Game of the Year x 2 by BBC News

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
In what I suppose you could call two Game of the Year awards, BBC News have just announced a few of their favourites from 2004. Half-Life 2 was chosen as Game of the Year by not one, but two editors over at the site: has to be Half-Life 2. It did not just live up to the hype, it offered a vision of what games could be: intricate level-design, ingenious puzzles, gorgeous graphics and challenging foes.
Half-Life 2 was among great titles such as GTA: San Andreas and Halo 2 as winners.[br]
You can catch the full story here.[br]Thanks goes to Atari for sending me the news!
Ooo Yay for valve and HL2! and us!

Who cares. HL2 isn't that good of a game. Yes I completed it. I think it sucks
asdjkgeidg said:
Who cares. HL2 isn't that good of a game. Yes I completed it. I think it sucks
Welcome to a Half-Life 2 fan site.
I'd say the huge, overwhelming majority that did enjoy it do care :P
Ikerous said:
:-/ The ending was fantastic >_>
As I said to Atari when I read that paragraph and almost exploded in disgust:
[22:21] Chris_D> "Yes, the ending is weak" bastards :|
[22:22] Atari> lol
[22:22] Atari> maybe they dont realise there will be a hl3 ;)
[22:23] Chris_D> No it's just that they have no appreciation for the fact that the ending completely parallels the original and defeated that age old formula of play the game, get to the ending, kill the big gigantic monster, the end.
So how about reporting on awards where Half Life 2 hasn't won, but still done very well? For example 2nd place in gamespy's goty awards? Even if people think it should've been #1 (myself as one of them) I think it should still be reported. Being awarded second best computer game of the entire year is still an acheivement, especially so in a year like this where we have had so many good games released!
Gandalf said:
So how about reporting on awards where Half Life 2 hasn't won, but still done very well? For example 2nd place in gamespy's goty awards? Even if people think it should've been #1 (myself as one of them) I think it should still be reported. Being awarded second best computer game of the entire year is still an acheivement, especially so in a year like this where we have had so many good games released!

They did :-)

HL2 4eVer

'Challenging foes'? I dont remember any challenging foes... do you?
Synthos said:
'Challenging foes'? I dont remember any challenging foes... do you?
Have you played the game? Or I should say, have you got to the strider part yet?
asdjkgeidg said:
Who cares. HL2 isn't that good of a game. Yes I completed it. I think it sucks

It can't of sucked that bad if you completed it. ;)
Teta_Bonita said:
Have you played the game? Or I should say, have you got to the strider part yet?

heh, that took me ages before i found out about the weapons cache (sp?) in the bunker in the middle of the square!
Oh yeah for Half-Life 2. And for those who dislike the game, and express it in a rude matter: This is a fan site. Prepare to be pwned.
Yes, the ending is weak and the game is a linear adventure.

lol - thats rich - coming from the BBC - home of Eastenders.
.. mind you - not unexpected when one considers the other main Beeb export. Misinformation.