Games crash to desktop... HELP!


Apr 14, 2004
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I'm trying to play NFSUnderground and HALO, and sometimes, after a few minutes, sometimes after several minutes the game crashes to desktop and sometimes even restarts the machine....

I already tried the following solutions:

- Got all updated drives (video, chipset, audio, you name it!)
- Closed all the windows processes
- Got the latest DX
- I even got a new psu(450w), thinking maybe it was the case...

But there was nou use...

Here's my specs(I just built it):

AMD Athlon XP 2600+ Barton 2,0Ghz
MoBo MSI K7N2 Delta nForce 2 ultra
160 GB HD
Ops, forgot: RADEON 9800 PRO

Can anyone PLEASE help me?!
I had the same problem before, and it was a because i had to little power in my computer, you might try lending a new motherboard from someone you know and trusts you :)
I don't think I quite get you, you mean I should get a more powerful psu, and change my MoBo, is that right?
You should lend a new power supply unit before trying to lend a new mobo.
What os are you running?

And is your bios setup correctly? Do you have adaquate cooling? Your system could be overheating and then crashing.
Well, make that a last resort. I'd check first to make sure its not something else. I had a few similar problems that were fixed by going into my display settings and turning off VPU recover.
Well, thats a start, thx for the help!

Please, Can anyone add aomething??!!!!
Hazar Dakiri said:
What os are you running?

And is your bios setup correctly? Do you have adaquate cooling? Your system could be overheating and then crashing.

Got Win XP Home edition, I think the BIOS is correct, now... about the heating ... I'm not sure... my cpu is working at 50-55ºC, but I dont know the Vid Card Temp...
Direwolf said:
Well, make that a last resort. I'd check first to make sure its not something else. I had a few similar problems that were fixed by going into my display settings and turning off VPU recover.

Sorry Kind of a noob here, what's vpu recover?

Never mind, Goi it, I'll try it...
450 Watt power supply is enough for any gaming machine on the planet right now.

- When did this problem start? When you got new hardware? New software? The more specific you are, the easier it will be to diagnois your problem.
- Do you have antivirus software installed on your computer?
- Have you scanned for spy/adaware?
- What temperture is your processor running at?
- Turn off your computer and go into your case and make sure everything is properly plugged in. Make sure all of your IDE and power cables are properly secured into their respective slots. You may also want to reseat your video card and RAM.

*Disclaimer, becareful when you do this. Do not touch components when your computer is running*

- Go in to your computer case, while it is running and make sure your video card fan and CPU fan is running.
blahblahblah said:
450 Watt power supply is enough for any gaming machine on the planet right now.

- When did this problem start? When you got new hardware? New software?
The more specific you are, the easier it will be to diagnois your problem.

Well, basically, evreything is new (2 weeks since I built it), and the problem is there since I built the PC

- Do you have antivirus software installed on your computer?

Yes, but I turned it off to test, and crashed even though

- Have you scanned for spy/adaware?


- What temperture is your processor running at?

From 50 to 55ºC

- Turn off your computer and go into your case and make sure everything is properly plugged in. Make sure all of your IDE and power cables are properly secured into their respective slots. You may also want to reseat your video card and RAM.

Everything is where it should be

*Disclaimer, becareful when you do this. Do not touch components when your computer is running*

- Go in to your computer case, while it is running and make sure your video card fan and CPU fan is running.

Both are running
- Does this happen only in games? If so, try going to ATI's drivers page and download and install some older drivers for your video card here (those drivers are for Windows XP).

- Do you have all windows updates installed?
- Download adaware and spybot to check for adaware on your computer.
- Download Memtest86 to check your RAM.
blahblahblah said:
- Does this happen only in games? If so, try going to ATI's drivers page and download and install some older drivers for your video card here (those drivers are for Windows XP).

Yes, well it happened just once with a 9800 series screen saver...

- Do you have all windows updates installed?


- Download adaware and spybot to check for adaware on your computer.
- Download Memtest86 to check your RAM.

Gonna download those
Yeah, I'm not sure if its "proper", Since it is the fisrt computaer I built... I'll check it better, but this maybe "the" problem or at least "a" problem....
They problem may lie with your videocard and motherboard. Sometimes Motherboards and videocards don't agree, or, the game does not support that videocard...but that's probably not the case. It could also be a problem with OpenGL.
My guess is that your system is overheating, get motherboard monitor. Or put another fan, it will help alot.