Games you should NOT have played!?


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Just to be the opposite of the other thread, name some games that you shouldn't have/shouldn't ever play

Deer Hunter series
Evil Dead games
Jet Set Radio
Any Sega Racing Game
Ninja Gaiden (Not a bad game, just hard as HELL!)
I don't think I played any game that I did not like for more than an hour.
Yeah, those "mojar leage" baseball games suck... but the Major League Baseball games aren't bad. :LOL:
Er, forgot title, but it said "Your Winner!" when you won..... :|
15357 said:
Er, forgot title, but it said "Your Winner!" when you won..... :|
*"You're Winner!"

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
Ugh, I really hated the first installment of Baldurs Gate, that game sucked. It was just too easy to get killed. I hated it.
The sims.

I have never seen such a bad game in my life. In fact I am going to go wash my eyes out with paint remover just to cleanse them from the filth that is the sims.
If you try and make me put some trash in the trashcan, I'm throwing a bottle at your head...
That's a tough one. I never played a game that didn't, at least a little, add to my over all game experience. Some games that aren't worth playing are the first series of "quarter crunchers" that came out in, what, the early '90s? Games that were intentionally too difficult to play but always let you continue (once manufacturere figured out that these made more money) were awful. Some of them you could beat if you got really good, but some were designed to destroy you. Star Blazer was one I remember in particular. Flight simulators in which you don't fly, but the path is predetermined and your point of view is predetermined as well are the worst. You point and shoot whatever swings into your point of view, which is scripted. Eww!

there are more but im scared of people flaming me a harsh critic.
Glirk Dient said:
The sims.

I have never seen such a bad game in my life. In fact I am going to go wash my eyes out with paint remover just to cleanse them from the filth that is the sims.

ditto. that goes for Beach Life too. :angel:
Everquest (and any other MMORPG for that matter)...while it was a very well developed game, it was a massive time sink for me, oh yeah and Superman 64.
Classic 2D games that make the conversion to 3D.

The Lemmings series and the Worms series suffer from this. They even tried it with Tetris too.

3D Puzzle games tend to suck.
joule said:
*"You're Winner!"

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
That is one of the best games out there. How can you NOT play it?! D:

If a game makes me laugh to tears, then it's an A++ in my book, no matter what.
xcellerate said:
Diablo II ... it's like crack ...

If you mean addicting, then amen to that :upstare:

On the whole sims thing, I have the Sims for PS2, and multiplayer can be something me and my friends stay up till the wee hours playing. It can be insanely addicting.

I agree though, single player is a sampling of Hells Sewers.
Unreal 2: the Awakening
Deus Ex: Invisible War
The Sims

I got far less enjoyment out of those games than I got disappointment.
joule said:
*"You're Winner!"

Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing

Exactly, I was going to say that.


Enter the Matrix
Armor Command
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
LOTR: Fellowship of the ring (nothing to do with the EA Games franchise)
Jet Set Radio??!!

You can't be serious, that game is awesome.
Silent Hill 4. Not a *bad* game as such, but extremely dissapointing none the less. I'd rather have imagined Silent Hill 4 didn't happen.
wayne white said:
dungeon lords

amen to that. buggiest game ive ever played. not to mention there were just parts of the game that simply weren't there. ugh makes me angry just thinking about it.
Final Fantasy series
Chrono Trigger
Doom 1 & 2
Half-Life 1 & 2
Silent Hunter 3
Duke Nukem
Call of Duty
Battlefield 1942 - 2
Medal of Honor
Anything on the SNES / NES / N64
All XBOX games
All Playstation games
Deus Ex
Quake 1 - 3
Unreal Tournament 99 - 2004

Ugh such terrible games.
Um.. Psychotoxic, Singles, Deus Ex: Invisible Wars, Empire Earth 2 and Enter The Matrix.
Empire: Dawn of the Modern World :|
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness :x
Aww, why does everyone hate Invisible War? :p It was a great game, even if it didn't equal the origonal.

I should never have played WoW. Now I can't stop...