander/head truck. It keeps some order within the game.

And I thought the same thing, but really, if done right, that's a pretty nifty tactic. If the USMC could bide enough time to get their hands on enough Heavy Trucks (the ones that can repair and ressuply), then they could budy up the Heavies and the Transports, and scatter them around the map.

A lone Transport would be like a straggling elephant. A couple carbombs, or some TV missiles would send him straight to kingdom come.

Remember, the transports would have NO weaponry.

Kouler said:
It would be better if the trucks were unmanned.

That wouldn't be much fun. The whole reason the trucks are manned, is because driving a giant semi in order with a bunch of semis takes a bit of skill.

You've got the head of the truck to try to keep protected, and then the rear to keep in balance.

A well placed carbomb to a transports cargo load could tip the truck. If the truck tips, then it explodes. Buhbye ticket.

Bob_Marley said:
An interesting idea. If well done it would be good, but I imagine that you would need to be on a server with those all too rare people who actually do as they are supposed to.

Also, while I quite like the idea of heavy trucks, They do pose a problem. If the enemy has attack helos I can see this degenerating into one of them flying in, putting a TV guided missile into the heavy truck and the team defending the convoy being absolutly screwed because they no longer have a mobile spawn point.

And why not include "outrider" units to help defend the convoy and provide recon, such as humvees and FAVs? They would allow the convoy team to asses the enemy positions, rather than blunder blindly into the enemy occupied towns and hoping they dont get ambushed by a tank and three squads of AT infantry.

I also think you should allow team mates to ride shotgun in the transports. This gives them a minimal amont of protection and alleviates the problem of either the heavy trucks or flat beds falling prey to an ambush and the team being left with no way to keep up with the rest of the convoy.

And why do we have to only let the USMC be the defenders? I was annoyed enough when i found out that I wouldn't get to have PLA vs MEC games, so if you get the time please let other forces have a go at convoy defence.

Remember now, these heavies would be basically giant rocks. They'd take four or five TV rockets right to the grill to destroy (otherwise there would be no spawns for the USMC). Maybe even TEN if the Helo gunner cant hit the front, and ends up just shooting at the sides (reactive armor). The MEC has to get cretive to take these things down. Like, blow out a bridge RIGHT as a Heavy goes over it. If you blow out the bridge, you only get the benefit of losing that one truck over the bridge, and slowing down the rest of the convoy. After they recoup, they just go around. So, you have to pick a strategic moment to blow out the bridge, so you seperate the convoy right where you want to.

On the outriders, that's up to the team. If they want to grab a couple of FAVs and Hummvees at their spawn and tag allong, then by all means, go right ahead. The Hummvees and FAVs would be quite a bit faster than the rest of teh trucks too, so it wouldn't be too hard for one to catch up.

Same for tanks, APCs, and mobile AA's. If the team wants to stick one between a couple of trucks, then why not?

I only outlined the vehicle ADDITIONS, not the only ones available.

Letting people shotgun in the Transports is a good idea. Just two or three to a truck though.

On the MEC and PLA convoys, whatever. I just thought that USMC convoys would be more realistic, cause the US is country invading them, so they're the ones that have to keep their supply lines straight.

xombine said:
Very neat idea, but you have to face reality and reality is that it would be hard to pull it off with the morons out there playing. Good idea for a mini-mod, though. ;)

I thought this would be an issue in vannila BF2, but that's not the case. In BF2, there are two kinds of teamplay games that can occur. You can either have a mass, all out, free for all (when everybodies an idiot), or you can have an organized and precise team game (where you've got

Same here, you could either have a game with morons, where they basically just tag allong the commander and don't listen to a word he says, or you could have a tactical and creative game, where everybody listens to the commander, and people end up clearing towns with squads, running ahead with snipers in FAV's, that sort of thing.

Not too much of a problem. It's just like BF2. The team the works together best wins.
Sounds good in idea, but I can imagine it in action. *Sighs* it seems gameplay never takes more than a few baby-steps in team direction.
Glirk Dient said:
Yeah...or if the commander would be able to stop them to give engineers time to clear land mines and what not, however anti-tank rockets would rape the convoy.

just like in real life ;) this sort of sounds like VIP for bf2... which i think is cool.

... heck, it could easily be a diplomat in their armored sedan rather than a transport truck. Like that scene from Patriot Games.
Glirk Dient said:
Yeah...or if the commander would be able to stop them to give engineers time to clear land mines and what not, however anti-tank rockets would rape the convoy.

just like in real life ;) this sort of sounds like CS VIP map for bf2... which i think is cool.

... heck, it could easily be a diplomat in their armored sedan or BMW rather than a transport truck. Like that scene from Patriot Games.
If I'm not mistaken, there's a mod out that has a similar type of scenario...

Project Reality Mini-Mod

I think it's Extraction, which isn't Convoy but as close as it gets as of now. I haven't tested out this mod yet, but what I'm more interested in is the ability to fly the little-birds, hehe that would be pretty sweet. :D
Well, I just downloaded the Project Reality mod and will try it out in a few hours. It's got some new modes.