I have a problem where roughly every 5-20 minutes my computer switches back to the desktop, this happens in Halflife 2 and Battlefield 1942 (and probably other games...) - Its very annoying and often seems to happen at critical game moments. I run a virus scanner and firewall and anti spyware stuff regularly and it all checks out ok - so I'm kinda stumped. Anyone had this problem or knows whats causing it? - it's highly annoying....
Other than that Halflife 2 is the dogs knackers, ahem.
Intel P4 2.53 Mhz, 1 gig of PC2100 ram, Geforce 6600 GT AGP with the latest (non beta drivers), Audigy 2, 10 gig of free HDD space, Windows XP Home
Other than that Halflife 2 is the dogs knackers, ahem.
Intel P4 2.53 Mhz, 1 gig of PC2100 ram, Geforce 6600 GT AGP with the latest (non beta drivers), Audigy 2, 10 gig of free HDD space, Windows XP Home