

May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Today was the first time I tried to log onto xbox live in over a month. I have been busing playing good games for a change on the computer. Rainbow 6 on xbox live was sweet so I decided I would buy black arrow. I tried to log onto xbox live and I get this message that states I must change my gamertag along with xbox live policy.
I called customer service and they told me that because so many people were making copies of my name. For instance my name is "Black Eye" People were doing stuff like "BlackEye" "B1ack 3y3" "b1aCk 3Ye" and stuff like that.
I had my xbox live acount since 2 years ago (I participated in the xbox live beta) They are making me change my name (which is stupid because I had it first) On the upside they said because of this they will give me 12 months of free service and a project gothem racing 2. (I already have it though) Aparantly alot of the other people were getting 12 free months......
Just thought I would tell you guys becaue this is stupid.

Now I need to think of another name. Anyone got any ideas?
Hmmm i know every 1's internet aka is important 2 them but i'd take the 12 months and free game tho.
And its only for the xbox so u can still have ur blackeye name for the pc.

How about browneye?
Hmmm i know every 1's internet aka is important 2 them but i'd take the 12 months and free game tho.
I have no choice. They said I can not use xbox live untill I change my name

lol no browneye.
call me weird but the first thing i though of was someone taking a shit in someones eye.

If you think mine is the best, thank me by sending me Project Gotham Racing 2. :cheers:
Calhoun how the hell have you got 300+ posts when you only joined this month?
you been on a posting mission or something?