Games worth buying for PC?


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
I've pretty much been a console gamer my entire life. I bought a video card for my PC so I could play HL-2, but haven't had fun with any other game except HL2, WoW, and MoH on my PC.

Could someone please tell me what games that are worth buying for PC? I'm not looking for a bloated list of games that got good reviews, just some memorable games that you had a lot of fun playing on your PC.

Im not concerend with graphics I just want a game that is fun as hell.

I'll check out their reviews if you could list some games that are available now that you recommend.

Preferably games from the past 6 years or less

For PC I already own:

Doom collectors edition
Quake 2
MoH all of them except the newest one
CoD + expansion
Max Payne 2
Silent Hill 3
Deus Ex invisible war
World of Warcraft
Arx Fatalis
Rome TW
Alpha Centauri
Civ 4
Warcraft 3
Unreal Tournament 2004
Half-life and expansions

Back on topic, Starwars: Rebublic Commando
Battle Field 2
Unreal Tournament 2004
Age of Empires 1 + 2
You owe it to yourself to play Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate 2 + expansions. Easily two of the best games ever made and 2 of the finest rpgs money can buy.

The Fallout series was superb, but getting on a little bit these days. Neverwinter Nights and expansions are more modern, and well worth investigating.
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Alien vs Predator 2
You Don't Know Jack (Funny Triva game series)
Doom 3 Expansion
Star Wars : Jedi Knight series (Dark Forces 2 + Outcast especially)
Serious Sam + Second Encounter
Kingpin : Life of Crime
GTA : San Andreas
Operation Flashpoint
Rune + Expansion
LotR : Battle for Middle Earth
Giants : Citizen Kabuto
No One Lives Forever + Sequel
Black and White 2 <-- very addictive.
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Quake 4
Battlefield 2

I can't think of any >_<
Warbie said:
You owe it to yourself to play Planescape Torment and Baldur's Gate 2 + expansions. Easily two of the best games ever made and 2 of the finest rpgs money can buy.

The Fallout series was superb, but getting on a little bit these days. Neverwinter Nights and expansions are more modern, and well worth investigating.

I beat baldur's gate 1 and 2 on PS2 and xbox and found them to be quite short and lackluster, but definately fun

I don't like MMORPG's anymore I find 99% of the people to be selfish asshats. not that i can really talk, im pretty much an asshole and have over 15,000g on WoW. :)
xlucidx said:
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Alien vs Predator 2
You Don't Know Jack (Funny Triva game series)
Doom 3 Expansion
Star Wars : Jedi Knight series (Dark Forces 2 + Outcast especially)
Serious Sam + Second Encounter
Kingpin : Life of Crime
GTA : San Andreas
Operation Flashpoint
Rune + Expansion
LotR : Battle for Middle Earth
Giants : Citizen Kabuto
No One Lives Forever + Sequel

I would also suggest:
Rise of Nations + X Pack
Quake 4
Swat 4
French Ninja said:
Yesh. It's loads of fun in multiplayer :D (You can tazer VIPs :p)

Probably already said, but you should play the ultimate classics too :
-Doom 1&2
-Duke Nukem 3D
-Command & Conquer (None of that Generals crap, though)
VirusType2 said:
I beat baldur's gate 1 and 2 on PS2 and xbox and found them to be quite short and lackluster, but definately fun

Those are action RPGs. Baldur's Gate on PC is a more traditional RPG. And much better.
DeusExMachinia said:
Those are action RPGs. Baldur's Gate on PC is a more traditional RPG. And much better.
And much harder :|

Tip : Stay the hell away from hawt women in that game, they'll kill you
i am surprised that Starcraft and Diablo games 1 & 2 have not been mentioned yet.
they are kinda old but they play so well for the PC that those are three games which a PC gamer at least needs to give a try.
anyway there are some really neat games listed by others but these Blizzard games are ones of a different genre and a change of pace.
No Dawn of War? That is one of the best RTS I've ever played.
Dawn of War
Fable: The Lost Chapters
Rome: Total War
Battlefield 2
Age of Empires 2 (havent played 3 so cant comment on it)
Splinter Cell 3: Chaos Theory (really recommend this one)

EDIT: Oh you only played Deus Ex: Invisible War? You will DEFINATELY want to get the original. Seriously if you like arx fatalis then the original deus ex should be just to your liking. Dont expect it to be like the sequal though... the sequal is rubbish in comparison.
I beat baldur's gate 1 and 2 on PS2 and xbox and found them to be quite short and lackluster, but definately fun

Forget you ever played that. Those games aren't even real Baldur's Gate games. Just the developer being an idiot licensing their world and name to some crappy hack and slash game in order to boost sales.
HOSTILE WATERS HOSTILE WATERS HOSTILE WATERS Darwinia! Darwinia! Rome: Total War. Planescape: Torment. Operation Flashpoint, Operation Flashpoint. System Shock 2. System Shock 2. Thief 3. Thief 3. Thief 3. The MOVIES. HOSTILE WATERS. Darwinia! Operation Flashpoint! Thief 3! Darwinia! Thief 3! Rome: Total War! Thief 3! Darwinia! HOSTILE WATERS! Thief 3! Darwinia! HOSTILE WATERS! HOSTILE WATERS! System Shock 2! Darwinia! Thief 3! HOSTILE WATERS! Operation flashpoint! HOSTILE WATERS! Darwinia! HOSTILE WATERS!
Sulkdodds said:
HOSTILE WATERS HOSTILE WATERS HOSTILE WATERS Darwinia! Darwinia! Rome: Total War. Planescape: Torment. Operation Flashpoint, Operation Flashpoint. System Shock 2. System Shock 2. Thief 3. Thief 3. Thief 3. The MOVIES. HOSTILE WATERS. Darwinia! Operation Flashpoint! Thief 3! Darwinia! Thief 3! Rome: Total War! Thief 3! Darwinia! HOSTILE WATERS! Thief 3! Darwinia! HOSTILE WATERS! HOSTILE WATERS! System Shock 2! Darwinia! Thief 3! HOSTILE WATERS! Operation flashpoint! HOSTILE WATERS! Darwinia! HOSTILE WATERS!

Hey, What about Darwinia! :laugh:
VirusType2 said:
I beat baldur's gate 1 and 2 on PS2 and xbox and found them to be quite short and lackluster, but definately fun

We're talking about completely different games/genre ;)
Psychonauts I can not emphesize enough how good this game is. there is a demo, try it. Hell for all I care warez it, just try it for crying out loud.
Battlefield 2
Kotor 1 & 2
PoP:sands of time
PoP:warrior within
PoP: the two trones( it's probably gonna kick ass)
Planescape torment

Also get an gba emulator and play zelda:the minish cap, mario and luigi superstar saga and Metroid:fusion.
VirusType2 said:
I beat baldur's gate 1 and 2 on PS2 and xbox and found them to be quite short and lackluster, but definately fun

I don't like MMORPG's anymore I find 99% of the people to be selfish asshats. not that i can really talk, im pretty much an asshole and have over 15,000g on WoW. :)
EQ2 has a really good community.