game_text entity



i cannot get the game_text entity to work (in HL2: DM) ive tried a logic_timer and a func_button. i outputed "ontimer" to "display" from the logic_timer to the game_text and "onpressed" to "display" from the butotn to the game_text and i can't seem to get it working. any help here. i never did set a master for the game_text is that maditory? if so what king of entity should i use?
masters are legacy keyvalues I think.

You just need a text and a position for it and then a trigger. So it should really be working for you. Could you show us a screen of the settings? And does your map compile properly?
my map compiles fine, and i got it to work with a button. but when i use a logic_timer it doesnt work. but i never tried my logic_timer on antyhing else so i will try it on somthing else to see if it triggers so i know its not the logic_timer malfunction.