Games for Windows Live and Gamerscore

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Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
I have an xbox live account and have 4409G points. Now I was playing Dawn of War 2 and logged into Games for Windows Live in Offline mode. I unlcoked some achiemements, thinkg about 20G worth.

I then exited Dawn of War 2 and loaded Games for Windows Live through Start > Programs. I logged into the online version but the achievemnts I unlocked did not get uploaded to my gamertag

Are games for windows live and xbox live not connected in anyway? Im sure they are coz I sue the same username and password for both and GFWL shows my gamertag, avatar and gamperpoints too
you played in offline the **** would your achievement have been uploaded then?
Can you read?

"I then exited Dawn of War 2 and loaded Games for Windows Live through Start > Programs. I logged into the online version but the achievemnts I unlocked did not get uploaded to my gamertag"
live achievements are stored online, so when you're playing offline they're not getting stored anywere...
dont think thats true, when on xbox 360 and ur playing offline and unlock an achieveent, it gets uploaded as soon as u go back online. The same should happen for GFWL otherwise its useless offline.
Why be offline in the first place and why give a shit about achievements?
1. Its not a legit copy

2. Achievements are there to measure how good a gamer you are, so yes give a shit
If it's not a legit copy of any game we are not not supposed to help.

I believe that when your offline it creates an offline profile for you, in most games it should tell you that you won't get achievement's and you must be online to get them. Also if you don't register your game with GFWL then it classes you as not owning it and you can't get achievements.

Since when do achievements measure how good a gamer you are? All it means is that you are lame enough to try and get them all just to show off how awesome your are. Then again most people who do care about achievement's are the ones that put their PC Specs in their sig.
Firstly u can eat sh1t and die Mikael (havent u already been banned before?)

Secodnly the achievments get stored on an onfile profile, you can then run GFWL through Start > Program and sine in, this should then upload the contents of the offline profile to the online profile

And about achievments, if you unlock an echievemnt for killing 5 orks with a single grenade it shows you skilled... so yes there is a point to achievments. Why do you think Sony nicked the idea with their Trophy system? Another example people who have completed halo 3 on legendary mode, shows ur really good at that game.
Like EVERYONE else on here has legit games too, gimme a break. Ive bought it anyway, ?35 off STEAM and its only ?25 from Amazon, whats that all about!!??

I buy all my games, if you bought it from either Steam or Amazon how isn't it legit? ....right
Let me break it down for you

I first downlaoded a cracked copy to see if I would like it > i liked it > bought a retail copy through Steam
So why didn't you just play the legit version to get your achievements?

Edit: anyway, no help for your cracked games here.
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