Game of Sardines


May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Remember the game of Sardines as a kid? One person hides, then everyone goes and looks for that person and hides with them. The last one to find the hiding spot is the loser.

Here's the forum version. One person hides in a post somewhere on the forums with the words Sardine 1 so that you know that they're part of the game. Then the first person to find him posts Sardine 2 in that thread and the third person would be Sardine 3 and so on. Last person in gets ridiculed. Put a post here if you're playing.

I'm going off to hide somewhere now.
1.) **** you, you made me lose ><
2.) I'll play ^_^

(Can't people just search 'sardine'?)
The search would make this stupid

(Thanks to Ikky for pointing that out!)
hmmm... I didn't think this out all the way. Maybe you'll have to use the honour system.
Why not an Anagram or metaphor for a fish
No one would be able to search if you said something like Cod instead of sardine (Minimum character limits)

Although, sine we know Dan is starting it, all we have to do is come back later and click on Dan's name and find new pots by him. It's bound to be in the ten most recent
I sense an excuse for spam and nonsensical silly-posting...

Which really won't be any different unless it strays to a forum where people actually talk about stuff.
Oh shit, you just reminded me of the game D:
You lost! Oh noes! You have to forget about it, and you're back in!