Gameplay Issue ( DirectX, wise )


Nov 18, 2004
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Recently I've been having a problem with ALL HL2 Modifications. Whenever I change my directX level, the gameplay gets really choppy. TO begin when enter servers, it takes like 20 seconds to be able to choose from the menu ( CT vs T ), and when I do chose, it'll take 10 more seconds until I spawn, lagging hard in between those seconds. Once I actually spawn, the gameplay will be fine for a split second, however, whenever I move my crosshair, it gets really sketchy, continuing.

The only DirectX that seems to work without this problem is 8/8.1 with hl2.exe . Any other game does fine.

I have DXl9 Installed, and I've tried re-installing. Here are my system specs:

AMD Athlon XP 2800 @ 2.08 GHZ ( no OC )
1024 MB Corsair Value Select 2700 RAM ( No OC, sometimes timings, however, that shouldn't affect it -- I took off to see if it is the problem; it isn't. - )
Chaintech 6600 GT 128 MB GDDR3 Memory, clocked at defaults, however, Sometimes I OC to 550 MHZ/ 1.1 GHZ ( This doesn't cause problems, because it happens either way ) -- With most recent drivers
Seagate 80 GIG 7200 RPM HD - Standard

There you go, if you know about the problem, or have experienced it yourself, please post. If you need more information to resolve this problem, just ask - I'll be more than happy to provide :)
Going through the motions here:
I'd suggest turning all your graphics settings to low (including bloom/HDR off) - You can further this by setting mat_picmip 4 in console
set it to run in windowed mode (or fullscreen if you were windowed).
Could be a sound setting so make sure all your sound settings are fine.

Only other thing is uninstall/reinstall. But that would take ages.
Nope. I got nothing yet, however, I'll get to trying #2's method out :)