Game on TechTv


Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
I saw a game on TechTv cant remember the name of it. It was suppose to be like a movie that you could play certain parts, started out with a guy killing someone in a bathroom. There was a demo out for it, and the game was just recently released.

Anyone know what game Im talking about? If so do you recomend it
The game is Indigo Prophecy (Farenheit if you live in Europe).

I played the demo, it was pretty cool.
I'd get the demo and try it for yourself, i don't think it's a game everyone would like.
Why do they change the name if you live in a different region, is it to limit export/import?
Why do they change the name if you live in a different region, is it to limit export/import?

Could also be because they think it would sell better/attract more attention with that name instead of the other, in different cultures/continents.
Not too sure really.
Could also be because they think it would sell better/attract more attention with that name instead of the other, in different cultures/continents.

I think that's the better choice TBH :)
I wish TechTV was still around... after G4 pwnt it.
I don't know why the name was changed.. I do know, however, that the American version (Indigo Prophecy) does not have a 15-30 second sex scene in it.. The 'real' version (Fahrenheit) has said sex scene.. I guess they just wanted the consumer to know which has the M rated material and which doesn't.
Shamrock said:
I don't know why the name was changed.. I do know, however, that the American version (Indigo Prophecy) does not have a 15-30 second sex scene in it.. The 'real' version (Fahrenheit) has said sex scene.. I guess they just wanted the consumer to know which has the M rated material and which doesn't.

Ugh, I really hope you're kidding. That would suck if the American versions were edited for content (me being Canadian, I'd probably only see the edited versions on the store shelves). I've always hated it when things are censored and not as explicit like their intended versions. I get the feeling like I'm being ripped off.

Take Asian anime cartoons for example. Instead of simply being dubbed into the English language, the nudity, profanity and violence are dumbed down. The sheltered versions often fail to provide the same shock, tension, and intrigue that the original prints had. I recently downloaded some un-edited episodes of DBZ and was shocked at how much content was removed and how much better the series really is.

The changing of the name is also suspect. I have a feeling that they felt the name Fahrenhiet would have sounded too much like Fahrenhiet 9/11. This is the only reason I can think of because anything else doesn't make sense considering "Fahrenhiet" is a term used pretty much exclusively by Americans.

EDIT: Just noticed the other thread about the game. D'oh. :P
The sex scenes have probably been cut for America because of the all the stuff that happened with GTA:SA and Hot Coffee.
Heh, the game's about brutally murdering someone, but oh noes! It has nudity, it's corrupting our young.

Not that I think in-game violence or sex has a profound affect on anyone.
Remember kid: "Horrific, deplorable violence is OK as long as people don't say any naughty words."
No it's, Remember kid: "Horrific, deplorable violence is OK as long as people don't say any naughty words."
^_^. I love south park.
Never saw that episode.

I was simply making it more accurate. The F-bomb was dropped a few times in Max Payne 2, and it didn't get torn apart by the media.
Never saw that episode.
It wasn't in any episode,
it was in The Movie
Said by Kyles Mom while the war between U.S. vs Canada was taking place.
Stigmata said:
Never saw that episode.

I was simply making it more accurate. The F-bomb was dropped a few times in Max Payne 2, and it didn't get torn apart by the media.

F-Bombs were dropped throughout the ENTIRE DURATION of The Suffering; Prison is Hell just about and no one has seemed to have been pissed about it, especially with Midway's history of nasty, disgusting, foul-mouthed, yet awesome games (except NARC which I heard got the shiznit torn from it on a morning show).

OFF-TOPIC: And speaking of, is The Suffering:The Ties that Bind any good?:cheers: